#1 Jan 02, 2014 12:57 AM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
Registered: Jun 01, 2006
Posts: 10,383
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Contest participation

As you might know, we've had two contests since the glitch contest that didn't get all that much activity. I'd say it's just because we're not the most active forum in the world to begin with, but  the glitch contest got a fair amount of participation, so I'm not really sure.

I'm hoping to get some input from you guys about why this might be. Do we want different contests? Do we just not have enough time right now to participate? Are we not interested in doing them anymore?


#2 Jan 02, 2014 6:33 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
Posts: 17,365
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Re: Contest participation

i explained to you (in PMs) why i didn't do the one. recording etc.

i just didn't do the art one because i kept putting it off and forgetting.

not sure why others haven't.


#3 Jan 03, 2014 3:29 AM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
Registered: Jun 01, 2006
Posts: 10,383
Gems: 540
Birthday: 3 April
Gender: Female

Re: Contest participation

Yeah, I remember that. I'll have to try and come up with something that doesn't involve long recording for the next one.


#4 Jan 09, 2014 3:53 PM

From: Finland
Registered: Mar 11, 2012
Posts: 205
Gems: 0

Re: Contest participation

For me I kinda forgot to participate in the skateboarding contest. Also it was little bit of laziness because i didn't have a recording program at that time. Also the other scores were too much for me big_smile. I didn't participate in the christmas art contest because i didn't even visit the forum on christmas time. I was too busy planning my new year and stuff big_smile

edit: umm... what? the text goes to my signature? big_smile

edit2: oh now it works


#5 Jan 21, 2014 3:40 AM

Spyro's Alchemist
From: Michigan
Registered: Jan 19, 2014
Posts: 16
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Re: Contest participation

I wasn't around when these were going on, but I do know about them! I was introduced to this forum by Hwd405 by his glitch series.

I would love to see some more contests though big_smile


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