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#1 Apr 13, 2009 12:52 PM
- Spynder
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- From: Valley of Avalar
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Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Now, at first, you guys might be thinking just the "elements" thing, but that's not really what I'm talking about.
There aren't reallt many similarities in ANB, but TEN is when there starts to be some similarities.
First of all, Mae Whitman, who does the voice of Katara in Avatar, does the voice of Cynder in TEN.
But the main similarity in TEN is at the end, where Spyro gets hit by the energy of the Well of Souls and turns into Dark Spyro. His eyes glow white, just like Aang when he goes into the Avatar State. Then, after he gets out of that, when the cavern is crashing down around them, Spyro freezes them in an ice crystal, just like when Aang froze himself and Appa in the iceberg!
Now, DotD is when the REAL similarities start.
There's a war going on, someone finds Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx in the ice crystal and fees them, kind of like in Avatar.
Then, it turns out the person who voices Malefor voices Fire Lord Ozai. Interesting tidbit, huh?
But there is one instance in DotD that is REALLY similar. This is the Spyro scene where Ignitus dies:
Spyro finds out Ignitus died, and goes from being devastated to angry. He turns dark, his eyes glow white, and he rises up into the air. Cynder tries to calm him down, and he goes back to normal.
Now, what happened in the Avatar scene I'm referring to, in the 3rd episode of the series:
Aang, Katara, and Sokka are at the Southern Air Temple, and Aang found out Gyatso died. He goes from devastated to angry, his eyes and arrow tattoos glow white as he goes into the Avatar State, and he rises up into the air. Katara tries to calm him down, and he goes back to normal.
Odd similarity, hmm?
And right after that little cutscene in DotD, if you listen to the music in The Burned Lands, one part of the music sounds JUST LIKE part of the Avatar theme.
Anyone else find that all kind of odd?
#2 Apr 14, 2009 1:38 AM
- draco_the_dragon_master
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Wow I never realized that, thanks for the info.
#3 Apr 14, 2009 7:16 PM
- T3h0v4llu
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Everything is a cliche. Things like this are bound to happen. Game developers and tv channels know what sells well.
#4 Apr 14, 2009 9:04 PM
- TornWings
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Some of these points are well-known repetitions that occur in many stories (ex- main char angry, goes to super powerful mode; waking up to find things have changed drastically; death of dear friend/mentor triggering angry super powerful mode).
Heck, a lot of the DBZ series was "Oh noes! you killed my friend! Now I'm 100x stronger and I will avenge his death!"
Interesting points about the VA's though, hadn't heard of that.
Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...
#5 Apr 16, 2009 7:55 AM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
#6 Apr 17, 2009 11:08 PM
- Spynder
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
True, like I've seen a bunch of Star Wars refernces in other things.
I just think it's kind of weird how similar the secene where Ignitus dies is to Avatar, but that's just me.
And it may be a "cliche", but it's a creative chiche!
#7 Apr 18, 2009 1:41 AM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
You will always have cliches no matter what. I have yet to see something that has not had one.
#8 May 06, 2009 10:01 AM
- YellowBananas
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
i noticed the music first time i played the game!!
i have a zuko/cynder resembalance
they were both bad and wanted to kill spyro/aang
cynder had no choice, she was being used
zuko thought he had no choice
the were both doing it for the guy mark hamill voices
then they turned good and became "close" to spyro/aang (cynder and spyro more than zuko and aang)
now some spyro/aang similarities
neither of them wanted all this power
they're trainer/mentor/father-like figure died because of the war
they both have sidkicks hoo think they're soooooo funny (sparx and sokka)
they're friends get NO credit for helping them save the world!!
(cynder helped just as much as spyro and katara taught aang how to water bend for heaven's sake!)
#9 May 11, 2009 12:20 AM
- Black fire ball
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
wow thats odd and to think i use to looooove that show avatar man i use to actuly be obsesed XD w/e tho haha thnx for the info
Then im with you...
I Love you<3
#10 May 24, 2009 12:18 AM
- Spynder
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
#11 Jun 12, 2009 1:44 AM
- Spynder
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- From: Valley of Avalar
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
And not to mention about Katara not getting credit...if it hadn't been for her freeing Aang from the iceburg, HE WOULDN'T OF BEEN ABLE TO SAVE THE WORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE!
So if you really think about it, when you get right down to it...Katara was the one who saved the world!
#12 Jun 13, 2009 5:01 PM
- Spyro_Fan_Forever
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
винт это. винт все это и оставь меня.
#13 Jun 17, 2009 2:09 PM
- Spynder
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Re: Similarities between TLOS and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Oh, and by the way, I'm working on making a Spynder/Kataang video with the song "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)" because it not only fits Spyro and Cynder really well, but also Katara and Aang! Plus, that'll give me a chance to show the Spynder and/or Kataang fans the similarities between the two! (I like Kataang better, but Spynder is a close second!)
Now, I don't really have any clue how to make videos, but I do have some parts planned out that I can see clearly in my head:
-"Through the clouds there is a light" - the part where this light shoots up from the mountain at the beginning of Eternal Night, quickly fading into the part where the light comes from the iceburg
-The final, dramtic "I will send out a light burning for you alone" - the part where Katara uses the spirit water to heal Aang, and then Aang's tattoos glow when she heals him
-The final "And this fire will guide you home" - the part at the end of Dawn of the Dragon where Spyro and Cynder are flying together, and then the Kataang kiss at the end of the series.