#76 Oct 27, 2008 2:08 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#77 Oct 27, 2008 2:10 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Oh. Yeah, I didn't understand that either.


#78 Oct 27, 2008 3:40 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

I'm a Cynder fan XD I love her personality in DotD, she's snippy but not like the mary-sue who always acts so uber mean to the main character but oh so secretly loves him. She just treated Spyro like a friend.

Buy my first reaction to Malefor was "*snrrt* He's pink..."


#79 Oct 27, 2008 4:19 PM

From: BC Canada
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

I beat the game 100%... in 2 days, can anyone beat that?

my mind gives me great assuptions,
I will use it in my power to use it

(really, hours of just thinkingmakes you a wise person)


#80 Oct 27, 2008 4:23 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Why would I even try? I play games for fun and I already know I'm slow and average at best.


#81 Oct 27, 2008 7:20 PM

From: BC Canada
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

meh, good point... but I wanted an excuse to show off big_smile. what nags at me all the time is that whenever there is a female main charachter in a game, everyone automatically assumes that either she loves someone or vice-versa with even the slightest sign...or not even. this is what happened with cynder and spyro, and the producers just went with it I have come to beileve

my mind gives me great assuptions,
I will use it in my power to use it

(really, hours of just thinkingmakes you a wise person)


#82 Oct 27, 2008 9:43 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#83 Oct 27, 2008 10:31 PM

From: Summer Forest
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Throwing my grain of salt into the whole SxC thing: I saw it coming because it was poorly written. I thought, 'If the rest of the LoS games are as cliche as this one then they probably will end up together.'.


#84 Oct 27, 2008 10:36 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Everyone who thinks this trilogy is bad, are you all old spyro fanboys/girls? I thought this Trilogy was perfectly fine, and I'm looking forward to the next game.


#85 Oct 27, 2008 11:29 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#86 Oct 27, 2008 11:31 PM

From: My floating island
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Darn you, you beat me to it.

(Tries to say something original)

Well, the series isn't going to please everyone. There's stuff that some people like and others don't.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#87 Oct 28, 2008 7:53 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#88 Oct 28, 2008 11:13 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

I personally thought Cynder's voice acting was fine. There was no need for her voice to be overly dramatic at that scene. She was trying to stay calm to help Spyro calm down, plus, she knew he was either going to do it, or he wasn't.

Me and my brother LOVED the entire game, including all the voice actors. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about this game, but then again, maybe I'm just easy to please.

OH, and did anyone else have to turn the subtitles on to understand Malefor? I honestly couldn't understand a word he said.  o_O


#89 Oct 28, 2008 11:17 AM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

XD yeah, after playing it through again, I guess the VA's did a decent job. Though I still think they should get professionals.

But I turned on the subtitles when I got to the Hermit. I didn't catch a THING he said.


#90 Oct 28, 2008 4:06 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#91 Oct 28, 2008 5:28 PM

From: Miami, Florida
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

Cliché is generally a bad thing because most people just can't enjoy a story that will always feel like they've seen it before. And not only seen it before, but seen it a hundred times over and over again. Writing is my minor, and I swear to you most of the elements and pacing I've heard my professors say to avoid in certain writings is what I've seen in this game.  I can't just say "this has Spyro in it, suck it up" and force myself to enjoy it. Even so, I play a game for its gameplay. If its gameplay is bland, I don't care about the story even if Spyro was Jesus himself, (oh wait, he was in this game apparently) I will consider the game to be mediocre as well.

As for comparing it to the old games, I try not to be biased when playing the game so I erase all traces of the old games from memory as I play them, and I still can't enjoy them. If I wanted to be biased I wouldn't have ever played them at all because I was so hesitant to do so, but alas. I've also used a friend of mine as a lab rat. I hadn't talked to him for a while after he moved from here but when he came to visit this weekend, I told him to play these three games. He's never actually heard me talk about Spyro, nor has heard of the games at all besides the commercials he saw for both the old school games and the newer ones. After he finished the trilogy I asked for an honest opinion and all he said was "pretty graphics, dumb story, weird designs... Boring." So quite frankly, the old games have nothing to do with this.

As for whether comparing it to the old games is fair or not anyway, as long as the title is "Spyro" it will always be fair. A "series" should try to be better as the games progress, if they aren't, usually the creators just give up. (But of course this is Activision.) The Sonic series receives flack each time a terrible game comes out and if it's too different, people will trace it back to the superiority of the old games. So basically if you choose to continue a series you're going to have that burden on your shoulders no matter what.

I'm not trying to argue but I want to give you all knowledge so you'd all stop with the "man you guys don't like these games because you're stuck on the old ones!" No, we just don't like them and the old ones happen to be good.


#92 Oct 28, 2008 5:36 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

I agree with you on some things, at least on the writing side, but I've read and seen so many epics that I've come to recognize the patterns. Where Spyro stands out is in the way the epic is delivered, and there are a few twists (the mentor didn't stay dead, yay!) that add some new spice. A cliche wouldn't be a cliche if it wasn't loved and wasn't a good story device to begin with. Just because it's been done a million times before doesn't mean it can't be done again and still be great.

But I suppose you and I will always disagree here. I happen to like LoS very much, even more now that I've finished the story. It's a good story in my opinion and I very much enjoyed it. I've decided to not really care if anyone else doesn't; that's your opinion and you have a right to it. smile


#93 Oct 28, 2008 5:52 PM

From: Miami, Florida
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

A funny thing I want to share with you guys is when I went to visit another friend back in Clearwater. I brought a bunch of games with me including the old Spyro. My friend, let's call him Ernie, had actually heard of the old games but never played them, (though he did like Ratchet and Clank) I don't think he ever heard about any of the new ones but he might have seen the boxart for them at some point. Anyway, Ernie's not important in this story. He did have a boyfriend though, called Michael, and since it was my first time meeting him we were bonding and such and then he noticed the old Spyro games and he said he used to play those all the time as a kid but could never get past Peace Keepers. (hahaha holy crap) So yeah, he never played or even heard of the new ones. Eventually Michael brings a friend of his called Krystal to stay over for a few days and as soon as she sees the old Spyro games she freaks out and says she loves them and then proceeds to start playing them right away. She's never heard of the new ones either.

So, at this point Dawn of the Dragon had only been announced a few months ago and has a little bit of screenshots, and I decide to show Michael these screens to see what he thinks. He was awed, actually. Haha. He said he loved the realistic look and for some reason was super excited over there being a dragonness character. He then calls Krystal over to see the screens and she looks at them for a while and when Michael goes "aren't they c--" she instantly goes "OH MY GOD THEY RUINED SPYRO!!!!!" Then Michael goes "what?! I like them what are you talking about!?" And they argue for a long time while I'm cracking up on the office chair. Then Ernie eventually gets sick of things and goes "guys just shut up so we can go to Taco Bell, I'M SO HUNGRY.... SPYRO'S GAY." So yeah, look at what I did. sad

I wasn't a member of these forums around that time so I never got a chance to mention it, but look, a common argument from here seen in real life! Awww.


#94 Oct 28, 2008 6:29 PM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#95 Oct 29, 2008 12:13 AM

From: Earth
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

It's funny, but I've noticed that the most volatile people who are against LoS are the younger fans who didn't play the games when they original came out. I find it a little strange and also amusing. A lot of the older fans like me who've been with the series forever don't usually freak out as badly as the youngsters (though a number of them do still get angry at LoS; I find that I am a general exception to the polarization this series has brought about; I love the old games, I love the new games, and I hate the games in between big_smile).

I can't get my husband to play any of the Spyro games, but he saw me playing DotD the other night and expressed genuine interest in playing. He also said he was impressed by the way the story ended (frankly, so am I; they ended the story, gave us closure, and still managed to leave enough room for future games; I didn't think it was possible XD).


#96 Oct 29, 2008 3:03 AM

From: My floating island
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

(Response to Kazoobies post)

I've seen friends almost duke it out over stuff like that <.<
I mean, being a fan is one thing...

Also, methinks my "cliche detector" is damaged. I've never really thought of a story as cliche, even if I've seen it 100 times.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#97 Oct 29, 2008 3:33 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts

I thought Cynder's voice was like excellent. I thought her voice fitted her personality


#98 Oct 29, 2008 3:44 AM

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Re: Razz's Thoughts


#99 Oct 29, 2008 11:30 AM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

lol I've noticed that too. Good thing I've played Spyro since the beginning. ^^


#100 Oct 29, 2008 12:15 PM

From: The Bread Basket!
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Re: Razz's Thoughts

My parents know that I really enjoy Spyro. It's always been some kind of Tradition at Christmas time, I always recieve a Spyro game.

But, I didn't last year because I got TEN early in October, and I didn't have a DS at the point when SL came out in 2005. (but I got in this year, earlier... makes a great traveling game, IMO. ^^)

But luckily I think this year will pay off those two years when I didn't get Spyro games... because I want to have Seasons of Ice and Flame for my GBA/DS in the "Spyro Superpack!", and of course, LoS: Dawn of the Dragon for the PS2. ^_^

I'm a fan of both trilogies, really. I loved to play the three originals when I was around 8-10, and now, 16, and wanting to play DotD, I'm very excited. No matter what Spyro looks like or his gameplay is to me, he's apart of my childhood, and teenhood. And if I ever have any kids of my own, I'm totally bringing out the PlayStation and let them have a try of beautiful imagination in the wonderful adventures of Spyro. Heck, they might even like both of the trilogies.


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