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#51 Jan 29, 2008 10:39 AM
- ratchet
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what do you get when you upgrade all your breaths
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#52 Jan 29, 2008 9:45 PM
- Volteer32
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#53 Jan 30, 2008 2:29 AM
- ratchet
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so ahhh, what do you do with your fury, kill enemies, what happens when you kill enemies, you get red gams-health to fight more, you get green gems-magic to fight more, you get purple gems-fury to fight more and the blue gems dont do anything.
The whole idea of TLOS- fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,fight, watch cutscene,
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#54 Jan 31, 2008 8:11 PM
- abbey1053
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Well the fury actually stays the same in this game.
#55 Feb 01, 2008 5:05 AM
- ratchet
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Well im done with the TLOS series, the only reason i'll be waiting for the 3rd game is the story.
I dont like this series at all, it has nothing to do with spyro, it just chooses to forget about all his other games even though a reboot wasn't needed.
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#56 Feb 01, 2008 7:25 PM
- abbey1053
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The only reason it 'doesn't seem like Spyro' is because it a war like game. As you can see most of the games that Sierra have published are war-like games. So you can see why they changed it.
#57 Feb 02, 2008 2:43 AM
- EricChristianOlsenFanatic
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Yeah u rock cause we both like this game! I don't know why everyone says it sucks cause it was sooooo worth buying!
-Justin Long Fanatic
I have changed my username from Justin Long Fanatic to EricChristianOlsenFanatic, so Justin Long Fanatic is my old name on this site, and EricChristianOlsenFanatic is my new one.
#58 Feb 02, 2008 5:44 AM
- Misa
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its on Ds right? right????
Thanks spyros#1fan <--- An awesome pokemon site, go on!
#59 Feb 02, 2008 5:47 AM
- ratchet
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The only reason it 'doesn't seem like Spyro' is because it a war like game. As you can see most of the games that Sierra have published are war-like games. So you can see why they changed it.
im sorry but your completely wrong
Spyro's gameplay has had a total revamp ( And i mean a TOTAL REVAMP), everyones voices, look and personality have changed, totally new characters, storyline has changed, story style has changed, music style has changed, controls have changed,design style and scructure has changed, length and quality have changed.
im sorry, i cant hold in my feelings anymore, this game was a disgrace to Spyro, it has nothing to do with him and it just chooses to say "talk to the hand" to Spyro. This is the "Mario's Time machine" and the "Link: faces of evil" of Spyro.
I dont frankly give a crap if its "bringing spyro Back" because excuse me, THat ugly dragon isn't Spyro, he's an imposter. Krome are idiots, they should of made a new dragon instead of using Spyro. The storyline is quite nice but thats it.
My life isn't ruined, but spyro is if he continues this way.
Thats my opinion.
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#60 Feb 02, 2008 2:32 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: YOU ARE ONLY SAYING THIS ABOUT TLoS BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO FOCUSED ON THE ORIGINALS! You're not even giving TLoS a fair chance, because all you do is compare it to the original in all the ways that made the original series good, causing TLoS to fall short in your opinion. None of the characters are "ugly" or "impostors," so get over yourself with that nonsense you keep on saying!
#61 Feb 03, 2008 7:04 AM
- ratchet
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Your right, i shouldn't compare this game to the originals because it isn't a Spyro game. Its Just a total mess which chooses to forget. I have given TLoS a chance and i've already told you that. Why would i have bought the games if i didn't give it a chance. ANB was crap and i still bought TEN for $40, i am giving TLOS a chance, but does it even deserve a chance? no!
I seriously dont know how anyone could call this a spyro game, it is nothing LIKE a spyro game, it just says "no" to all other spyro games.
I can not accept the good things in this game because It just recked an awesome growing franchise. I am not too hooked on the old games, but Cant Krome learn that everyone loved the old games?
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#62 Feb 03, 2008 1:59 PM
- abbey1053
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Well if you don't like it don't talk about it. It may not be a Spyro game to you but it may be to others.
#63 Feb 04, 2008 8:40 AM
- ratchet
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thats completely fine, and i dont mind others sharing their opinion.
PS: Can people stop saying things like "well thats just your opinion" or "everyone has there own opinions"
Why am i talking about it? Im sharing my opinion. you dont want me to? Well sir, thats communism, go live in China.
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#64 Feb 04, 2008 7:10 PM
- Spyrorocks
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ANB/TEN is spyro. The official developers have labeled it as "spyro". Thats a fact thats not going to change. Weather you accept it, or choose to ignore it or argue against it is up to you.
#65 Feb 04, 2008 8:49 PM
- ratchet
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Yes, and i have found it dispicabul that they DID use that name. Because its just like as i said before, making some random FPS game but there is spyro characters in it. And this game isn't a party game, no!
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#67 Feb 05, 2008 4:55 AM
- ratchet
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Ok, maybe i am, but i dont think so. Its just the fact that Krome or Sierra said "yep, lets reboot the series and forget about every other one", and had hardly ANY at all incorperated into the game. I can not accept TLOS as a party game because it isn't so it has no excuse to throw itself off the line of spyro style. THe series didn't need rebooting, there is tonnes of more stories they could have thought of and besides... there was only 2 Home console games before TLOS, one was a glitchy nightmare, and the other was a fare game. ETD was the only real nightmare (even though i found ETD alright), the gameboy games were a nice addition to the spyro franchise. Maybe i should stop complaining and wait a few years, but i hope TLOS doesn't go on for long reguardless if Krome/siera say "it happened 1000 years ago as a legend" OR if it incorperates bits from the older games (because it will still mean the series has been forgotton).
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#68 Feb 07, 2008 1:35 PM
- Game_Girl_2007
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I think this reboot is the best thing thats ever happened to Spyro. The older games are good..if your A) an 8 year old child. B) Reached an all new level of boredom and willing to try anything. or C) Desperately trying to lose money on whatever you can get.
I'm not saying the old Spyro games are bad...they jsut get old after a while..You may not see it, but they ARE practically the same thing with each game. Gameplay is the same, gotta collect certain things to get into certain areas, etc etc. It gets old after a while..
....and I don't appreciate Moneybags taking all my gems that I lost several lives over. >=(
Heres the reasons why I think TLOS is the greatest thing since Sonic the Hedgehog.
1) It's got an awesome adventure/fantasy feel to it. Two things I love about games.
2) The music is dramtic and some of which I would lsiten to if I had a bad day and jsut wanted to mellow out.
3) I don't have to keep an eye on Sparx every time I get hit by something.
4) The Guardians...What, do I need to explain that one? Their awesome!
5) I don't have to spend 5 freaking hours faffing about looking for eggs/gems/dragonflies/whatever, which usually makes me hurl my controller through the TV.
6) The storyline is amazing and I don't care what you say.
7) I love the detail they put into the character design and at least their showing expressions/emotions now.
8) GARY OLDMAN!! This man is legend!!
If liking all these qualities makes me stupid then call me 'Retard McSpakypants', but this has the qualities of a good fantasy game. Nothing anyone can say or do that will make me change my mind
...Also it's fun throwing enemies off cliffs using the electric breath.
The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.
#69 Feb 08, 2008 10:58 AM
- ratchet
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I think this reboot is the best thing thats ever happened to Spyro. The older games are good..if your A) an 8 year old child. B) Reached an all new level of boredom and willing to try anything. or C) Desperately trying to lose money on whatever you can get.
I'm not saying the old Spyro games are bad...they jsut get old after a while..You may not see it, but they ARE practically the same thing with each game. Gameplay is the same, gotta collect certain things to get into certain areas, etc etc. It gets old after a while..
....and I don't appreciate Moneybags taking all my gems that I lost several lives over. >=(
Heres the reasons why I think TLOS is the greatest thing since Sonic the Hedgehog.
1) It's got an awesome adventure/fantasy feel to it. Two things I love about games.
2) The music is dramtic and some of which I would lsiten to if I had a bad day and jsut wanted to mellow out.
3) I don't have to keep an eye on Sparx every time I get hit by something.
4) The Guardians...What, do I need to explain that one? Their awesome!
5) I don't have to spend 5 freaking hours faffing about looking for eggs/gems/dragonflies/whatever, which usually makes me hurl my controller through the TV.
6) The storyline is amazing and I don't care what you say.
7) I love the detail they put into the character design and at least their showing expressions/emotions now.
8) GARY OLDMAN!! This man is legend!!If liking all these qualities makes me stupid then call me 'Retard McSpakypants', but this has the qualities of a good fantasy game. Nothing anyone can say or do that will make me change my mind
...Also it's fun throwing enemies off cliffs using the electric breath.
Hi Gamegirl, i always love argueing with you, so now its my time to shine.
Note: Everything i say is my opinion, it doesn't mean its right.
A. Im not 8, and even before i was 8 i loved clasic spyro.
B.Reached a whole new level of boredom?, no, i love replaying levels and minigames.
C.Nope, i love spyro
2.Ofcource if you play the originals over and over again you might get bored, but you must reconise that the originals were far longer than TLOS.
What, The originals were the same games? No, not really. Spyro 1 was based all on exploring, Spyro 2 introduced minigames and special abilities, spyro 3 had everything. But TLOS, well TLOS 1 and 2 used the same models for spyro, the same boss engines, the same Engine, you both get trained to lose abilities, and the same objective- Fight. SAying the originals wre too similar is very hipicritical.
3. If there was no moneybags, gems would have no use. Moneybags is annoying, yes, but games are like that, live with it.
List of things:
1.Adventure and fantasy was the original spyro's middle name, and it is more adventurous than Tlos anyway (TLOS is linear, originals werent)
2.I dont know about you, but i far prefered Stewarts rocking tunes.
3.yes, but you have to keep our eye on the health meter
4.ha, whatever, i didn't dream of them every night
5. Yes, but in 5 hours you can beat TLOS and thats that. Besides, spyro 2 & 3 made it easy to find gems, the eggs and clues, and most of the eggs were minigames anyway.
6. I agree, but rebooting wasn't needed
7. Capabilities of the PS2 enable that.
8. Meh, i dont care if there big names or not.
End of list
4. Okay, Hi Retard McSpakypants!
5. Just a waist of time for me, but you can like it ifyou want
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#70 Feb 08, 2008 1:43 PM
- Game_Girl_2007
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You know, I'm actually starting to fail to see the point as to WHY you are even in this section if you dislike the game that much. We know you hate but don't ram it in the faces of those who like the game.
and you say this isn't a Spyro game...OMG!! I didn't notice!! Must be some other small purple dragon that has the ability to breathe different breaths....Please...Your not even giving the game a fair chance. You forget. This is 2008...Games are evolving and game companies always try something different. I say your not a true fan of Spyro if you complain about TLOS. A true fan would like all things Spyro, not matter how bad the games were.
Take me for example. I'm a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan. I love all the games...Even though Sonic Riders sucks big time and the control movements make me want to murder someone. But I still like it because it's Sonic. and Sonic and the Secret Rings is effing IMPOSSIBLE and makes me want to hurl my wii remote through the screen, but again I like it because it's Sonic.
All I'm saying is I don't think your a true fan of Spyro. Nuff said. I dislike A Heroes Tail, but I still paly it because it has Spyro in it and has witty humour. (Yes I do have fun at some points, untill difficulty slaps me in the face)
and don't argue with won't win...I'm from 4chan. >=(
The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.
#71 Feb 08, 2008 10:45 PM
- ratchet
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Yay Gamegirl, your back to debate...
Note: Once again, everything i say is my opinion, it doesn' mean im right
1.Why Am i in this section? Well i'm sharing my opinion on ANB, what else? I dont ram my faces, i support good reasons and fact to back my arguments, i dont just say TLOS SUCKS, TLOS SUCKS, TLOS SUCKS (etc.)
2.I agree with you on the other purple dragon thing, he ISNT the same spyro (and i know you were being sarcastic)
3.I HAVE gave ANB a chance and i HATE it when people say i havn't, Why did i buy the game? Why Did i Waist my time completing it? Why Did i Use My Time Reviewing it and talking about it?
4.I know its 2008 Game Girl, but take a look at Mario, Has He gone action Games? No! Hes stayed tried and true to platformers and you know how much everyone LOVES SMG. Games ARE evolving and changing, but that doesn't mean that games have to change their Genre and everything about it.
5.Okay, Maybe im not A True Fan, But Once Again, What would happen if Mario Went all action, Changed his look, And forgeted about all the other games. Do you think that the people who dont like those games wouldn't be fans of Mario? Besides, I can hardly call TLOS spyro.
6.Sonic Hasn't Rebooted, changed his look and personality like Spyro has.
7.Even though The Spyro Logo Has Been slapped on it, I find it nothing LIKE a spyro game, and thats why i dont like it. Your expecting me to like anything that has "Spyro" On it, thats what your doing. And if not liking TLOS doesn't make me a TRue Spyro fan, well i arnt one then.
8.I dont want to "win", and what is "4chan" anyway?
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#72 Feb 08, 2008 10:57 PM
- Game_Girl_2007
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4Chan is an image/chat board. It's home to hackers, spammers, people who don't take things seriously, people who like to annoy other people and people who hate their fellow man. (Yes, i hate humanity. What of it? >=o ) Techically it's a place you don't want to go if your a wimp/troll/snob. Cause they will eat you up. Trust me, I'm still carrying bruises.
The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.
#73 Feb 08, 2008 11:01 PM
- ratchet
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ummmm, ok? Well i dont care if your from 4chan or not lol XD
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#74 Feb 08, 2008 11:42 PM
- Game_Girl_2007
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Look, your boring me now. So why don't you go to a section you like instead of annoying the others. I've noticed that some members are sick and tired of you constantly arguing with them.
If you argued with a member of 4Chan (i don't count. I'm a newbie. XD ) you'd be hacked in 10 seconds flat. XD mainly just for lulz
The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.
#75 Feb 08, 2008 11:47 PM
- EternalNight
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These arguements are getting pointless. And I like everything about ANB and TEN. And I also agree everything Game_Girl_2007 said about the game.
No arguements please, I absolutely hate them.
If these arguements are gonna go on, I would like to see this topic locked.