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#1 Jan 08, 2014 7:18 PM

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Registered: Jan 06, 2014
Posts: 4
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Its time... to talk about the timeline. Ive thought this over for months and here it is. Lets look at the games themselves first.
ORIGINAL: i dont even have to look at it. Well sort of... bye that i mean the caracters and what happens to them. But, later because it will give all away...
LOS: spyro and cynder go to defeat malfor after he returned from convectety (this is a discriction of the games in the simplist way possible. but its all we need)
SKYLANDERS:(facepalm) as much as i hate this game set, ill give it a chance. it really the connecting point anyway... We only need the story of Spyro going off to defeat Malfor, Flavius, and how that spyro came to those realms.
After looking at the data, I found that the entire franchise fallowed the lives of two caracters: Original Spyro and Flame.
Lets discuss Flame's life first. As a child he and Spyro where the best of friends but as Spyro learned each element and new skills, he became more distant... Later in Flame's life, he dissides to go to Dragons' Peak and become a knight. He earns his knightly hood and is given his knight name, Flavius. After the skylanders help him save his kingdom, he is offerd the opertunity to be king. But he declines the offer and goes to the dragon temple to become the fire gaurdian. He then reunites with ember is my guess and since we dont see Spyro's mother im guessing she died during the laying. anyway, his name is now ignitus (because of him becomeing a gaurdian) and the rest we know. Also, flavius was seen to be slow, but i think he was grieving. Over what? Spyro
ORIGINAL SPYRO: After becoming master of the elements, he begins searching for more power. I beleive that that very power corupted him. And he became Malfor. I also beleave he reserected The sorseress to be his mate. Why? Cynder. the rest is known
But it brings so much light to the franchise. and brings more theorys. So in the comments, look at this theory and give your thought or give a theory you saw pop up from this light. i will give a link to my other theorys
link: http://cjthedragonwolf.deviantart.com/journal/

A Theorist on the run, Novalist on Fanfiction, Youtuber, Programmer, is secretly working on a
secuel to LOS, found Spyro's Timeline, and uses kefka laugh while watching bronies cry to Smile HD


#2 Mar 23, 2014 1:03 AM

New Member
Registered: Jan 06, 2014
Posts: 4
Gems: 0


I have left a lie in this theory... If you find that lie you will know what my next theory is

A Theorist on the run, Novalist on Fanfiction, Youtuber, Programmer, is secretly working on a
secuel to LOS, found Spyro's Timeline, and uses kefka laugh while watching bronies cry to Smile HD


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