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#1 Feb 18, 2008 10:55 PM
- Spyro
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- Registered: May 22, 2006
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Fan Club Rules
First of all, welcome to the Fan Clubs section of Spyro Forum! This new section allows you to discover others who share your favorite characters and shippings.
What's a shipping?
As taken from Wikipedia:
Shipping, derived from the word "relationship", is a general term for fans' emotional and/or intellectual involvement with the ongoing development of romance in a work of fiction.
Shipping can involve virtually any kind of relationship — from the well-known and established, to the ambiguous or those undergoing development, and even to the highly improbable and the blatantly impossible. People involved in shipping (or shippers) assert that the relationship does exist, will exist, or simply that they would like it to exist.
Basically...a shipping is ____ x _____. Who should end up with who, or who you'd like to see end up with who and can involve any match of characters.
What's the point of these fan clubs?
Well, this should help bring together all the scattered posts about who likes what character and why. Also, it will unify fans of a certain character and/or shipping - you may like a certain character or support a certain shipping and wonder who else does, now you will know!
This gives all fans of a certain shipping/character the chance to participate and contribute to their respective clubs by being in charge of their own topics. It provides you with the chance to be a fan with other fans and have real conversations - no spam, no hate, no negativity.
Once a club is started you can post appropriate videos, artwork and screen shots of that character. You can link to fan fictions that involve the character (but do not post them in the club). The club 'presidents' (the president is the person who started the club...see their rules below) can see to their being games or contests with the characters, to keep the club fun and lively. Most importantly, just discussing the character - its history, why you like it, how you hope to see it used in the future Spyro games/movie, etc. - is all relevant and encouraged.
1) In each thread members must be fans of the character the thread is for. If you dislike a character, do not post in that thread. These are fan clubs, not hater clubs. Stick to discussing the specified character/shipping. If you wish to discuss another character or shipping - create a new fan club accordingly. One such example is if you join the Official Ignitus Fan Club it is to discuss the character of Ignitus. Do not post any shippings there, create a new thread for that.
2) In each thread members must be fans of the character the thread is for. If you dislike a character, do not post in that thread. Stick to discussing the specified character/shipping. If you wish to discuss another character or shipping - create a new fan club accordingly.
3) Fan Clubs are done on a first come, first serve basis. I'm sorry if you had hoped to create a thread for your favorite character but it has been done before. Fan Clubs should not be repeated - each character should have its own thread, but only one thread, and that thread starter is in charge of hosting it. Any duplicates will be deleted so don't put effort into making one. Put that effort into contributing to the existing fan club, instead.
4) Positivity only. While everyone is entitled to their opinion elsewhere around this forum this is a "biased" board if you will. You're welcome to disagree with anyone but don't post that disagreement here. Again, these are fan clubs, not hater clubs. If you want to rant go to the Spyro board or just keep it to yourself. The point of the fan clubs is to help fans of a character find other fans. They can find haters on their own time. Be respectful to your fellow members.
5) If angry discussions, swearing, or attacks on other members begin in any way - actions will be taken. If you come across an inappropriate post, please report it. Keep in mind that we didn't ask YOU to tell the person above to knock it off or yell at the other member. Do not take things into your own hands - let us be the police.
6) Absolutely no fandom. Sorry. These fan clubs are for official characters only. That means only characters that have appeared in the canon series which then means only characters from the games Sierra/Universal has published. Also, any characters from the official Spyro movie can be given fan clubs. Any fan-made characters (thus any shippings with fan characters) are not allowed. You should know the difference between a fan character (one in a fan fiction, fan game, fan movie) versus a real character. If you're still in doubt, then research it or just don't make the club.
7) Characters and shippings only. At this time, we don't want anything else. No "Official Green Gem Fan Club" or "Official Ripto's Rage Fan Club" yet. Keep it to games and shippings as this board kicks off and once it has gotten going, we will tell you that you can post more kinds of official fan clubs. Also, going along # number 6, no fan clubs for fan-made stories, games, or movies either. No fan-made anything, and nothing except characters and shippings until further notice.
8) Nothing inappropriate. This is a self-monitoring process. Sure, what you may find inappropriate is not what someone else would find inappropriate but think before you post. One such example is if you join the Official Ignitus Fan Club do not post any inappropriate art. A good example would be IgnitusxCynder. Ignitus is hundreds of years old and Cynder is 12, this would be pedophilia and would disgust many members. Again, this is something you must assess for yourself. When you join a club, we encourage you post videos or art of that respective character but only what can be enjoyed by all the fans of that character. Shippings are especially dangerous. While we do not want to sound homophobic (we're not) gay shippings (IgnitusxTerrador) will probably turn into battle grounds. The same goes for pedophilic (adults sexually attracted children) shippings (IgnitusxCynder). Cross-species shippings (like EloraxSpyro) are about as far as you can go before treading dangerous waters. To avoid anger or hurt, keep that in mind before posting a shipping fan club.
List of inappropriateness present in art or videos you post:
Drunk Characters
Drugged Characters
Racial Slurs
Note: Homosexuality is not deemed inappropriate, we just fear that immature members will begin to say hurtful/harmful things if you so choose to post that kind of material.
9) Most of all, just have fun. You may find out a lot more people like your favorite character than you thought. People who share your favorite characters could become good friends. You may discover artwork or video tributes of/for your favorite character you never saw before and really enjoy it. This is to unify all fans of a certain shipping/character. Get to it!
President Rules:
1) Ensure your fan club is active and well kept for members to enjoy.
2) Treat all members respectfully, equally and fairly. A president is the keeper of each fan club and is watched by the members who have joined. However, you don't have any real 'power'...there are still moderators around so just because you are in charge of that fan club does not give you the lease to exclude or bully anyone.
3) If you need to step down as a president (no more time, no longer interested, etc.), make sure member takes your place. You appoint that member and make sure it is well known they are now in charge.
4) Follow all the above rules. Set an example to all members within your Fan Club.
5) Try to keep conversation active. If discussion has slowed, stimulate it if possible.
6) Do not handle situations on your own. Contact a moderator if there is an inappropriate post.
7) When starting any type of event keep in mind it can only be in one thread...don't make it too complex or elaborate. We already have a games board, so any fan club event should be more simple. These aren't even necessary. Discussing characters and sharing art/videos of them should keep fan club members plenty busy.
8) Most of all, just have fun. You may find out a lot more people like your favorite character than you thought. People who share your favorite characters could become good friends. You may discover artwork or video tributes of/for your favorite character you never saw before and really enjoy it. This is to unify all fans of a certain shipping/character. Get to it!
#2 Feb 19, 2008 2:20 AM
- Sails_the_Fox
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- Registered: Dec 23, 2007
- Posts: 570
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Re: Fan Club Rules
can i make a topic of cynder or spyro? theres a topic in here about the spyroxcynder thing can i make a topic about one of them? but not both of them?
SF94's brother.
#3 Feb 19, 2008 2:47 AM
- Spyro
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Re: Fan Club Rules
Neither a Spyro fan club nor Cynder fan club exists. You can make both.
#4 Feb 19, 2008 6:54 AM
- bmah
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- From: Edmonton AB, Canada
- Registered: Dec 19, 2007
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Re: Fan Club Rules
Fan Clubs aren't restricted to the Spyro realms, correct?
#5 Feb 19, 2008 1:42 PM
- Spyro
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Re: Fan Club Rules
What do you mean? Any character that appeared in any official Spyro game is allowed. I don't understand what you're asking.
#6 Feb 19, 2008 7:46 PM
- Sails_the_Fox
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Re: Fan Club Rules
ok! ill make one now!
SF94's brother.
#7 Feb 19, 2008 10:05 PM
- bmah
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- From: Edmonton AB, Canada
- Registered: Dec 19, 2007
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Re: Fan Club Rules
What do you mean? Any character that appeared in any official Spyro game is allowed. I don't understand what you're asking.
Sorry, my question's already answered. I was wondering if you could make fan clubs for characters outside of Spyro games, but:
These fan clubs are for official characters only. That means only characters that have appeared in the canon series which then means only characters from the games Sierra/Universal has published.
#8 Feb 20, 2008 11:40 PM
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- From: IL.
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#9 Feb 21, 2008 12:00 AM
- Spyro
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Re: Fan Club Rules
As many as you want. There's no limit.
#10 Feb 21, 2008 4:34 AM
- Sazex
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- From: Glimmer
- Registered: Dec 30, 2007
- Posts: 276
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Re: Fan Club Rules
I would make a sparx fan club...but I have no clue of what to do with it...
someone else should start it
#12 Apr 05, 2008 9:31 PM
- Sparkz
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- Registered: Apr 02, 2008
- Posts: 123
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Re: Fan Club Rules
rule 6
6) Absolutely no fandom. Sorry. These fan clubs are for official characters only. That means only characters that have appeared in the canon series which then means only characters from the games Sierra/Universal has published. Also, any characters from the official Spyro movie can be given fan clubs. Any fan-made characters (thus any shippings with fan characters) are not allowed. You should know the difference between a fan character (one in a fan fiction, fan game, fan movie) versus a real character. If you're still in doubt, then research it or just don't make the club.
best rule ever
[Images removed. Way to big!]
#13 Jan 14, 2009 9:56 PM
- Dark_Spyro_unleashed
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- Registered: Jan 05, 2009
- Posts: 28
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Re: Fan Club Rules
i made a TEEN DARK CYNDER. Someone made a regular DARK CYNDER fan club. will i be ok?
Courtney Coomer
Superjail fan forever
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