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#151 Jan 06, 2010 5:48 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I am sure Activision will come around. They did say that they are going to do market research before making a new Spyro and Crash game. I am not sure it is possible for them to seperate old Crash and new Crash however, unless they make a "Legend of Crash Bandicoot" and an old-school platformer in the same year...

I really expected Spyro ETD to be a Year of the Dragon clone. Crash Bandicoot WOC was an exact clone of Crash Bandicoot 3 (just with slightly better graphics - the critics even compared it to Jak & Daxter) and it was a nice goodbye to the original gameplay.

I expected Spyro ETD to have smaller levels but more of them. I wanted four home worlds and the same exact type of levels. When I first played it, I first thought that the gem count was 70,000. I looked more closely and I noticed that it was 7,000. And there was only 9 levels.

Still, like the Sonic Team, Activision are not saying anything about Spyro or Crash yet. Which means possibly:

1). Either they are planning to seperate TLOS and the original Spyro.

2). Or maybe they are working overtime on the next TLOS to make it a great hit.

Either are equally likely to happen. Activision would receive a lot of money if they go for the first option. It is a recession and developers are inclined to make the most money as possible. Insomniac developed on two franchises this generation (and Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch said that they are keen to come back to their PS2 franchises as well). Oh, and Activision should port a PC Spyro release one day. Just saying. wink

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#152 Jan 06, 2010 7:18 PM

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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Or maybe they're not making a Spyro game at all.

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#153 Jan 06, 2010 7:30 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#154 Jan 06, 2010 8:02 PM

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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Yes, maybe you should e-mail.

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#155 Jan 06, 2010 8:55 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
Posts: 213
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I clicked over the Spyro brand section on Activision's website and it said "Page Not Found"...  o_O

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#156 Jan 06, 2010 8:56 PM

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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

That's weird. Try again.

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#157 Jan 07, 2010 9:22 AM

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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

In my world, I believe that there are many, many ideas that are waiting to be created; by inspiration, renewing an old idea, or just by accident.


#158 Jan 07, 2010 10:18 AM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
Posts: 213
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Yeah, ISO. Jak & Daxter got to rest for three years before having another game. But Activision did put out a Crash Bandicoot mobile game last year (actually it is a sub-section of Activision - Vivendi Games Mobile), which was very well received by many critics.

Looks like we are in for a long wait...

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#159 Jan 08, 2010 5:08 AM

From: Inside your computer
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Interesting... this thread has gone to a "Joining of Two dimensional Spyro games" to "TLOS IS TEH SUXOORSS!!!!1111!" <_< ... tongue

W/e, anyway... Ratchet... if you recall in TLOS: ANB, Ignitus and the other Dragon Elders are capable of looking into that pool portal that allowed them to see other places even in the future if I'm not mistaken. Do you think that this kind of technology was used for the portal system in the original games? If you recall you got to see the BG in each world when you went through the portals and then later ended up there.

Also... for the TLOS crap... I've said it before and I'll say it again. The thing that ticks me off the most was that TLOS changed Spyro's personality... I would have tolerated the monotonous gameplay, low budget story, and over the top cliche's if they would have kept the original personality. Its one thing by changing the gameplay, but changing the personality... ugh, just ugh.


#160 Jan 08, 2010 3:16 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

What I noticed as well that the Sorceress stole dragon eggs on the "Year of the Dragon". The Dark Master did the same exact thing, on the same exact zodiac year. Maybe what the Dark Master did was repeated by countless thieves that you see in Spyro 1 and 3.

The Dark Master wanted to eliminate all of the dragons (correct me if I'm wrong here) while Gnasty Gnorc, Ripto and the Sorceress all had similar intentions. Maybe they decided to finish the Dark Master's dirty work, either by command or by pure hatred of dragons.

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#161 Jan 09, 2010 1:59 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#162 Jan 16, 2010 1:56 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#163 Jan 19, 2010 7:34 PM

From: U.S. State of Maine
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#164 Jan 20, 2010 9:52 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

It would be too easy for me to start a debate with you, Darkfury, But this is not what this topic is about, and not what i am trying to achieve. However, I appreciate your opinion, I just dont want to start another debate.
Mainly what i am trying to get in this topic is that if they chooses to go back to the originals, theres nothing stopping them from connecting the series. Not too hard, not too stupid, its easy. After all, a fan could do it. The plotholes help the people making the game solve them, plotholes help build the story.

Again, Darkfury, I dont agree with most of the things you said, but i wont start an argument


#165 Jan 20, 2010 11:45 AM

From: U.S. State of Maine
Registered: Jan 19, 2010
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Yeah I didn't want to start one. I just wanted to voice my opinion. I'm just saying that most of the people I know liked the new ones better. And your right, it would be easy and would make sense, but I don't think thats what they plan to do.

Sorry if I seem like an original hater, Im far from it. I just found the new ones funner to play and had a better story. Even if there are a lot of similaritys between DOTD and The Lord Of The Rings hahahahahahaha(Im not the only one who sees that right??)

Anyway yes I like your idea. Well thought out.


#166 Jan 20, 2010 7:15 PM

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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I respect your opinion, Darkfury, but I disagree with you. What's a bad game to one could be a great game for another, but to me IGN, GameSpot and top critics like that decide whether the game is good or not overall. And the original Spyro triumphs.

It seems you like short games, and that's just you, but I like games that don't take two hours to finish and actually give you some thinking to do. And they did have a real story - and a more original one that TLoS at that. It kind of annoys me that, because the originals focused more on gameplay (i.e. the whole point of a video game) than story everybody says it has 'no story'. I mean, the first game was lacking somewhat but it WAS the first. In the second one, a faraway land was being terrorised and Spyro had to stop him as well as get back to his own world in the process. That's a story, if you ask me. And it did have emotion. The characters were much more lovable than they are in TLoS.

I completely disagree with you on the last part. The originals had tons of replay value - after I'd got every single thing and every skill point, I'd play through it again. DotD...I don't know why, but it's just so...boring to play through again.

But you know, you're just you and I'm just me. I think that the originals are better but we all have our own opinions, right? smile

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#167 Jan 20, 2010 7:24 PM

From: U.S. State of Maine
Registered: Jan 19, 2010
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Yeah. ROFL. When it gets right down to it, opinions are like buttholes, we've all got 'em and most of them are crappy. wink
Hahahaha, you can thank a friend of mine for that. He should be joining soon. He all out loves TLOS so don't be surprised when his posts flame everything else, hahaha he has ETD and hates it compaired to DOTD.

Idk maybe my opinions spawn from me not playing all the original games, and not ever getting to play any of them (except for the 3rd and a heros tail) half as much as I wanted to. I should buy all of them to play on my ps2. I can easyly get the GBA and DS spin-offs. Ive got an AceKard2 for my DS.


#168 Jan 20, 2010 9:48 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
Posts: 213
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

And I am sitting on the fence here. I think that TLOS needs improving - Spyro and Sparx should show other emotions like crying for instance. The developers should look at Final Fantasy and see how an epic story is mixed with epic gameplay.

Anyway, where did the Rhynocs come from? That is one thing I don't get. Where they could have been hiding in TLOS, ratchet?

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#169 Jan 22, 2010 6:45 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#170 Jan 22, 2010 11:44 AM

From: U.S. State of Maine
Registered: Jan 19, 2010
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

Yeah, I figured that the spin-offs sucked. Hahahaha.


#171 Jan 23, 2010 12:51 AM

From: In your head, Tormenting you.
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#172 Jan 23, 2010 4:53 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#173 Jan 23, 2010 9:25 AM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I always wondered why there were gnorcs running the attractions in Dragon Shores...

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#174 Jan 25, 2010 6:35 PM

From: In your head, Tormenting you.
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals


#175 Feb 01, 2010 9:42 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
Posts: 213
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Re: Solving Unanswered Spyro Questions and Connecting TLOS to the Originals

I always wondered about the gnorcs in Spyro 2. Maybe they were converts from the bad side. I don't know.

Oh, I have also established a reputation online for my game mods. I plan to seriously resurrect the original Spyro gameplay (I am reading books about working in C++). But the coding seems difficult to put on a compiler program. For example, having the guidebook/atlas thing - possibly would need 1,000 lines of code for 25 levels. This is getting off-topic and anyway, I still have not finished a sci-fi shooter that I am working on at the time of writing this post...

Back on topic, "Cinder" was a dragonfly in ETD and resembles very much the name "Cynder". Coincidence, no? Or, maybe because it is a synonym to "Ember". hmm

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


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