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#1 Nov 02, 2016 6:16 PM

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I want to try writing a short fic. Writing prompts?

So, I want to practice my writing, but I'm terrible at coming up with ideas. Can any creative people give me some ideas to start with? It can be as ridiculous or serious as you want, with any characters from TLoS or the originals.


#2 Nov 02, 2016 6:55 PM

From: Happy Town
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Re: I want to try writing a short fic. Writing prompts?

Sparx becomes addicted to coffee and Spyro and Cynder have to set up an intervention.

VvxYGaF.gif dK3bxZ5.gif 63mWB73.gif ZAAYXQY.gif ddpXB89.gif YtuKgvk.gif


#3 Nov 02, 2016 8:43 PM

From: Israel
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Re: I want to try writing a short fic. Writing prompts?

0 words: sparx x sheep



#4 Nov 02, 2016 9:39 PM

Baby Dragon
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Re: I want to try writing a short fic. Writing prompts?

Not sure if I'm good with coming up with ideas, I got some two I can think of right now. One, that there is some (?evil? sorceress) magic that spreads like illnesses from dragon to dragon, though idk what would it cause. Another idea, which totally isn't havily inspired by one episode from stargate, where is some (?mighty? ember) dragoness that can somehow control all the male dragons and so the female dragons have to rescue them somehow.


#5 Aug 03, 2021 2:20 AM

Breaking Bad
From: Denver, Colorado
Registered: Dec 15, 2012
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Re: I want to try writing a short fic. Writing prompts?

Can you write about Spyro getting remastered and getting his polygons and HD textures back?


Spyrorocks wrote:

DDR, so your sis hogs all the games? LOL

Skype: BigMeth007, feel free to add me.


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