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#1 Jun 25, 2008 4:37 PM

From: Chicago, Illinois
Registered: Dec 14, 2007
Posts: 53
Gems: 0

how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

do i have to fill an application or make a post in the forums if so where and what are they


#2 Jun 25, 2008 5:08 PM

Registered: Feb 15, 2008
Posts: 5,033
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

Just ask SR nicely. smile


#3 Jul 08, 2008 4:42 AM

Adam Thurman
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 175
Gems: 0

Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

WE could gain skills in this. We can make sujestions to others work why not let anyone make a fanfiction or art. Why exactly is it restricted. Its almost as if they dont want to get in trouble for copy write or something. How is it copy write if we just use simular ideas.

Fell in love with Spyro when I was little. I played it with my friends. They went different ways over time and I refused to let this go. I am seventeen and still enjoy playing the old games as well as the new. Game makers are of their own and I have no reason to disagree because they made it perfect


#4 Jul 08, 2008 5:00 PM

From: Virginia, United States
Registered: Apr 16, 2007
Posts: 1,576
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?


#5 Jul 08, 2008 5:20 PM

From: Edmonton AB, Canada
Registered: Dec 19, 2007
Posts: 1,503
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

So I guess the issue is between restricting access for the reason of cluttering up inexperienced people VS. allowing the forum to be seen for all so everyone can learn from other people's art and literature.

If I had to choose one, I'd keep the forum a restricted area. If you do have the desire to learn from people's art and literature, ask for access.


#6 Jul 08, 2008 5:42 PM

Award: Admin
From: Australia Mate!
Registered: May 21, 2006
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

I like the whole restricted thing, and thats how it is going to stay. Anyone can view the fan fiction group, but only members can post.


#7 Jul 10, 2008 3:35 PM

Adam Thurman
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 175
Gems: 0

Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

When you are right you are write.

So us unexperienced writers get it rubbed in our face. Why must the forum do this when they can simply put up several ranging from beginner to advanced. I have been writing storys now for two years. This past year i took a creative writing class.

What they wont admit is the writers on here were beginners at one point or another. Question is where did they learn? From experience is the best answer.

Like i said they can keep it organized for those who feel comfortable being around those who have the same knowledge as they. Creative writing has nothing to do with skill.

Indeed it requires the use of grammar and spelling. We even need to portray our image with words. Does anyone know where creative writing came from. It was story's told orally. The first book of the bible was told orally and not until the Greeks could put the manuscripts together did they get it bound in some sort of format.

This is the most demeening part of this but it is the moderatoers who control it. They dont want to spend the time giving us something that we can actualy learn from. I will speek to Razz on this i am sure she will help us out. She writes too and a moderater. If anyone can change there minds it is her.

Fell in love with Spyro when I was little. I played it with my friends. They went different ways over time and I refused to let this go. I am seventeen and still enjoy playing the old games as well as the new. Game makers are of their own and I have no reason to disagree because they made it perfect


#8 Jul 10, 2008 4:01 PM

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From: Illinois
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?


#9 Jul 10, 2008 4:14 PM

Adam Thurman
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 175
Gems: 0

Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

If serous writers can join than let me join. I am a very serois writer and made fun of because of it. Nothing would be better than to prove them wrong. Have no idea what rpg is but if you say so i have no reason to argue.

Please let be join. Prove me wrong that i am not a serous writer. You have not seen what i have writen in my short story's and never herd from my teachers. My teacher came up to me with a big smile on his face and told me how good my story's are.

Out of all that barbed tongue from my peers i have had a great influence from my favorite teacher Mister stone. I am not lying that is his last name. Give me a chance to show my work. I need a place of encouragement for i have been through a lot for what my style is.

Fell in love with Spyro when I was little. I played it with my friends. They went different ways over time and I refused to let this go. I am seventeen and still enjoy playing the old games as well as the new. Game makers are of their own and I have no reason to disagree because they made it perfect


#10 Jul 10, 2008 4:29 PM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
Registered: Jun 01, 2006
Posts: 10,383
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Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?


#11 Jul 10, 2008 9:03 PM

From: Scaramogh's Horde
Registered: Oct 10, 2006
Posts: 884
Gems: 0

Re: how do i get the special access to write stories and see art?

Ask Spyrorocks.


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