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#1 Nov 03, 2014 4:39 PM

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I think I might have to give up on this game :(

So some of you guys might know that Paranoia and I have been doing a (really spaced out) playthrough of DotD. Well, I think we've both finally hit the limit to our patience.

We left off last time in the Ruins of Warfang where you have to activate the four dragon statues. I think we got two of them, but we did them in the wrong order and ended up somehow glitching the game so that the next couple puzzles wouldn't work. Okay, that was pretty annoying, but we planned to pick it up next time and try to go in the right order.

Tried again last weekend. Made sure not to go too far ahead (although how you're supposed to know the right order to do anything when the game doesn't tell you is beyond me...). Got to a puzzle where we were supposed to carry some glowing orb things to another area. For some reason we would drop them whenever we tried to fly, which makes NO sense. And at other points, it was just impossible to fly high enough to get up to where we were supposed to go. Finally figured out the game wanted us to drag this platform from one area to the other, with the person on the platform holding an orb and the other person pulling. WHY Spyro and Cynder couldn't just fly across with the orbs, I have no idea, but it really felt like the game was trying to force platforming where it didn't make sense. We ended up trying to solve this "puzzle" three times before getting angry about all the invisible ceilings/walls and how terrible the flying mechanics were and just giving up.

I wanted to like this game. I really wanted to give it a fair chance. I just can't deal with the awful controls and the bad platforming. It takes forever to figure out what to do, nothing works the way I expect it to work, and I just end up feeling irritated every time I try to play.

I'm not really asking for help with this part; I think it would just take way too long to do, and I would just keep getting frustrated by the flying. Just wanted to share my experience with the game. Maybe it's better on single player, who knows, but I don't think I'm willing to find out, at least not right now.


#2 Nov 03, 2014 6:07 PM

From: Norway
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Oh its pretty easy to do that part. Its my favorite place in the whole game. If you are wondering on how you are suppose to activate a switch that is inside the gitter gate. Use "Cynder". And use the shadow strike. R2 button. And if you hold the button, you can get under the gitter gate and activate the switch.

I don't know if it helps but i think this game was pretty unique, and its cool that you can play 2player with people in this.

And it doesn't matter what order you do it in. The thing is you get one key that activates one dragon. And that dragon on that side will give you air to fly to that place. So its all about just finding clues to what you are suppose to do in each four places with that key.

Edit: About that flying orb thingy. You use Cynder red shriek(Siren Scream) on those 2 horn thingy on each side of the bridge, to activate the bridge in between the place that is too far to fly over.

But i would recommend to leave the orb on that side, and fly over. Activate that half. And then activate the one on your side and then take the orb over. Hope it helps.

Last edited by Steinar (Nov 03, 2014 6:13 PM)

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#3 Nov 03, 2014 8:19 PM

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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Thanks for the suggestions, but like I said, I wasn't really looking for help on this; it was supposed to be more of a rant thread about my opinion on the game.

Basically, we figured out what needed to be done, but we both agreed that it was too frustrating trying to work around the weird constraints of the game and that we would be better off just quitting. And I really just can't stand the flight system. hmm

If it doesn't matter what order you do those things in, I don't know why we weren't able to get anywhere after completing two of the puzzles. I don't remember exactly what the problem was, but it was definitely a glitch of some kind - like there was a switch that needed to bring down some platform but was unresponsive, or something like that. Doesn't really matter now, anyway. tongue


#4 Nov 03, 2014 10:34 PM

From: United Kingdom
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Really? I got through the game first time on an emulator, no issues, seemed all too easy for me.

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#5 Nov 03, 2014 11:48 PM

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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Yeah, I don't know, this game is pretty divisive. Some people have no problems at all with the mechanics, whereas others are like me and find them extremely frustrating. I haven't seen too many opinions that are in between.

I remember there being nine-year-olds on this forum who thought this game was the best thing ever, so obviously they must have completed it without getting overly frustrated. It's weird; neither Paranoia or I are "bad" at video games. There's just something about this game.

Maybe it has to do with the types of games someone usually plays? No idea.

Edit: Actually, I'm interested to know which version of the game you emulated. We were playing the PS2 version.


#6 Nov 03, 2014 11:53 PM

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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Steinar wrote:

Cynder red shriek(Siren Scream)

I think you mean "BYYEEUH"

I wasn't able to figure it out either as a bystander. Between three people playing you'd think it wouldn't be so hard to figure out.

Level 67


#7 Nov 03, 2014 11:56 PM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
Registered: Apr 28, 2014
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Wait, nine-year-olds were here? Oh, *bleep*.

Hidden text

Why wasn't this game freakin' made better? I want to play it, now.

Ban reason: No explanation necessary
wqeFWU.png X5zIle.png
Tl8GK3.png mQ5vJ3.png (CoD)


#8 Nov 04, 2014 12:11 AM

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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

@Locoguy107, it was like 5 years ago right after DotD came out. Those nine-year-olds would be around 14 by now.

KingLambda wrote:
Steinar wrote:

Cynder red shriek(Siren Scream)

I think you mean "BYYEEUH"

I wasn't able to figure it out either as a bystander. Between three people playing you'd think it wouldn't be so hard to figure out.

"BYYEEUH" is the perfect way to describe how it sounded, hahaha. tongue But yeah, I do think if all three of us were confused there was definitely something going on besides our apparent incompetence.


#9 Nov 04, 2014 12:23 AM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
Registered: Apr 28, 2014
Posts: 661
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Actually, this was you guys:

Hidden text

One of the darkSpyro users was like, "OMG-THIS-IS-CAUSING-SO-MUCH-FREAKIN'-LAG-MAKE-IT-STAHP!!!!" (Bifrost)

Ban reason: No explanation necessary
wqeFWU.png X5zIle.png
Tl8GK3.png mQ5vJ3.png (CoD)


#10 Nov 04, 2014 2:03 AM

From: United Kingdom
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

I was using the USA PS2 version. Unfortunately, the very badly made PS3 emulator I have cannot play most games.

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#11 Nov 04, 2014 4:13 AM

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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

Yeah, it always felt like we were working around the game mechanics rather than just playing a video game. What I mean by that is that it was basically artificial difficulty; a game can be challenging, but only if you feel like you are in control of what you do. It felt like the game never responded the way I intuitively thought it should. I've played a lot of video games (and a lot of difficult ones too) and the way this game controls just seemed...sluggish and and unresponsive. Whenever you fly, the game just sort of guides you to where to go next. The camera tries to be dynamic, but ends up making you look at a badly textured wall or something rather than helping you figure out where to go. Maybe we were just too adamant in the fact that the game should just, well, work, and that's why we had so much trouble. I found myself trying to think about what the developers might have been thinking when they designed this, trying to use that logic to solve some of these "puzzles" that were basically unnecessary because of free flight.

I think the game was made for single player, and co-op was just kind of thrown in at the end for an extra feature. The tether mechanic is frustrating, and restricts your movement even more than it was in the first place. Doesn't excuse the game's arbitrary limits and wonky controls, but I suppose I can concede that the single player experience might be better.

I'm curious to hear everyone else's opinions on it though. Did any of you guys play co-op? Find the flight mechanics unnecessarily frustrating? Experience the game not doing a good job of letting you know where to go next? (and this is coming from someone who loves open exploration games in the vein of Dark Souls or Metroid Prime)

Last edited by Paranoia (Nov 04, 2014 4:20 AM)


#12 Nov 04, 2014 5:28 PM

From: United Kingdom
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Re: I think I might have to give up on this game :(

I completed it solo first time and Cheat engined the next save as much as possible (Bug finder, Kingdom hearts II failed miserably) and surprisingly I only got 1 major bug which was the health/power bars would reset back to 1 if you got a crystal when both Spyro/Cynder's bars were full.

-Intel I7 4770k 4.5Ghz / Phanteks U-Type Black    -Vengeance (Hynix) 16Gb 1600Mhz   -Kingston SSDNow M.2 / 2TB Seagate Constellation
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