#151 May 02, 2010 11:05 AM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

OOC: Right then, my intro. Don't worry, I've talked to Neo about it.

Jorfl stumbled through the awkward little doorway that was really too small for anyone older than ten, and stood at his workbench. He picked up a piece of smoothen string and tugged it experimentally. It didn't give way, and stayed in a single rather average length. He nodded in a dissatisfied kind of way, but then conspiritally reached into his belt for some other strings. He pulled them in the same way and they stretched a little. He licked his chafed lips and turned to his miniature crossbows. They were empty, so he gently removed the strings, and restrung them with his new, more elastic strings. He notched a rather boring browny bolt to one, and tightened the string. The tighter the string, he recited mentally, the faster and further the bolt would travel. There was probably a formula to that, taking into account weight, feathering wind spee-

At that point, the string gave way and flung the bolt into the wall, where it stuck, quivering. All right, Jorfl thought, a little too tight. He loosened the string a little and made the same adjustment to his other crossbow. Right then. Time to suit up. Jorfl opened a flimsy wooden cupboard and retrieved some bandoliers filled with bolts, colour-coded of course, and two complex rings of leather attached to either side of a belt, complete with even more bolts. He struggled his way into them, holstered his crossbows, now unstrung, and picked up a little backpack. He was ready for whatever opportunity came his way. Feeling very proud of himself he turned towards the door and promptly hit his face on the top of the doorframe. Grumbling, he ducked underneath, and strode out of his little hut, feeling downright grumpy.


#152 May 03, 2010 7:26 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

No help was in sight..or life..he decided to Make a fireworks show least someone would come, He stepped back and let out a blast...His race could do this however only once per day and doing it too often resulted in death, But he had modfied it to errect a scream of screechs...If no sign of life arrived soon..He would seek it..The temple he could see was full a city..infact..it was big..if nothing would come soon..He would indeed come to it.

Edit: May i take Cryill as well.

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#153 May 06, 2010 9:54 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#154 May 08, 2010 2:43 AM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

((Okay, Jackson, you got Cyril))

"I myself ain't sure what Ulkna has planned, but I am sure we will find out once we rescue the others." Ignitus said. "First things first, we must find your parents, tell them what happened and what we must do. Then we need to return to the Dragon Temple and retake it. Once that is done, we can search for Volteer and the others."

Neo smirked. "Easier said than done."


#155 May 08, 2010 2:49 AM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

(So yeah, when am I gonna come in?)


#156 May 08, 2010 3:03 AM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
Gems: 0

Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

(Any time you want, Rurikred. You don't need my permission)


#157 May 08, 2010 10:46 AM

From: France , Haute-Savoie
Registered: Aug 02, 2009
Posts: 674
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )


#158 May 10, 2010 4:07 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"Well, Ulkna's going to keep him in a place that's quite deserted," Cynder said, thinking carefully, "Know any... unpopular places?" She asked as they entered the swamp.

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#159 May 17, 2010 7:52 PM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
Gems: 0

Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"There are a lot of places that are unpopular, most being filled with the most vile of creatures." Ignitus explained to Cynder. "When Ulkna came, most of the dragons went into hiding. The only exceptions are me, the other Guardians, Neo, and maybe a few others. Places that used to be filled with dragons are now filled with monsters, mostly Apes, but there are unknown places that no one has ever seen before. Rumor has it that the worst lies in them."

"I've myself have been through places that wasn't originally known, before I took the task of being you and Spyro's guardian." Neo said. "I know some locations that could be large enough to keep a guardian captive while providing security against could-be attackers. Munition's Forge, for example, is a volcanic land that if filled with monsters that just couldn't wait to sink their molten teeth into the hide of dragons."


#160 May 17, 2010 8:29 PM

From: France , Haute-Savoie
Registered: Aug 02, 2009
Posts: 674
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )


#161 May 17, 2010 8:47 PM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

((Well, I am still thinking about the parents. If you or Saphira want to use them for the scene, go ahead. As for the volcano level, yes and no. It will be like the level, but different in my own unique way.))


#162 Jun 03, 2010 1:42 AM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

(OOC: Sorry I suddenly disappeared guys :-[  I didn't expect to, what with moving around and stuff. I'm good now though)

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#163 Jun 03, 2010 2:39 AM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
Gems: 0

Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

((WB Leo! Now we can get Sparx talking again ^^ And whos going to post? o.o;))


#164 Jun 03, 2010 3:56 PM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#165 Jun 03, 2010 8:11 PM

From: France , Haute-Savoie
Registered: Aug 02, 2009
Posts: 674
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )


#166 Jun 03, 2010 8:22 PM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

(OOC: It's okay.)

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#167 Jun 09, 2010 4:34 PM

Neo Hikato
From: Everywhere in the Dragon Realm
Registered: Jan 21, 2007
Posts: 320
Gems: 0

Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"We are near." Neo stated, remembering the environment that he lived in while Spyro and Cynder was growing up.

Ignitus nodded to Neo. "I am surprised how fast time went. I still remember seeing them going down the river, with you following them."

Neo looked to Ignitus. "I still remember it as well. But that is in the past, and now we must look to the future."


#168 Jun 10, 2010 2:16 AM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"What future?" Sparx asked skeptically.

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#169 Jun 19, 2010 12:53 PM

From: Lofty Castle
Registered: Nov 28, 2007
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

((Thousands of apologies for my longer-than-expected absence. Things have been kinda hectic over the last few weeks, and I'm back at college now to make things more difficult after the exams. But I have more free time than I had before, so I'm gonna try and get back on track with the RPs. I'll make a post when I have some time, OK?))

Avatar by Phoenix_Flyer


#170 Jun 22, 2010 9:15 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

The Group seemed to of forgotten about this creature.It was watching them..it took a good interest of the Purple dragon...It's plan was unkown but it seemed to know, "Tell me Dragon" Pointing at Spyro "That Black female...do you love her?" It's tail Dug into the ground.

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#171 Jun 22, 2010 8:55 PM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
Posts: 88
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"Where'd he come from!?" Sparx asked pointing.

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#172 Jun 23, 2010 5:34 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

The creature took no interest in the dragonfly...merely it's tail seemed to emite some sort of bio mixture into the ground making a lump stumpy rock next to it.

It stilled waited for this dragons response

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#173 Jun 23, 2010 12:45 PM

From: France , Haute-Savoie
Registered: Aug 02, 2009
Posts: 674
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

Spyro , after the surprise of the meeting , answered to the creature , sceptic :
"Tell me your identity. I have no answer to give to the guys who don't even say "hello" when they come across people..."

Saying that , he putted himself in a fighting stance , ready to jump backwards. It could be another monster from Ulkna of something...


#174 Jun 24, 2010 1:53 AM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
Posts: 88
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Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"Yeah." Sparx agreed. "What he said."

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#175 Jun 24, 2010 5:30 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
Gems: 0

Re: The End is the Beginning of the End ( ANB RP )

"Monster...Pah..Whoever this Ulkna is i have no interest in that.."

The creature looked at cynder

"Of course...Lover boy..Lets see how you like THIS!"

Without much time the creature lunged toward cynder.

"I sense Darkness in you Purple dragon...Maybe This will UNLEASH IT"

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


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