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#1 Jun 08, 2018 9:58 PM
- Stormy
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Unused/rare animations in Spyro 2
Not sure if everyone's seen this already, but I thought it was pretty interesting:
My favorite is probably the meowing Hunter.
#2 Jun 08, 2018 11:06 PM
- Twingo
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Re: Unused/rare animations in Spyro 2
there's some cool stuff in there
#3 Jun 09, 2018 10:43 PM
- Gekoncze
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Re: Unused/rare animations in Spyro 2
I've seen lot of those, I like the star one the most
Last edited by Gekoncze (Jun 09, 2018 10:44 PM)
#4 Jun 10, 2018 1:04 AM
- 36IStillLikeSpyro36
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Re: Unused/rare animations in Spyro 2
i'm 99% sure that i've seen:
1) that Idol Springs animation where he uses that paper as a telescope
2) the Crystal Glacier animation where he picks his nose
3) the Metropolis robot rattling his suitcase
and i could have SWORN i once saw a Sunny Beach starfish with a frowny face once, when i flamed it. either, i haven't been able to replicate it since, or they do frown when you flame them, and i just haven't been able to get the right angle. i wonder, though, if it was in the process of doing this animation.
i wonder if some of the enemy laughing animations might happen when they kill you? like the (cow? pig?) with the laser in Metropolis. i've never died from one of those enemies. unlikely, but just throwing ideas out there. if i am wrong and those animations are unused in the game, i would assume it's because enemies laughing at you is annoying and there were enough enemies that did that in the Spyro series
it would have been cool to have some of these in-game though. like yeah it would have been a bit distracting to, for example, have the penguins in Winter Tundra randomly squawking, but that also could have been cool. more immersive, i guess, like the frogs croaking in Summer Forest.
Hunter's meowing is... lol!
i don't know what i would have done if the hippo in Shady Oasis would have started yelling like that O.o that probably would have freaked me out a bit.
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