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#376 Jan 18, 2012 4:26 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"We have to help Marlowe, Cynder, Zonoya, Gloria stay safe!" Said Spyro, he kissed Cynder goodbye. As he Argil and co boarded choppers headed to the factory. Spyro put up a security system. The base got locked down. If an enemy came in they would be killed.

Argil kissed Zonoya before he left and Zaph did the same for Gloria. Their chopper was tracinng Marlowe's signal.

"This has to be a trap be careful Marlowe!" Said Argil he was with Spyro his brothers, The guardians and some Black Templars, and Resistance Price  and Nickolai on a huge chopper.

"I want you to listen to commands I give just as you would Marlowe's from now on. Same for Cynder or anyone. They tell you to do something you listen understood?" Spyro asked The Black Templars.

Marx had kissed Toxic before he left.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#377 Jan 19, 2012 1:41 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe saw the factory and hid in the bushes as a patrol walks by and Marlowe pulls out a scilenced pistol and kills them then drags thier bodies into the bushes then looks at a tracker then pulls it off and crushes it and sees the guards guarding the entrance then pulls out a AK-47 and began fireing on the guards and they fired back and alerted the others then a news chopper hovers and a news camera views the battle as a reporter goes to all frequencies "We come to you live with breaking news a firefight has begun with one person against many at a abandoned metal factory south of Jueno and there is heavy fire and that Marlowe Preston down there!" the reporter says as Marlowe kills one guard after another then enters the factory and fires at the guards then takes cover

a Black Templar commander looks at Spyro "Yes my lord." the commander says as he heard the news broadcast


#378 Jan 19, 2012 2:01 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Get them out of there!" Said Spyro. As The Resistance Soldier flying the chopper made the chopper fly back.

"Unless you wanna die I suggest you leave!" Said Spyro annoyed. Their chopper landed, And Spyro, And the gang headed in armour and guns ready. Spyro Shot things left and right killing men as he went the others as well.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#379 Jan 20, 2012 3:26 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe reaches the prison area and sees Nadia "Nadia!" Marlowe says as he runs to her and kisses her as Nadia hugs him dearly and looks at Marlowe "Marlowe i was scared out of my mind and i felt a small pain in my belly." Nadia says as she rubs her belly as Marlowe rubs it with her "Its almost time." Marlowe says as he heard slow clapping "Oh how sweet the couple has been reunited and you fell right into my trap." Makarov says in the shadows as a thick metal door sealed the prison area and Marlowe looks around for him "Where are you Makarov!?" Marlowe yells as Makarov's juggernaught guards point light machine guns at Marlowe and Makarov steps out of the shadows "Give me the codes or you die." Makarov says as Marlowe pulls out a flash drive containing the codes "Here." Marlowe says as he tosses the flash drive to Makarov and he catches it "A wise decistion." Makarov says as he runs down the hall with his guards

Back at the base Toxic smiles and goes to Marx's room and lays on his bed waiting for his return and Gloria watches Toxic "Well a new dragoness." Gloria says as she goes to Zaphs room and lays on his bed and also Zonoya


#380 Jan 20, 2012 12:46 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Marlowe!" Said Argil he and the gang caught up to them. Argil used his spear and freed Nadia and Marlowe.

"Nadia are you okay they didn't do anything to you did they? Marlowe what about you?" Asked Argil concerned.

Cynder went back to her bed and waited for Spyro's return.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#381 Jan 22, 2012 11:06 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe looks at Argil "Nadia's fine but its almost time." Marlowe says as he pulls out his AK-47 and looks down the hallway that Makarov took "Price, Nickolai with me we are after Makarov." Marlowe says as Price stands beside him "For once Hunter i agree with you." Price says as he looks down the hallway as Nickolai agrees with Price "Alright i will take point, Argil guard Nadia with your life and our Chaplain will assist you." Marlowe says as the Black Templar Chaplain agreed and stood by Argil then Marlowe walked down the hallway and came to a big room and looked around "What the heck?" Marlowe says as he looked at the fully built Wildcat mech and various building equipment "This must be some sort of mech construction room." Price says as he approaches a console "Alright lets see what info we can get out of this......It says that Project Wildcat was a russian military project to make war mechs designed for all purpose missions and for crossing hazardous terrain but it ends there." Price says as he approches a door and attempts to open it but it was locked and kickes the door open and on the other side of the door was his juggernaugt guards running with Makarov to a Wildcat mech "There he is!" Marlowe says as he fires and kills a juggernaugt guard with a head shot and the surface door opened and the elevator activated and Makarov activated the Wildcat mech and fired its arm-mounted machine guns then Marlowe, Price, and Nickolai took cover as the elevator rose to the surface and Makarov drove the mech out of the metal factory area and Marlowe and co. stood up and sees the other juggernaugt dead by the bullets fired from the mech

Toxic lays on Marx's bed and dreams of him under his arms but woke up and sighs and misses him


#382 Jan 22, 2012 2:14 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Oh my gosh Marlowe your going to be a dad amazing. But first we have to take care of this russian evil man!" Said Argil a chopper landed and the Ones were onboard they helped Nadia on.

"Don't worry Nadia The Ones will take you safely home back to the base. Ones if she goes into labour help deliver!" Said Argil. The Ones saluted and flew the chopper back to the base. Argil and co came to the elavator area and saw Marlowe, Price and Nikolai.

"The Ones are taking Nadia back to the base. If she goes into labour they can help deliver your son or daughter Marlowe!" They looked around their own AK-47's ready they saw the dead jauggernaugt.

"Woah what happened here did we miss a wild party or did Makarov get away?" Asked Marx.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#383 Jan 22, 2012 7:28 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe looked at Argil "Makarov is driving a Wildcat mech." Marlowe says as hears communications of screams and gunfire "My lord there is this mech we need reinforcements! It is outside the factory!" the marine says as the communications went to static and looked at Argil "Alright lets kill Makarov and go home then celebrate." Marlowe says as he runs through the factory and gets outside and sees the mech and gasps then the mech turns and in the cockpit is Makarov "This ends now Makarov!" Marlowe yells as a laser dot is on Marlowe's head "Yes but the end is just the beginning with this mech i can destroy anything with ease and i will be the rightful ruler of Alavar!" Makarov says as he locks onto Marlowe with a missle and fires then Marlowe concentrates and fires a blast of ice destroying the missle and blasts an ice spike at the mech but deflects off of the mechs elemental shields and Makarov laughs "You think your elements will help you. I designed the shield to protect me from all elements. Now you will die!" Makarov says as he fires the machine guns and Marlowe went into armor lock

Nadia looked at her stomach and rubbed her bulge of an egg "I going to be a mother." Nadia says as tears of joy ran down her face and Black Templar apothecaries are at the hangars waiting for the chopper


#384 Jan 22, 2012 7:54 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Congradulations, I'm sure you'll make a great mother!" Said Mark as the chopper landed and the Ones helped her out.

Argil jumped in front of Marlowe his armour protecting him from the bullets.

Argil ran at the shields taking his spear out and striking them destroying them.

Argil then blasted several water daggers into the Wildcat mech destroying the top. revealing an entrance in. Argil flew and landed on top of the cockpit and pulled Makarov out and tossed him to Marlowe.

Argil destroyed the Wildcat Mech with several earth blasts. landing beside Marlowe.

"Hey Makarov over here!" Spyro ran up to Makarov covered in a firey aura he used his Comet Dash to bash into Makarov also burning him. Spyro grabbed Makarov with his teeth and tossed him up to Alex.

Alex used a technique called the Leaping Dragon. And glided down two sais's were in his front paws. He slashed Makarov across his face leaving a bloody gash.

"I move like a ninja and a samurai now have a nice flight!" Alex placed his weapons away and tossed Makarov two Zaph who was traveling in a tornado created by using his wind element powers. He whiplashed Makarov with his tail. Zaph tossed Makarov to Marx. Marx used a green earth boulder attack and slammed into Makarov slamming him to the ground in front of Marlowe.

Argil placed his spear and gun away and saw the flash drive the others put their weapons away and Argil took the flash drive from Makarov and gave it to Marlowe.

Spyro and co walked up to him.

"Our turn!" Said Terrador he ran out and blasted Makarov with an earth missile. Cyril shot an ice ball at Makarov freezing him and stabbing him through the chest. and Volteer broke the ice and zapped Makarov with a lighting bolt Makarov landed in front of Marlowe.

"That was for all the harm you've caused!" Said Volteer. The Ones had come back and Mark punched Makarov and Kriller blasted a water bomb at him knocking him again in front of Marlowe.

"We had to have a few hits too!" Said Mark. The other Ones were helping Nadia into the base.

OOC: Sorry it was a bit long.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#385 Jan 23, 2012 3:23 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe grabbed the flash drive and picked up Makarov and held him by the neck and looked at Makarov in anger "You have killed many innocent people and dragons why? Why did you do this?" Marlowe says as Makarov spits some blood out "You think your a hero but you are nothing but a criminal you killed Veronica in cold blood remember that day when we were at Warfangs market." Makarov says as Marlowe remembers that day "She was a drug dealer Makarov and soon you will join her." Marlowe says as his tone changes to a dark tone as he changes to Dark Marlowe and dark aura surrounded him and bright white eyes looked at Makarov and he starts to panic "Go on kill me! You wanted me dead so do it! Do it!" Makarov says as Dark Marlowe pulls out his desert eagle and aims it at his head "Any last words before you die?" Dark Marlowe says as he looks at him evily, scaring Makarov "Yes i die for mother Russia!" Makarov says as he pulls out his pistol and fires a round into Argil's leg and Marlowe was in fury and pulls out his Scalar sword and impales Makarov killing him and Marlowe was in a blood frenzy and charges at Spyro thinking he was Malefor "Die daemon!" Dark Marlowe says as he swings his Scalar sword trying to cut Spyro

the Black Templar apothacaries got Nadia on a streacher gets her into the infermery as Black Templar grey knights guard the infermery entrance


#386 Jan 23, 2012 11:32 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Argh!" Argil cried in pain as. Alex took the bullet out causing more pain. Alex put an icepack on it. He cast a healing spell and made modifications to the armour all their body was protected.

"Thanks Alex. Marlowe!" Said Argil trying to hug Marlowe to calm down but Kriller pulled him back.

"Let me go he's my best friend. I would be acting the same way he would be if something happened to him!" Said Argil struggling to break free.

"Just hang on you can control your temper. So you would be angry but you can control it. Besides Marlowe might mistake you for an enemy. Spyro told us to let him handle it through communication let's go!" Said Kriller as they all boarded choppers and headed back to the base. Argil looked at Marlowe worried through the window.

"Marlowe!" He started to break down and cry he wanted his best friend back. the guardians and everyone calmed him down. Spyro heard it over the commucation and cried too. Eventually Argil calmed down but he was still worried about Marlowe.

Spyro was okay again.

"I'll get him back Argil I promise!" Said Spyro to himself. He knew fighting was the only way to calm Marlowe down. Spyro turned back to the battle only to be cut by the sword leaving a bloody gash across his left cheek.

Spyro healed it with healing fire and went into a Blood Frenzy as well. turning into Dark Spyro.

"You'll pay for that!" He said taking the sword and throwing it away and it landed beside the factory. Dark Spyro did his Beserk Dash the dash for The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night.

Dark Spyro was covered in a dark purple aura he rammed into Dark Marlowe and slammed him through the factory and into a nearby forest.

"Ragh!" Dark Spyro let out a huge roar and he blasted Dark Marlowe with his purple breath from The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night as well. It pushed Dark Marlowe back and also bombared him.

OOC: Whew sorry that was long.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#387 Jan 23, 2012 10:49 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Dark Marlowe looked at Dark Spyro still thinking he was Malefor as he redirects the breath back at him knocking Dark Spyro to the ground and Dark Marlowe walks up to him laughing darkly "You fool! You think that pathetic breath can kill me Malefor! Now lets see if you can die fast!" Dark Marlowe says as he readies his Scalar sword to stab Dark Spyro but Darkness snaps both Marlowe and Spyro out of thier rage in thier minds "Stop this both of you, you guys are friends you should not be fighting anyway and Marlowe please calm down." Darkness says as Marlowe calmed down and looks at Spyro "Spyro you ok please speak to me!" Marlowe says as he waits for his response

Nadia was still in the infirmery waiting to give birth and Zonoya felt a small pain in her stomach and rubbed it "Its almost time for me to give birth." Zonoya says as she waits for Argil


#388 Jan 24, 2012 1:55 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: This will be long hang tight.

Dark Spyro stood up.

"Ha is that all you got my breath will affect you I argh!" Spyro returned to normal.

"Thank goodness I'm okay yeah Marlowe I'm fine. Come on let's return to the base!" Said Spyro. The Ones had burnt up Makarov's body before they left with a lighter. They put it away and the flame and Makarov's body were no more.

Cynder felt a small pain in her belly.

"I am going to give birth soon!" Said Cynder. Waiting for Spyro. A chopper landed and The Ones and Argil and co came out. Argil was feeling better he knew his best friend would be okay.

Argil and co ran to the infirmary.

"Let us through we want to see Nadia and make sure she's okay!" Said Argil.

Two Resistance members heard what Cynder and Zonoya had said they took Cynder and Zonoya into the infirmary through another entrance. Argil saw Zonoya and ran up to her and held her paw.

"Your giving birth. We're going to be parents. Oh Zonoya I love you!" Said Argil kissing Zonoya.

Marx went to his room and checked on Toxic.

A chopper landed and Spyro and Marlowe were on it.

The Resistance came up to them. A Resistance leader.

"Your wives will give birth soon go and see them!" Spyro took off like lighting to see Cynder.

"Their dragoness right they will lay the egg!" Said Alex. Looking. The Resistance heard and some members put nests around. Zonoya, Cynder, and Nadia than left.

Zaph went to find Gloria.

Argil stopped kissing Zonoya and continued to hold her paw.

"Hope Nadia is okay?" He thought.

Spyro ran into the infirmary and nuzzled Cynder she nuzzled back.

Zaph saw Gloria and wrapped his arms around her waist. And rested his head on her falling asleep beside her.

Marx saw Toxic. He wrapped his arms around her waist. And fell asleep. His arms wrapped lovingly around her.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#389 Jan 24, 2012 5:41 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe heard that Nadia is ready to give birth and he ran to the infirmery and saw Nadia "Nadia im here." Marlowe says as he kissed Nadia and Nadia kissed back "Marlowe i was worried about you but now your here with me." Nadia says as she yelled in pain "Marlowe im scared!" Nadia says in pain as she breathes heavily and Marlowe held her paw "Its ok im here now breath ok?" Marlowe says as Nadia nods and breaths then yells in pain  again then Zonoya yells in pain also "Argil im scared!" Zonoya says as she holds Argils paw

Gloira looks at Zaph and kisses his forehead and lays her head beside Zaph's "I love you." Gloria says as she coils her tail around his

Toxic looks at Marx and shakes him to wake him up "Hey my love can you come with me?" Toxic says as she gets off of his bed and waits at his bedroom entrance


#390 Jan 24, 2012 9:33 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"It's okay just relax and breath everything will be fine!" Said Argil holding her paw.

"Ouch this little one really is strong!" Said Cynder. Spyro kissed her and held her paw to calm down.

"Argh!" Said Cynder suddenly she felt better and looked inside the nest. Inside was a purple/black egg. Spyro hugged her.

"You were great!" He said. Spyro and Cynder coiled their tails around each other as Cynder rubbed the egg lovingly and Spyro smiled adoringly at it.

"Congrdulations!" Said Alex.

"Agreed!" Said Argil.

"Thanks!" Smiled Spyro.

"I love you too!" Said Zaph kissing Gloria's forehead and falling back asleep his arms around her.

"Okay I'm up!" Said Marx following Toxic.

OOC: Whew another long one. There might be a lot of these. Hope that's okay?

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#391 Jan 24, 2012 11:31 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: its ok i like long posts and it makes it like a story

Nadia then yelled in pain and held Marlowe's hand tightly then felt better and looked in the nest and sees a black/purple egg and coils her tail around the egg then Marlowe looks at the egg "Marlowe what are we going to name our offspring?" Nadia says as Marlowe looks at the egg as tears of joy ran down his face "Miranda my love." Marlowe says as he put his hand on the egg and hugs Nadia "The guardians are going to be proud of me." Marlowe says as Zonoya yells in pain and held Argil's paw then felt better and looked in the nest and sees a blue/red egg and coils her tail around the egg and the egg and looks at Argil "What do you want to name our offspring?" Zonoya says as she waits for his answer

Toxic flies out of the base and to a lake and lands on the bank of the lake and hides behind a tree


#392 Jan 25, 2012 1:29 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Frijir my angel!" Said Argil watching the egg with love.

"We will name our's Nina!" Said Spyro. As Cynder nodded her approval.

Marx wondered outside he flew to the bank of the lake. Took a drink and looked for. Toxic.

"Where could that angel of mine's be?" He asked. Taking a look around. He could not see her yet.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#393 Jan 25, 2012 7:07 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe hugs Nadia and she hugs back then she nugged Marlowe "Go see Argil." Nadia says as Marlowe knows what she means and walks to Argil "Congrats Argil and Zonoya." Marlowe says as he looks at them and smiles as Nickolai and Price walk up to Spyro "Hey what about Marlowe's suprise party?" Nickolai whispers as Zonoya nuzzles the egg with love and looks at Argil "Look honey the egg is beautiful." Zonoya says as she kisses Argils neck and purrs and wraps her wing around Argil "I love you." Zonoya says as she places her paw on his

Toxic looks at Marx from behind the tree then pounces on him and looks into his eyes "Got you." Toxic says as her eyes glowed from the moonlight and the hazard sign glowed on her arm then she blushes and brushes her cheek against his


#394 Jan 25, 2012 10:28 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Argil kissed Zonoya back and wrapped his left wing around her.

"I agree it is beautiful!" Said Argil wrapping his left wing around Zonoya and kissing her back.

"I love you too!" Said Argil.

"Also thank you Marlowe best pal, I'm sure your a dad as well so congradulations and too Spyro as well!" Said Argil hugging Marlowe he smiled then let go and smirked at his wife, egg and best friend.

"Thanks!" Said Spyro.

He turned to Nikolai and Price.

"I have an idea. But I need to talk to everyone with the exception of our wives!" Said Spyro.

"I understand do what you have to do. The Resistance will tell me what you say!" Said Cynder she sat on her egg to keep it warm.

Alex walked up to Spyro he gestured for Marlowe and Argil to follow him.

"Gotcha Zonoya I will be back honey I promise!" Said Argil kissing Zonoya on the lips and then he kissed his egg.

"I love you!" He said to Zonoya and the egg and walked off following Alex.

Spyro did as well. They were outside.

"First of all congrdulations to you both. Second what about the forces of chaos what if they come and try to hurt our families?" Asked Alex.

"I will get Resistance and Black, and Grey Templars to protect our eggs and our wives. They can handle themselves but maybe it's best to move them to a secret. Place we are dads so we will have time for our little angels and wives. But remember we also have to protect our world!" Alex and Argil nodded at what Spyro said.

"Another thing were moving the base. It's part of a surprise for Marlowe's surprise birthday. I want to move it to his hometown. I'm sure he will love that!"

"That would be great we can rebuild. Add some new stuff plus Marlowe will be home!" Said Argil.

Marx smiled at Toxic he thought her eyes were beautiful and so was she. suddenly a yellow energy ball hit Marx head on and he went flying into the lake he swam up and coughed up water. He saw Zerve The Sorcerer. Standing on a cliff smiirking.

He appeared in front of Marx.

"Your alive? But I thought Argil killed you for good!" Said Marx.

"Face it your family will never get rid of me tell Argil I want to face him in battle tell him to come alone or else!" He said dissapearing.

Marx contacted Argil.

Argil's eyes widened he told Spyro and Alex what was happening and told them to take care of Zonoya and his egg. Argil flew out of the base and into a desert area. Zerve was standing up on a cliff a pillar of earth carried him down to Argil.

"You never die do you?" Asked Argi.

"Face it Argil you'll never get rid of me. Now let's end this!" Zerve's left hand and staff had a blue energy ball forming in ether of them.

"Fine by me I'm going to find out why you hate our family and defeat you!" Said Argil running at Zerve.

Zerve blasted a blue energy ball into Argil sending him crashing through a nearby rocky cliff. Argil came out coughing up blood. But he wiped some off his mouth and smirked.

"Not bad let's see how you Argh!" Said Argil as Zerve blasted him with an ice spike. Argil was pinned to a rock. Zerve blasted a red energy beam into Arigl sending him through the rock and it came down on top of Argil. The rock broke but Argil had a bloody gash on his left cheek, and a scar on his forehead.

"I'll explain you deserve to hear it before you die!" Laughed Zerve.

"Not happening!" Said Argil running into Zerve ramming them both into a rock.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#395 Jan 26, 2012 1:07 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe ran after Argil and arrived at the scene and healed him with Love of the Sea "There you go bud now Zerve i see your back from the dead now you and me lets end this." Marlowe says as he casts guardian circle which protects and heals the occupants in the circle "Learned this one myself." Marlowe says as he pulls out a throwing knife and throws it at Zerve then looks at Argil "You ok?" Marlowe says as he pulls out his Scalar sword and casts a spell called Call of Arms which boosts strength and endurance then Nadia lays beside the egg and puts her wing over the egg to keep it warm then looks outside "Stay safe my love." Nadia says as she over hears Marlowe's birthday plans "Hey i have an idea when we put the base in Anchorage then activate the holographic simulator in the training room to cover the entire base and set it to scenario 7." Nadia says as Nickolai looks at her "Ah yes i heard about that scenario i called it Doom scenario nice idea and named after a game i used to play as a kid." Nickolai says as Price nods in agreement

Toxic jumps into the water and swims to Marx and breaths healing radiation on him to heal his injuries "You ok?" Toxic says as she hugs him as she watches the battle unfold


#396 Jan 26, 2012 1:47 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Thanks and yeah I am!" Said Argil hugging Marlowe. After he let go he growled at Zerve.

"You never stop do you?" Asked Argil.

"I told you to come alone!" Growled Zerve.

"I'm on a team. I fight for my friends and they fight with me!"

"Thanks to you yeah thanks!" Said Marx hugging Back. Toxic and watching the battle.

"Why are you doing this Zerve?" Asked Argil.

"Your father, your's Zaph's, and Marx's and also Alex's Crank was a water dragon. And your mother an electric dragon. Your father and mother were named Crank and Nena and they were my best friends. But one day they betrayed me. A misunderstanding. Wizards helped me and I became one a wizard and now a socerer. I killed your parents. You were their first born at a young age you defeated me" Said Zerve.

Argil stared in horror at the revalation and turned into Dark Argil. He blasted a dark water ball from his mouth at Zerve. But Zerve sent it right back and it knocked Argil out. Argil got back up and suddenly his color changed he was now a darker blue then his normal blue.

"A form that increses strength, speed and endurance and stronger than the dark side which I now can control something Spyro taught me in this form I am Legendary Argil!" Said Legendary or L-Argil.

"It's time to go, go, go!" Said Legandary Argil casting Call of Arms remembering what Marlowe did and increading strength and endurance for him and Marlowe. Zerve summoned three rock like snakes.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" Said Zerve blasting a red energy beam at Legendary Argil. Legendary Argil blasted an electric stream from his mouth at it and both attacks collided and both Zerve and Argil had dissapered when the smoke cleared.

The rock snakes were still there they turned into three huge stone ogres and roared.

Meanwhile Argil was normal and in another dimension with a lot of buildings. He was normal again.

"We end this now!" Said Zerve his staff glowing red.

"Could not agree more!" Said Argil running at him. Zerve ran at him. They were in Zerve's world. A world called Nine Ten.

"I agree we will do that. Once we reach Anchorage!" Said Spyro.

Meanwhile Zerve had been hit by Marlowe's throwing knife it stung him he took it out and healed him and threw it at Argil. It hit Argil on his left cheek causing a cut. Argil punched Zerve into one of the buildings and then whiplashed Zerve with his tail causing Zerve to hit the ground hard. Argil ran at Zerve. But Zerve blasted a red energy ball exploding upon contact with Argil.

Argil flew down and created a water twister which sucked up Zerve but fell down injured from the bastl. Zerve blasted a flameball into Argil. It turned into a water ball as Argil sent it back and it hit Zerve into the ground.

"Why don't you die?" Asked Zerve casting a spell which turned Argil into a human.

"Cause I'm your archrival and the son of Crank and Nena!" Said Argil he had green eyes, and short black hair and all white clothes in his human form. He kicked Zerve and gave him an uppercut. Zerve's staff turned into a lightsaber like weapon which was red. Argil used his spear and sparks flew as the weapons clashed.

"I'm going to end this!" Said Zerve growling.

"My dad and mom are watching me. I won't let them down!" Said Argil overpowering Zerve and sending him crashing to the ground. Argil stabbed Zerve in the back with the spear. Argil returned to normal. Zerve looked like he was dead he got up and blasted a green energy ball form behind Argil at Argil. Zerve trapped Argil in chains with a spell. Zerve cast Call of Arms an evil version of it. Zerve hit Argil with a lighting spell and Argil had a bloody gash on his face. Zerve punched Argil with a blue fist spell and Argil's face now had blood driping down from it. Argil was bleeding badly. But he hung on. Argil blasted an electric rope at Zerve it tied around Zerve's neck and zapped and strangled him. A portal opened and it closed two meteors came crashing down in the lake it caused a huge tidal wave to wash the rock monsters away. Argil emerged from the lake as did Zerve. Argil turned into an electric cheetah and scratched Zerve Argil turned back to normal.

Argil turned into a water lion and bit Zerve. Zerve fell down finally defeated a pool of blood coming out beneath him. Argil gave everyone a thumbs up his face was bloody but he was still in high spirits. Zerve got back up and sent a red energy ball at Argil which exploded and caused blood to splatter out of Argil's back.

Zerve fell to the ground getting back up. Blood on his robes which wore torn, and blood on his face. Argil looked just as bad a bloody face, back and a gash on his left cheek from the throwing knife.

"You were the first of your mom and dad's littre to be born your going to be the first to go why don't you stay dead?" Asked Zerve.

"I'm not going down that easy and besides no one will harm my family or friends!" Said Argil both of them staggered to their feet. Zerve fired a lighting wave at Argil. Argil unleashed a lighting wave of his own both attacks pushed each other back and forth Argil's overpowered Zerve's and Zerve was blown back from the blast.

Zerve's left shoulder was showing through his robes. He had been fired and was bleeding more he walked towards Argil.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#397 Jan 26, 2012 3:54 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe then walked up to Zerve and grabs his staff and kicks him back then breaks his staff in half "Well dont need that anymore." Marlowe says as he pulls out another throwing knife and stabs him in the heart then looks at Argil "You ok?" Marlowe says as he heals him with Love of the Sea then looks back at Zerve "Not so tough with out your staff huh." Marlowe says as he heals Argil

Toxic smiles at Marlowe and Argil then cuddles against Marx then kisses his cheek and interlocks her paw with his "Honey i love you." Toxic says as she blushes and coils her tail around his and placed her forehead against his

Meanwhile in a frost cave a frost dragoness and a daedric dragon lay together sleeping and they had their tails coiled around each other then the daedric dragon woke up and walked to the cave entrance then the frost dragoness woke up and looked at the daedric dragon "Where are you going Pariyte?" the frost dragoness says as Paiyte looks at her "Im going to my temple Blizzera." Pariyte says as Blizzera walks up to him "Stay safe my love." Blizzera says as she gave Pariyte a kiss as he kisses back "I will be back." Pariyte says as he flies to his daedric temple

Nickolai looks at Spyro "So how are we going to move the base?" Nickolai asks as he crosses his arms


#398 Jan 26, 2012 9:55 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Here comes papa!" Said Zerve taking the knife and stabbing it through Marlowe's heart making him drop the knife. Zerve cast a spell which reversed the effects for Love for the sea. Argil was still a bleeding mess. Zerve grabbed his staff.

Argil turned into an electric tiger and bit Zerve. Argil turned into a water bear and clawed Zerve.

"I forgive your family!" Said Zerve falling over dead.

"Thank you!" Argil healed his wounds with love for the sea and buried Zerve he took the throwing knife out of Marlowe and healed him with Love for the sea. Argil fell over his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He had lost to much blood he was dead.

"ARGIL!" Said Marx he was going to kiss Toxic but he ran to his brother's side trying to wake him up. tears streaming down his face Argil's blood poured out he was not moving an inch.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#399 Jan 26, 2012 10:43 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe went to his knees beside Argil "No dont die on me, you are going to be a father, Akatosh help us!" Marlowe says as he goes into prayers requesting the help of Akatosh then a ray of light hits Argils body then a white dragon lands infront of Argil's body then looks at Marlowe still praying then nudges him and Marlowe looks at the white dragon "Are you...?" Marlowe says in a suprised tone "Yes i am Akatosh and i will heal your friend." Akatosh says as he puts his paw on Argil's chest and all the blood goes back into Argil's body and revives his heart "There your friend is alive again and all wounds are healed." Akatosh says as he looks at Argil "Hello my mortal friend i am Akatosh you savior and healer." Akatosh says as Toxic looks in awe at Akatosh and walks up to Marx and sits next to him

Paryite lands at his temple next to the dragon temple and enters the temple as worshipers worshipped him as if he was a god and they say ainchent chants and did offerings to him "Yes my followers give me your sacrifices." Payrite says as he lays to his side absorbing the blood of his sacrafices


#400 Jan 27, 2012 2:39 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Thank you I am grateful!" Said Argil bowing to Akatosh.

Argil looked up at a cliff in horror. Marx saw it as well. Standing on that cliff was Zerve The Socerer.

"Clonned myself. You just killed a clone and let me tell you. Since you all can't seem to stay out of my way. I will deal with you all!" Said Zerve. He blasted a red beam at Toxic which reduced her to dust. Zerve then fired a blue beam at Marx which turned him into a skeleton the skeleton turned to dust.  Zerve drained the power of Akatosh with a spell and he became a part of Zerve. Zerve now had on white robes.

"Oh this is fun ready for more Argil?" He asked laughing.

Argil could believe it his brother and his brother's mate plus his savior were gone. Tears streamed down his face. He cleared them up but Zerve blasted s blue energy ball at Argil which sent him flying into the sky.

Zerve laughed. Argil pushed the ball away and flew back towards the battle.

"Alright Mr. Marlowe let's see how you fair!" laughed Zerve he vanished.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


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