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#1 Feb 15, 2014 4:50 PM

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Best and Worst Things About DotD

Okay, I know DotD gets a lot of hate around here (still haven't played it, so I'm remaining neutral), but I'm hoping this will get some discussion going since the almighty random number generator had decided that this is the current featured game.

So, what were your favorite and least favorite things about this game? Try to name at least one for both.


#2 Feb 15, 2014 6:47 PM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

the game is already a few years old, how come you never played it YET YOURE THE GLOBAL MODERATOR OF THIS FORUM!

best thing: better ending then ive seen from battlefield. or saints row. or other mainstream games.

worst thing: theres no sequel.



#3 Feb 15, 2014 7:03 PM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

I've been a moderator on this forum since before the LoS series even existed. tongue There are a couple reasons I haven't played it; first of all I wasn't a huge fan of the first two LoS games, so I wasn't exactly in a rush to get the third one when it came out; and secondly the PS3 version is still really expensive for a six-year-old game. I'm waiting for a good deal on a copy before I buy it.


#4 Feb 15, 2014 8:33 PM

Baby Dragon
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

It lacks of furry ;( I really liked that in eternal night big_smile
I liked the atmosphere in valleys of avalar ^.^


#5 Feb 16, 2014 12:41 AM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Best things: -The graphics. DAYM are they bright and pretty, great designs too.
-Good soundtrack
-Interesting environments
-Fairly cool enemies
-Flying, even if its only so much fun
-The different abilities are cool, i guess. Even if they dont offer much

Bad things:The characters. They're pretty bland. Spyro is a teenage girl trapped in a male dragons body, cynder is a moodswing hormone taken shape as a dragon magically.
-The story is...mehhh? I dont even remember much of it, but i do remember not being too invested in it.
-The gameplay. It's alright at best, but sometimes it just never kept me invested enough
-cynder. What i liked about new beginning was evil cynder and the mystery whimsy feel of the nice cynder in it, but then BAM eternal night hits, followed by dawn of the dragon and you get major angst, major hung upness, not to mention she doesnt offer much. But she does offer MEMEZ *shot* but seriously, she doesnt come to closure with her past, she snaps at spyro, shes rude to sparx, shes pretty boring.....what else can i say? Sure, she had like 2 or 3 nice gestures and behaviours, but the rest was annoying behaviour. Of course, no one is perfect, but cynder was going a little overboard, she almost seemed like an overexaggeration.
-Spyro. He's...pretty lame and generic. He has the personality of a table.

Just my opinion though *shrug* a lot of people will probably disagree with me on this, i dont know. I probably overexaggerated a little bit with the cons tongue

Last edited by Giganoto (Feb 16, 2014 12:41 AM)



#6 Feb 16, 2014 2:46 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Gekoncze wrote:

It lacks of furry ;( I really liked that in eternal night big_smile
I liked the atmosphere in valleys of avalar ^.^

do you mean "fury"?

and i agree, the Valley of Avalar is amazing.

- graphics.
- music. it has the beauty of The Eternal Night, but without the gloominess. it's more adventurous, more epic.

- Cynder's personality
- the inability of the characters to make decisions about anything.

Hidden text

"something is in our way. better not fly over it."
"we need to stand here and wait for Spyro and Cynder to run around for hours underground rather than chance that a gigantic rock creature will spot a few random dragons flying by."
"Sparx, we could fly over the Belt of Fire, but we decided not to. we need to have an emotional goodbye here."
"the only way to move the raft is to activate weighing things with stuff you find by getting a key from a guy and lajsgkljasfldjsag. don't even think about using your paws or your tails or your snout or your wind breath or activate the weighing things with your bodies or Earth attack or something."
"there's a fire. better run around town until we find buckets and meticulously throw them at the building. ice breath? no. that's not. *chest pound* the noble way."
"the end of the level is only a few steps away. better walk through the woods for a little bit first.* "
"can't fly over the trees either even though we just did, better knock down a tree."
"the golem is right there. better run around town a bit longer first. flying up to him? no. we've already been frozen for three years, clearly we don't have to rush *too* much."
"ANB: i'm too old to fight Cynder with you, Spyro. i'm sorry. DOTD: "GOLEM I'VE GOT IT I'VE GOT IT."
"we can see Malefor's castle outside of the forest. better go through a valley and a city and a volcanic area and a couple floating islands before we go after him."

Last edited by 36IStillLikeSpyro36 (Feb 07, 2016 3:32 AM)

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#7 Feb 16, 2014 4:54 AM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Am I the only friggin perosn who likes Cynder's personality. It's not good but I *bleep*in enjoy it more than Spyro/any other character. They tried. They their best and didn't succeed, to alter that Coldplay song.

Negatives? Oooh boy, do I have a list!

-Combat is bland and repetitive
-Story is every Fantasy shlockfest out there. I can't even play the cutscenes without cringing.
-The Golem is the first boss of GoWII. I am not even lying, look em both up, and watch them back to back. That is *bleep*in shameful.
-Malefor himself was kind of a dud imo. Way  more interested in his past than I am here.
-The game is brutally unfair at times and the elite enemies are *bleep*
-THE HALF-*bleep*ed ENDING.


-Music wasn't that bad
-Two player is fun as hell
-Some of the designs were cool. I did like Avalar.


all I got


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#8 Feb 16, 2014 4:03 PM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

The other characters do seem a little... personality-less, at least in ANB and TEN. If they at least tried to do something different with Cynder I'll give them points for that.

One thing I can say for sure is I don't like the character designs... especially Spyro. I got used to his new look in the first two LoS games, but for this design I don't think I ever will. It's just anatomically weird, and something about his face is just... I don't know, very off-putting.


#9 Feb 16, 2014 10:46 PM

From: Canada
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Yeah, i guess we have to give them that they TRIED with cynder, they did try something new. So ill give koodo points for trying



#10 Mar 04, 2014 7:51 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

I actually don't like how they changed Cynder's personality. In this game they make her feel more cliche than anything before. She feels awfully cheerleaderish.

The story is weak and cardboardish. They should have invested much more time in that, as in the other games they had that going for them.

The game tried to take itself too seriously. This got to the point that any sort of humor seemed outlandish.


#11 Mar 22, 2014 5:27 AM

Breaking Bad
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

who be cyndur?


Spyrorocks wrote:

DDR, so your sis hogs all the games? LOL

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#12 Apr 03, 2014 8:05 PM

The Black Shadow
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Dawn of the Dragon is my personal favorite out of the other two games, and I really enjoyed it.

-Having the ability to fly any time
-Being able to play with a friend (I had a lot of good times playing with a friend)
-The levels in themselves were beautifully made, especially Avalar. The words just felt realistic to me.
-The soundtrack was also quite nice, even if some of the older sound scores were reused from the previous games.

When it comes to the Wii and the PS2 version of the game, the graphics were not that impressive. Everything seemed to have a hazy and glowing effect going on, and the valley of Avalar was rather blinding. I'm not sure if the game is the problem or something else, because on an emulator the graphics look 100x better.

I know realistically there will be currents in the air, but these wind currents take away the ability to fly freely in some areas.

I personally don't have an issue with Cynder's personality, but what bothers me sometime is sometimes during gameplay Cynder (or even Spyro) can get in the way or get stuck.

Minor detail, but I wish Spyro and Cynder had the ability to swim. lol


One thing I can say for sure is I don't like the character designs... especially Spyro. I got used to his new look in the first two LoS games, but for this design I don't think I ever will. It's just anatomically weird, and something about his face is just... I don't know, very off-putting.

I like their designs, but I do agree that Spyro is oddly built. I mean, his overall body seems fine to me, but his hind legs bother me. Even if we seem him moving around on the screen, it just seems like walking would be difficult.

Last edited by The Black Shadow (Apr 03, 2014 8:29 PM)



#13 Apr 03, 2014 9:44 PM

From: United Kingdom
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Yeah, Emulators scale the PS2's Native 480p/i to your monitor's resolution. The old ancient PS2 could not handle the high resolutions and Emulators also offer the extra features like Anti-Aliasing which make the edges less jagged and more focused in a way.

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#14 May 10, 2014 9:09 PM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

I played DotD on PS2 and on PS3. Graphic on PS3 is much better than on PS2 but it's not such a big deal.
Things I like-The whooole story, it was really interesting for me. The graphic. You could play as Spyro and Cynder. Being able to play with other person. How the levels were made(I mean the designs, they were really beautiful). The ending, I really liked making rest of story of Cynder and Spyro with my sister :3 But still I would really like to know what would officialy happen x.x
Things I didn't like-Some levels were very long. On some levels when I finnaly killed all the enemies I didn't know where to go to get to next level xD Checkpoints. What else... Oh yeah, thing that was a bit irritating for me was that, that in Eternal Night and New Beggining Cynder was black/dark gray and in DotD she magically turned dark purple(or her colour is just changing while she's growing o3o). There's more things I like and don't like but don't have I time to write now x.x

I luv cats and tLoS o3o


#15 May 11, 2014 3:04 AM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

AksiPL wrote:

I played DotD on PS2 and on PS3. Graphic on PS3 is much better than on PS2 but it's not such a big deal.
Things I like-The whooole story, it was really interesting for me. The graphic. You could play as Spyro and Cynder. Being able to play with other person. How the levels were made(I mean the designs, they were really beautiful). The ending, I really liked making rest of story of Cynder and Spyro with my sister :3 But still I would really like to know what would officialy happen x.x
Things I didn't like-Some levels were very long. On some levels when I finnaly killed all the enemies I didn't know where to go to get to next level xD Checkpoints. What else... Oh yeah, thing that was a bit irritating for me was that, that in Eternal Night and New Beggining Cynder was black/dark gray and in DotD she magically turned dark purple(or her colour is just changing while she's growing o3o). There's more things I like and don't like but don't have I time to write now x.x

welcome to the site! smile

the graphics were beautiful! ^^ but yeah, why is Cynder purple?!

and i agree, some levels were too long, like the Ruins of Warfang. Twilight Falls should have been longer. ^^

i've never played this game with another person.

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#16 May 11, 2014 9:37 AM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

36IStillLikeSpyro36 wrote:
AksiPL wrote:

I played DotD on PS2 and on PS3. Graphic on PS3 is much better than on PS2 but it's not such a big deal.
Things I like-The whooole story, it was really interesting for me. The graphic. You could play as Spyro and Cynder. Being able to play with other person. How the levels were made(I mean the designs, they were really beautiful). The ending, I really liked making rest of story of Cynder and Spyro with my sister :3 But still I would really like to know what would officialy happen x.x
Things I didn't like-Some levels were very long. On some levels when I finnaly killed all the enemies I didn't know where to go to get to next level xD Checkpoints. What else... Oh yeah, thing that was a bit irritating for me was that, that in Eternal Night and New Beggining Cynder was black/dark gray and in DotD she magically turned dark purple(or her colour is just changing while she's growing o3o). There's more things I like and don't like but don't have I time to write now x.x

welcome to the site! smile

the graphics were beautiful! ^^ but yeah, why is Cynder purple?!

and i agree, some levels were too long, like the Ruins of Warfang. Twilight Falls should have been longer. ^^

i've never played this game with another person.

I've played through all the game on my PS2 with my sister (the "brilliant" sense of teamwork with your family xD) And i still can't find anything that might annoy me. I don't know why everybody hates their new designs. Actually i like them.

And because of this game's ending, whenever i hear "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)" i cry like a beaver ;_;

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#17 May 11, 2014 10:38 AM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

CuttingEdge wrote:
36IStillLikeSpyro36 wrote:
AksiPL wrote:

I played DotD on PS2 and on PS3. Graphic on PS3 is much better than on PS2 but it's not such a big deal.
Things I like-The whooole story, it was really interesting for me. The graphic. You could play as Spyro and Cynder. Being able to play with other person. How the levels were made(I mean the designs, they were really beautiful). The ending, I really liked making rest of story of Cynder and Spyro with my sister :3 But still I would really like to know what would officialy happen x.x
Things I didn't like-Some levels were very long. On some levels when I finnaly killed all the enemies I didn't know where to go to get to next level xD Checkpoints. What else... Oh yeah, thing that was a bit irritating for me was that, that in Eternal Night and New Beggining Cynder was black/dark gray and in DotD she magically turned dark purple(or her colour is just changing while she's growing o3o). There's more things I like and don't like but don't have I time to write now x.x

welcome to the site! smile

the graphics were beautiful! ^^ but yeah, why is Cynder purple?!

and i agree, some levels were too long, like the Ruins of Warfang. Twilight Falls should have been longer. ^^

i've never played this game with another person.

I've played through all the game on my PS2 with my sister (the "brilliant" sense of teamwork with your family xD) And i still can't find anything that might annoy me. I don't know why everybody hates their new designs. Actually i like them.

And because of this game's ending, whenever i hear "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)" i cry like a beaver ;_;

Same here too, I did not find much to hate about them.

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#18 Jun 17, 2014 1:42 PM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

I think it's good game but it seems kind of unbalanced at some points. Some of the elite enemies are ridiculously overpowered. The animations are nice. The grabbing and slaming of enemies is fun. The lack of humour and the fact that Spyro has become a boring generic hero in this game is sad. The graphics are sweet i think. I really enjoyed playing Cynder and yes the flying part specifically in the valley of Avalar was fun.


#19 Jun 18, 2014 11:01 AM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

olovski wrote:

The lack of humour and the fact that Spyro has become a boring generic hero in this game is sad.

You have to remember that TLoS Spyro isn't that Mohawk cocky Spyro that we saw from the PS1 era. They wanted to shape him as a hero from the beginning, hence the subtle humor (I can only think of the Floating Islands intro as the only humorous one).

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#20 Jun 19, 2014 5:01 AM

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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

LocoGuy107 wrote:
olovski wrote:

The lack of humour and the fact that Spyro has become a boring generic hero in this game is sad.

You have to remember that TLoS Spyro isn't that Mohawk cocky Spyro that we saw from the PS1 era. They wanted to shape him as a hero from the beginning, hence the subtle humor (I can only think of the Floating Islands intro as the only humorous one).

Shaping a character that people liked the way they were into a serious and shy (and badly voice acted) character does not bode well for fans of said original character. I liked the original Spyro much better, because his personality was relatable, and matched the game's tone well. Also, the structure of your sentence confuses me. We do remember that TLoS Spyro is not the "Mohawk cocky Spyro," however, even if someone did not, they wouldn't say "oh, now I like this character because I know that it isn't the same." I dunno. I'm feeling nitpicky.

Swaffy wrote:

I'm not sorry if I offended you.


#21 Jun 20, 2014 4:16 PM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

Yeah, TLoS Spyro is a different character entirely.

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#22 Sep 28, 2014 5:10 AM

From: Australia
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Re: Best and Worst Things About DotD

I never played any of the original Spyro games, so I have no opinion when it comes to comparisons. But I've played TLoS trilogy, and enjoyed them. Dawn of the Dragon is my favourite of the three. I liked the designs, most of the music, and how you can switch between dragons. Flying was a major plus! Some of the control mechanics were not the best, and the Elites were ridiculously difficult. I enjoyed this game overall, but especially enjoyed playing it with my nephew, and seeing how much fun he had.

And the best part about this game? You get to be dragons! Duh! wink

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