#1 Feb 15, 2014 5:40 AM

Award: Globmod
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those blank levels above the normal ones

people who use the swim in air glitch in the other games probably know about the blank versions of the levels that are above the main levels in the game. way, way above them, mind you, it takes a good few minutes swimming.

the only way to reach them of which i know, in Spyro 1, is to use moonjump codes with GameShark. which is actually a lot faster, i assume because of how the mechanics of it work. Spyro seems to go up faster and faster the longer you use the code.

in Spyros 2 and 3, the blank levels are completely empty - no gems, no enemies, no characters, etc. just the level itself, and it's not solid.

it's mostly the same thing in Spyro 1, too, but i noticed something strange today - even though the enemies aren't there or visible, you still sort of collide with them. Spyro gets "stuck" in the blank space for a second, the camera jumping around a good bit, before flying past. you can also flame these "enemies", and if you manage to get back down to the main level, they're actually not there and a silver orb (or gem, presumably, i didn't try it with an unfinished save file) will eventually appear.

but here's something stranger: a couple times when i was flaming the enemies, the blank level *became* the normal level. this mostly happened with those wizards in the raincoats.

one time when i flamed one, it actually froze the game.

and on the way up to the blank level, i noticed that certain features of the enemies were still there, like the portals in the other games that appear, but you can't use. these included things that i don't think are actually part of the enemies, but they're still there. like the rain above the wizards' heads and the glowing yellow stuff coming out of the wizards' hands when they move things around. what i described above happens when you collide with those, too, as i remember.


#2 Feb 15, 2014 5:55 AM

Breaking Bad
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones



#3 Feb 15, 2014 6:26 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

i can't take videos, i don't have a real / working video camera and my cellphone camera can only record somewhere around 15 second clips before the filesize is too big to send.

the old one could record 30, but anyway

it's pretty easy to try yourself, it only takes a little under 40 seconds to get up there (which is nothing compared to Spyro 2 and 3) and the code is all over the internet

D0077380 0040
80078AD8 0000

EDIT: flying code may help. L1 + triangle to turn on, R1 + triangle to turn off. it *must* be off before you go into or leave levels. i think this is the code:

D0077380 0014
80078CA4 0001
D0077380 0018
80078CA4 0000

Last edited by 36IStillLikeSpyro36 (Feb 15, 2014 6:29 AM)


#4 Feb 15, 2014 10:07 PM

Breaking Bad
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Do you use Emulator?


#5 Feb 16, 2014 2:30 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


keep meaning to (get that and) play around with it, but haven't.


#6 Feb 28, 2014 12:34 AM

From: Facet 5
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

I've actually messed around in Spyro 1 a few days ago by holding down the moonjump button and going further and further up. Turns out if you just hold it down long enough you get faster and faster and the game slows down. Also more and more clone worlds pop up. It's in Spyro 2 and 3 to, I have no clue why there are multiple clone worlds but maybe it's just one clone world and the height just keeps resetting or something. But I've never tried flaming the space of where an enemy was, I'd have to try it out.


#7 Feb 28, 2014 2:20 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#8 Feb 28, 2014 11:15 PM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

I don't have gameshark and was always confused about it. Is it a product you can buy at the game store or online or what tongue or if its free anywhere. I've seen people do really cool cheats with it, especially in spyro



#9 Mar 01, 2014 4:31 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

dunno where you'd get it retail, but it's all over the place online, used.

you put it in and operate it like a game but it's a thing where you enter the codes into it and then you remove the GameShark disc and put in the game you want to play, and it activates the codes.


#10 May 17, 2014 8:31 AM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#11 May 18, 2014 2:22 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#12 May 18, 2014 9:37 AM

From: Sweden
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

You're right, that is probably only done in certain cases (I just recall reading it in the Town Square OOB thread here; haven't had it happen to myself as far as I can recall). It wouldn't make much sense to run around on an upper / lower path and be hit / be able to attack enemies on the other one as I'm pretty sure you do in several levels (Stone Hill, Tree Tops and Metal Head being a few that come to mind). Perhaps the enemies were simply hit as you were coming around back to the "actual level"'s height, assuming that happened?

Last edited by Ulfbjörn (May 18, 2014 9:37 AM)


#13 May 18, 2014 9:56 AM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
Registered: Nov 05, 2010
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Actually, your theory for the clone world is very close! It's indeed a 16-bit wraparound that occurs, but there's just a small difference: Spyro's coordinates are actually stored in 32-bit. The renderer, however, can only render using 16-bit integers. So once one of Spyro's coordinates exceeds 65535, the render fails to notice the higher bits, and wraps them around during the scene draw. You can actually test this out if you have a GameShark code for one of Spyro's coordinates: setting any of the upper 16 bits will make him appear to stay in the same position, while the collision mysteriously disappears.

Enemies also have 32-bit coordinates, which explains why you can't seem them in the clone world as well smile

I don't know what's happening with the object collision, though. Maybe it's because the collision system was rigid and made it hard to do on-demand area-of-effect checks; or maybe they just wanted to save processing time? Not sure about that, though I do know the pain of being instantly knocked out by Buzz just for flying 100 metres above him =P


#14 Aug 13, 2015 10:59 AM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Last edited by Morgan (Aug 13, 2015 11:02 AM)


#15 Aug 13, 2015 12:37 PM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
Registered: Nov 05, 2010
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

A reasonable hypothesis! However, it's actually much simpler than that--collision data is able to work properly in 32-bits (or certainly above 16 bits), meaning it doesn't 'clone'. So the reason it doesn't work in the clone world is because it's not there; you're miles away from it after all! ;P

With regards to the death trigger, it'd take a serious glitch (e.g. the pause-on-frame one) to make the game trigger death without actually killing Spyro. I also doubt there'd be a death trigger for crossing boundaries other than the pit minimum--you could probably moonjump to verify that though. Finally, the game doesn't load or unload most data while in-level, including collision data. On the other hand dragons, dragon eggs and music are among the few things that it does smile


#16 Aug 14, 2015 10:12 AM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#17 Aug 14, 2015 2:25 PM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Not quite sure what you mean by roll over? To be clear, nothing changes when you go too high. It's just that the renderer doesn't interpret the level scenery correctly. The level scenery isn't actually there, it's just that the renderer can't tell the difference between viewing the level from e.g. 140,648,294 and viewing it from 1140,648,294 (simplified example). The renderer doesn't have that problem with understanding the coordinates of the objects and Spyro. I can't actually confirm why that is, but it's probably an optimisation where the rendering code prefers to transform the scenery using 2 byte ints instead of 4 byte ints.

When you say Spyro's coordinates roll over, do you just mean when you reach the clone world? Spyro's coordinates actualy work fine, and will travel the whole four-byte range (-2 billion to 2 billion). It's just the renderer that doesn't really get it. =P

I checked out a video of the glitch you mentioned. It's just classic zombie mode. smile Most likely the game notices all the triggers, it just thinks you're dead, so it doesn't bother killing you. It'd be annoying if, after you take a hit and died, enemies could take advantage and keep hitting you in an endless cycle of pain and suffering

I didn't know about the horizontal death triggers. Cool! Guess Insomniac were worried that players would somehow make it that far. They were right perhaps--but to be honest, if the player can make it that far, then there are far bigger problems at hand =P

Last edited by LXShadow (Aug 14, 2015 2:26 PM)


#18 Aug 14, 2015 3:15 PM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#19 Aug 15, 2015 12:47 AM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
Registered: Nov 05, 2010
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Ohh okay. Well Spyro's coordinates don't wrap around, it's just that the level renderer reads it as though they do.

Right, well I reckon when Spyro goes through a portal, his collisions are ignored. This makes sense because we don't want him crashing face-first into whatever's behind the portal =P

In zombie mode I think the game will notice most triggers that the programmers felt it needs to. That would be mostly death triggers, and anything else that could cause a lock if Spyro were to hit them while dead.

Last edited by LXShadow (Aug 15, 2015 12:48 AM)


#20 Aug 15, 2015 2:22 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#21 Aug 15, 2015 8:59 AM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#22 Aug 15, 2015 9:29 AM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#23 Aug 15, 2015 9:42 AM

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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


#24 Aug 15, 2015 12:27 PM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
Registered: Nov 05, 2010
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones

Nah, I just mean that for example, if the real world is at 00000000 X, 00000000 Y and 00000000 Z, then there's another world at 00010000 X, 00000000 Y, 00000000 Z (hexadecimal--so 10000 is 65536). Continue that with every possible combination of 10000's for each coordinate, and unless I'm mistaken, it's something like 281 trillion worlds. One heck of a lot for sure!


#25 Aug 15, 2015 12:43 PM

Registered: Apr 29, 2015
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Re: those blank levels above the normal ones


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