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#1 May 12, 2010 10:22 PM

Registered: May 22, 2006
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What Was Cut

So, originally EtD could have been a decently long sequel to YoTD, but as we all know - it was rushed to capitalize on holiday sales back in 2002, and much was cut and glitches ensued.

I am actually a fan of EtD. It is the last console Spyro game to fully mimic the Insomniac style - there are portals, the characters are designed in the "Spyro style" (big  goofy eyes, and they do that weird 'look this way/that way' move with their bodies), Stewart Copeland music, original voice actors, etc.

I'm not saying its production values were better than say, DotD, but it was the closest thing to an "Insomniac Sequel" we ever got for consoles (the Season trilogy mimicked Insomniac, but the handheld games are another matter...)

Anyways, I am trying to figure out all that was cut from the game. I could use your help! Anything you have heard (and could confirm) was intended to be included in the game, but wasn't, post here!


#2 May 12, 2010 10:56 PM

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Re: What Was Cut


#3 May 13, 2010 12:06 AM

From: Texas
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Re: What Was Cut

Wow I didn't know all that until now
I think the game would have been so much better
But don't get me wrong I liked the game

Rawr!!! I'm a Dragon :3


#4 May 13, 2010 12:52 AM

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Re: What Was Cut

Yeah, it certainly could have been better if it had the originally promised levels, characters, vehicles - but for what it is, it's okay.


#5 May 13, 2010 1:58 AM

From: Texas
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Re: What Was Cut

Rawr!!! I'm a Dragon :3


#6 May 13, 2010 7:48 AM

From: Aussie-Land
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Re: What Was Cut

Thanks for this, i never ever knew.

I also didn't know you were still active. tongue


#7 May 13, 2010 12:34 PM

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Re: What Was Cut


#8 May 13, 2010 1:18 PM

From: Avalar (UK)
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Re: What Was Cut

It's a real shame they rushed this thing. It had so much potential. The surfboard is a real shame, that could have been a real winner if done correctly.

Although, this level, Enchanted Castles..... Is there no other info? Like, were they able to get the level/part of the level up and running? What were the unused names?


#9 May 13, 2010 7:35 PM

Registered: May 22, 2006
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Re: What Was Cut

Just heard back from LXShadow and have some more information:

"Hi there,

This idea of yours sounds most interesting! I'm actually always watching the Spyro Forums, but unfortunately I'm quite pathetic when it comes to posting on public boards!

I hope you won't mind if I give some input on this as well. First of all, I'd like to mention that yearofthe - who I've conversed with over YouTube - has mis-quoted me a bit.

There are a few things in the game that the community doesn't know about yet. Firstly, the name of the supposed cut level was actually "Enchanted Forest". It may or may not have ever been made. If you ask me, the name suggests that it may have been a bonus level. Perhaps you'd have been taken there by the mysterious cut portal in the castle - just a guess though. The level has no data files, so there's no way to access it- on the PAL version at least.

There is a mention of another possible cut vehicle in the code. Being called only "Mech", though, I can't really know what it is.

I think the game also has some unmentioned cheat codes - I can't remember what they all were, but there are only two left: "AtlasCheat" and "External Camera". I'm not sure whether there's anything special about the AtlasCheat, but if you have a second controller you can hold down L3 + X (on one of the controllers - I forgot which!) during gameplay to use the external camera to explore around a level. Although it's incredibly slow!

AtlasCheat is activated using Square + Select, but I don't know what it really does.

Thanks for your interest. I think that's all I have at the moment. I can look through a bit more later; but for now, back to hacking Spyro 3!"


#10 May 13, 2010 8:58 PM

From: Avalar (UK)
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Re: What Was Cut

Hm.... I'd love to try that camera trick and see if there's anything behind that castle door XD

Does this work on any console?


#11 May 13, 2010 10:59 PM

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Re: What Was Cut

I'll test my GameCube copy ASAP - albeit, it will be through the Wii - not sure if that will change the outcome...


#12 May 14, 2010 2:01 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: What Was Cut


#13 May 14, 2010 7:24 AM

Registered: Aug 30, 2009
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Re: What Was Cut

In my world, I believe that there are many, many ideas that are waiting to be created; by inspiration, renewing an old idea, or just by accident.


#14 May 14, 2010 6:59 PM

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Re: What Was Cut

All of those were interesting press releases that I have never read/seen before - thank you for seeking them out!

However, as all of those press releases were issued after the game was completed - they don't offer hints about what was cut, they only detail what we know/find was included.

Thank you again, though, for contributing!  big_smile


#15 Sep 08, 2010 12:45 PM

From: Honey Marsh, Dragon Realms
Registered: Dec 09, 2009
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Re: What Was Cut

Oddly enough, there were three Stewart Copeland songs which didn't make it in the final game. One was called Andes, another was called Mid Flute and the third one was called Songa.

Didn't Copeland admit to making the songs straight after he played a Spyro level? This probably means that there are 13 levels on the disk itself. I might be wrong, though.

I'm a secret duck who lives in the glitchy but nice Honey Marshes. My day to day job is to spy on the blue guys so they won't get up to much mischief.


#16 Oct 20, 2010 8:55 PM

From: Spooky Swamp
Registered: Aug 19, 2007
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Re: What Was Cut

Here's a copy-and-paste message I got from LXShadow:

"I think the lack-of-levels problem occurred because the developer really wasn't suited for games development. If I remember correctly Enter the Dragonfly was their first game. It was also a result of a two-studio collaboration, which probably complicated things a lot.

It is most likely that levels were cut - but as for how many, I'm not sure. We do know of one, but the others remain completely unknown (unless it's a Sparx level, because there is evidence for that). Were in not for the language barrier (Equinoxe, the studio that did the environments, appears to be foreign), we might be able to find some actual level content. But perhaps if we're feeling brave, one of us could ask the designers.

Stewart Copeland, on the other hand, probably gets a lot of fan-mail due to his popularity. But nonetheless, good luck! Like you said, it won't hurt to ask. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I do (any of my attempts to contact a developer so far have failed quite miserably!).

By the way - here's the "evidence" for the Sparx levels:
Spyro_UserSparx::Teleport(const EntryPoint*)

I also found some lines in the game that I didn't recognise. Does this ring any bells?

Farmer guy: "Pick up all the butterfly bottles before the time runs out to win! Let's go!"


#17 Sep 13, 2011 9:46 AM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
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Re: What Was Cut


#18 Sep 13, 2011 8:21 PM

Award: Globmod
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Re: What Was Cut


#19 Feb 28, 2013 6:16 AM

From: USA
Registered: Jul 10, 2010
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Re: What Was Cut

Does anyone know how to rip textures from the game?


#20 May 10, 2013 8:37 PM

From: Spooky Swamp
Registered: Aug 19, 2007
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Re: What Was Cut


#21 May 11, 2013 7:33 PM

From: Lurker's Corner (England)
Registered: Nov 05, 2010
Posts: 67
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Re: What Was Cut

That's a good theory, but with the information we have being a little inconsistent to begin with (Thieves Den has an Atlas image like the other levels; only the Forest level(s) don't), it's hard to prove anything either way...

The one problem with the idea is that, if they had planned Emerald Forest before Thieves' Den (scripts and all), and they were under time constraints, then replacing it with an entirely new level - Thieves' Den - would've been costly. In the name of super-efficiency, they would have finished Emerald Forest first if it existed, and then began Thieves' Den in that order... Although Check Six might not strike everyone as 'super-efficient'. =P

Maybe the easiest guess is that priorities changed. They might have been working on levels in a random-ish manner, before time caught up with them and they realised they had to prioritise the earlier levels ahead of the later, more difficult ones. The end result in that case would have been a rushed Thieves' Den with scripts and all completed; while the barely-started Enchanted Forest is left in the dust. sad

I think, also, they would have gone for 10 levels rather than 11. This matches up well with the list of exactly 100 dragonflies left in the final game. smile


#22 May 11, 2013 7:43 PM

From: Spooky Swamp
Registered: Aug 19, 2007
Posts: 370
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Re: What Was Cut


#23 Jul 22, 2013 5:39 AM

From: USA
Registered: Jul 10, 2010
Posts: 291
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Re: What Was Cut

That script above is fake. I have both the black and red label copy on PS2 and ive searched and combed the entire disc, and none of those lines appear. Spyrobeta on darkspyro was lying.


#24 Dec 06, 2013 2:02 PM

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Re: What Was Cut

Sorry for the late reply here, but later on i will check both the game and the Demo for any of the voices to those cut lines. The demo that i have doesn't contain any voices in the game, so i doubt it will have any in the disc, but who knows until we try.


#25 Dec 06, 2013 11:08 PM

Award: Speedway Contest Winner Final
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Re: What Was Cut

Alright, i have checked the entire disc's voice clips. Unfortunately, nothing from Emerald Forest is present, but there are a few odd things and lots of the clips are different from the beta script that was posted earlier. Also, the Demo has sounds for the Enemies, but oddly the game doesn't use them. Maybe they didn't implement them at that time?


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