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#1 Mar 26, 2014 2:11 AM

The Black Shadow
From: Michigan, USA
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How tall is Spyro?

Last edited by The Black Shadow (Mar 26, 2014 3:18 AM)


#2 Mar 26, 2014 3:22 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

i think Spyro in TLOS would be very short. i'm doing some research right now, it seems like the monkeys are some kind of mandrills, which apparently grow to be between 1.5 to a little over 2 feet tall. the grass in Tall Plains doesn't seem to be very tall and looks more like a lawn, and i'd guess the normal height for mowed grass would be like half a foot? so TLOS Spyro would probably be about a foot tall at the head, maybe a little more with the horns.

yeah, i'm researching Spyro's height, don't judge me. tongue

original Spyro; let's look at Elora. fauns are based on humans, and average human height seems to be between 5.5 and 6 feet generally speaking. Spyro being about half the height of Elora, he'd be a little under 3 feet tall at the head, probably like 3 feet exactly with the horns.


#3 Mar 27, 2014 4:42 AM

Arenvir 98
Registered: Apr 21, 2011
Posts: 27
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

First of all, cookie expiration obliterated my original post, wherin I attempted (and failed) to calculate a dragon's maximum age by the genetic damage caused by their apparent constant growth. This constant growth, which declines in a manner similar to an asymptote, allows Malefor's sheer size to be explained given the relationship between the ratios between Spyro, Malefor, and Ignitus... more to the point of the post though, I also used an Atlowa from ANB as an approximate human analogue. Humans, given skeletal records, used to average at 5'7" in ancient times, allowing for Spyro, who stood at the chest height of an Atlowan by approximation, and to his shoulders most definitely by the horns, is about 4-4.5 feet tall as of the events of ANB.

Also, I figured out that dragons should approximately mature at around 36 years of age, unless the growth pattern Spyro is exhibiting is nonlinear, or, the powers that be forbid, truly asymptotic. I tried to extrapolate to DotD, but the problem mentioned up top ensued. I needed to find the relationship between the growth rate and the age of the dragon, and since Malefor tossed anything approaching reasonable out the window, Ignitus became a benchmark to the point I tried to calculate his approximate age, so as to use the various points as of each appearance of him next to spyro to extrapolate the approximate growth rate of a dragon past the 'growth spurt' point. Then, I could use Malefor as the benchmark, given some more data points on how many purple dragons came up between him and Spyro, find HIS age to benchmark the approximate rate so that I could find Spyro's height at any age... Which didn't really work out, since 10 generations are all I have to work with, with only implications on how many purple dragons Malefor's smacked down, and since generations are either measured by the birth cycles occuring between the dragons, or the approximate prime age of each dragon, I quickly found myself in a hole, which I cannot really find a way to dig out of... While many people use 'Year of the Dragon' and the obvious shout out to the Chinese calendar as a way out, I think the latent mythologies of dragonkind wouldn't fit so easily into our calendar system... In other words, it's a mess... I may have over-analyzed here...

Last edited by Arenvir 98 (Mar 27, 2014 4:43 AM)

"We do not inherit this world from our forbears, we borrow it from our children"  - Unknown

"The true test of an innovator is not to make the incomprehensible understood, but to bring that understanding to the lives of the laymen"  - Me


#4 Mar 27, 2014 5:03 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

Malefor distorted Cynder's size with dark magic in ANB. he could have done it for himself, too. it's presumed the other characters didn't change their physical appearance using any magic, btw. so Malefor wouldn't be very relevant here.

then again, he's only really seen in-person so-to-speak in DOTD and the proportions in DOTD are way off anyway. Spyro looks like 6 years older even though they apparently didn't age?

yes, internet, i know how silly discussing this looks.


#5 Mar 27, 2014 5:11 AM

Arenvir 98
Registered: Apr 21, 2011
Posts: 27
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

Me too, ISLS, me too... Either way, most of the physical distortion assumes that it was not simply magically prematurely aging her, and even then, the level of natural healing exhibited by the Guardians (No noticable combat scars) is on par with Spyro's, even after being saved in ANB, which means they do likely experience either a natural regenerative factor, or they grow constantly, as if they never leave pubescence. Which, seeing as Malefor seems to have been preoccupied with the Destroyer or being trapped in Convexity/ wherever they put him the first time around, and thus dropping the likelyhood of him augmenting himself to a great degree, allows for the possibility of dragons naturally getting to Malefor's size... However, you have a point.

Last edited by Arenvir 98 (Mar 27, 2014 5:12 AM)

"We do not inherit this world from our forbears, we borrow it from our children"  - Unknown

"The true test of an innovator is not to make the incomprehensible understood, but to bring that understanding to the lives of the laymen"  - Me


#6 Mar 27, 2014 6:28 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

i always just chalked the lack of scars etc up to graphics.


#7 Oct 03, 2014 4:33 AM

From: Australia
Registered: Sep 28, 2014
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

In TEN, I imaged Spyro to be around the size of a large dog, like a Saint Bernard, so pretty much in agreement with The Black Shadow's hypothesis.


#8 Oct 03, 2014 11:55 PM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
Registered: Apr 28, 2014
Posts: 661
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Re: How tall is Spyro?

And I would think of Ignitus to be 10 ft tall. In my opinion, it's ANB Spyro to be as big as a 9-month Alaskan Malamut/husky (I dunno, I'm guessing), and DotD Spyro to be as tall as a six-footer, as if a toddler human can more easily ride him.


We need more canon things to talk about.


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