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#1 Aug 20, 2009 12:12 PM
- the dark dragoness queen
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#2 Aug 20, 2009 1:46 PM
- Kmn483
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
If you loved someone would you give up because the person you love doesn't like you? would you not like him or her anymore? Would you just not care? No one would. Why can't you get that picture?
But since I'm tresspassing, you could say, in your forum topic, well go to if that link doesn't work go search it in google. It'll work. It's the fastest way to raise them up unless you got a million forums. Every since Dc fansite went down any way. But yeah just check up on them every 3 or 5 days, i think, cuz you can only keep them in there for a few days. But you can re-enter them. ok? oh and btw Ember is annoying. Even?
Never returning. may pop in once in a blue moon. *shrugs*
#3 Aug 20, 2009 9:22 PM
- grievous16
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Wait, there's an Anti-Ember club? Can I join?!? I have been waiting YEARS for this club to appear (and by years I mean as soon as AHT came out)
One day the unreal shall be real, the fallen shall rise, and the nightmares shall become a reality. Those who follow shall earn life eternal. Those who don't shall die. The rising of the Dark Lord shall be humanity's undoing. All hail the Dark Lord of the Sith.
#4 Aug 25, 2009 10:05 PM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Death to the Brittney Spears of Spyro!!! sign me up!
#6 Aug 27, 2009 8:43 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Oh, and it's not gross to be in love with dragons...
but I kinda want to join this becuase she is annoying as hell, but I don't becuase she has actually emotions unlike Brick.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#7 Aug 29, 2009 8:41 AM
#8 Aug 31, 2009 10:44 PM
- grievous16
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Here is something you know you will hear from Spyro;
Spyro: Ember, there's something I need to tell you.
Ember: *starts bursting into tears of happiness* You love me!?!
Spyro: No, in fact, I am with Cynder.
Ember: *long gasp* You don't mean.....
Spyro: Our relationship was through and done with LONG ago.
Ember: B-b-but...b-b-b-but...
Spyro: Goodbye, Ember.
Ember: *starts sobbing*
Just a fact that everyone knows. Spyro is with Cynder and Cynder is with Spyro.
One day the unreal shall be real, the fallen shall rise, and the nightmares shall become a reality. Those who follow shall earn life eternal. Those who don't shall die. The rising of the Dark Lord shall be humanity's undoing. All hail the Dark Lord of the Sith.
#9 Sep 01, 2009 12:09 AM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
I would pay cold, hard cash to see the look on Ember's face when she finds out... :devil:
#10 Sep 01, 2009 10:51 PM
- grievous16
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Oh, and it's not gross to be in love with dragons...
but I kinda want to join this becuase she is annoying as hell, but I don't becuase she has actually emotions unlike Brick.
Ember may have 'emotions', as you call them, but hers are out-of-control type emotions. Hate to be the poor guy who actually likes Ember and her bizarre emotions. And Cynder is not a brick. Ember is Brick, as you call her, Rurik. :-P So Brick is too emotional for Spyro, unlike Cynder.
One day the unreal shall be real, the fallen shall rise, and the nightmares shall become a reality. Those who follow shall earn life eternal. Those who don't shall die. The rising of the Dark Lord shall be humanity's undoing. All hail the Dark Lord of the Sith.
#11 Sep 01, 2009 11:04 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
....Clearly you are more retarded than you let on. I call her Brick becuase she HAS no emotions. Especially in DotD...or were you too busy goggling at her *bleep*?
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#12 Sep 01, 2009 11:16 PM
- Stormy
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
What I said about the Anti-Cynder club applies here too. If you don't like Cynder, please just keep off this thread since it's a Cynder fanclub. There are plenty of other threads where you can debate about Cynder and Ember other than the fanclubs.
#13 Sep 02, 2009 10:53 PM
- grievous16
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
I know, but I am just saying that Cynder may not have a lot of emotions, but at least she doesn't go around hugging and kissing and harassing everyone she sees like EMBER does. (by harassing I mean by what Ember, a.k.a Brick, did to Spyro on AHT) And I call people Brick if they have TOO MANY emotions that they are stiff emotionally, like Ember. Sometimes having TOO FEW emotions is better than having TOO MANY emotions. Okay, I am officially giving Ember a new nickname: Brick; because she is so emotional that she is stiff emotionally. Stormy if I said anything in a wrong way, please point it out.
One day the unreal shall be real, the fallen shall rise, and the nightmares shall become a reality. Those who follow shall earn life eternal. Those who don't shall die. The rising of the Dark Lord shall be humanity's undoing. All hail the Dark Lord of the Sith.
#14 Sep 02, 2009 11:25 PM
- Stormy
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
You said something wrong by continuing the argument in this thread after I told you to stop.
I'll say it again: if you want to continue to debate about this, make a new thread for it. This is not what the fanclubs are for. Any more of this and both the Anti clubs are getting locked.
#15 Sep 02, 2009 11:45 PM
- grievous16
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Okay, sorry about that. :-[
One day the unreal shall be real, the fallen shall rise, and the nightmares shall become a reality. Those who follow shall earn life eternal. Those who don't shall die. The rising of the Dark Lord shall be humanity's undoing. All hail the Dark Lord of the Sith.
#16 Sep 07, 2009 11:16 PM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
hey, let's throw a party! I don't know why, I just think we should throw a party for some reason. oh yeah, IT'S MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY!!!
just wanted to announce that for no good reason.
randomness is the essence from which we all spring and will all decend back into.
#17 Sep 08, 2009 1:59 AM
- Stormy
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Um, the Fan Clubs section isn't an extension of the SPAM forum either....
#18 Sep 08, 2009 6:57 AM
- cynderfan
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
....Clearly you are more retarded than you let on. I call her Brick becuase she HAS no emotions. Especially in DotD...or were you too busy goggling at her *bleep*?
Don't say things like that, do it one more time and it is 'El Reporto' to the mods.
#19 Sep 08, 2009 2:48 PM
- Stormy
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
...Did I not make it clear enough that the arguing needs to go to a different thread?
That post was a while ago, and he has not done it again. If he does, there will be consequences, but you don't need to drag up again; all it can possibly do is start flame wars.
#20 Sep 10, 2009 1:52 AM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
I'm sorry if the last post was pretty spammy, but I tend to have my moments. sorry.
anyway, if all the drama about that arguement has blown over, can we get back to why the club was actually CREATED? trying to appease the moderator gods whose wrath we hath incured is getting kind of old.
#21 Sep 23, 2009 11:31 PM
- Jackson117
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
Wahoo it's the Facepunch forums and 4chan all over again.
Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster
#22 Oct 03, 2009 8:35 AM
- ember_da_dragon
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
i'm trespassing onto this thread :-[
i don't understand why many people bash on her, i mean somebody actually had the time to make a game where the object is to torture her,
i am not a "OMG EMBER AND SPYRO 4-EVER!!!1111" but i don't think she deserved that game
i know ember has flaws eg her voice, but that's not embers fault it's the person who plays her.
but even after all this i don't care if you disagree with me
everybody is entitled to his or her own opinions so i'm just going to leave the thread now
#23 Oct 04, 2009 4:37 AM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
i'm trespassing onto this thread :-[
i don't understand why many people bash on her, i mean somebody actually had the time to make a game where the object is to torture her,
i am not a "OMG EMBER AND SPYRO 4-EVER!!!1111" but i don't think she deserved that game
i know ember has flaws eg her voice, but that's not embers fault it's the person who plays her.
but even after all this i don't care if you disagree with me
everybody is entitled to his or her own opinions so i'm just going to leave the thread now
Trust me, we understand what you're saying. If the game developers made Ember an actually decent Character, then we probably wouldn't be bashing on her so much. as it is, however, the game makers made her into a pycho-stalker fangirl who is ANNOYING AS HELL!!! THAT Ember is the reason this club was formed.
Aright, the Club is up and running again! WOO-WOO!!!
#24 Oct 04, 2009 5:33 AM
- ember_da_dragon
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
ember_da_dragon wrote:i'm trespassing onto this thread :-[
i don't understand why many people bash on her, i mean somebody actually had the time to make a game where the object is to torture her,
i am not a "OMG EMBER AND SPYRO 4-EVER!!!1111" but i don't think she deserved that game
i know ember has flaws eg her voice, but that's not embers fault it's the person who plays her.
but even after all this i don't care if you disagree with me
everybody is entitled to his or her own opinions so i'm just going to leave the thread nowTrust me, we understand what you're saying. If the game developers made Ember an actually decent Character, then we probably wouldn't be bashing on her so much. as it is, however, the game makers made her into a pycho-stalker fangirl who is ANNOYING AS HELL!!! THAT Ember is the reason this club was formed.
Aright, the Club is up and running again! WOO-WOO!!!
your probably the nicest ember hater i've met
#25 Oct 05, 2009 12:26 AM
- cheesypower
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Re: the official anti-ember fan club
I've found that it pays to be flexible because things can change. and when they can change, they will. If game developers ever bring her back into the spyro games, it could be a good thing (turn her into an actually decent character), or a bad thing (same annoying fantard). I'll judge her by whichever they choose.
Also, I've found that not agreeing with or even opposing a certain arguement shouldn't be an absolute when judging people, because like I said, things change, and humans change even faster. In other words, you may be an Ember fan, and I am obviously an ANTI-ember fan (for the moment), but that doesn't mean I'm going to try and burn your house down or anything.
thanks again for the compliment, and another thanks for giving me a reason to keep posting here. everyone in the club seems to have dissapeared...