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#101 Jan 25, 2009 8:18 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: Kewl! I like that song!

Spirit waited outside...she was being torn in two, she could hear what they were saying. She had her ear pressed up against the door. "Hey get away from there!" The guard yelled. Spirit spun around, her eyes were red and she was snarling and bristling something fierce, thought she didn't know it she was also foaming at the mouth, not rabies justa  natural defense for her. "Leave me ALONE!" She screamed. "Wait! I know who you are!" The guard said, backing up. "I thought you killed yourself!" he exclaimed. "Almost you ignorant toad!" She yelled. "Your...Spirit?" He asked, his eyes wide with fright. She had attacked this guard before, that's why one of his wings were missing! "Yes! you want a medal?" she asked an then launched herself at him. - I forgot to get a blindfold!- she thought in dispair, she wasn't kidding when she said she would kill anyone in sight if Dio was sentenced to death! She restrained herself form  killing him and left off from him. She raced past the guards and into the woods. She began singing another song that came to mind.
I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone

You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore
(Song "Broken" by: amy Lee!)



#102 Jan 25, 2009 8:22 PM

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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

draco: after dio came out happy as can be it was draco's turn as he went in he said "well at least you got one emoution back"the 9 dragons were just sat there the purple one said "name" draco repled "draco" "ahh you came back why" to aplogese for the waves dauter but now i relise i shoun'td of it was not me who killed she loved me it was you" he said pointing at the purple dragon. ingnoring what he just said the purple dragon said "you are charged with the death and murder of lucell wave how do you plead" "innocent it was not me who killed her it was you. you came with the gareds at night takeing her away and slutering her right in frount of me i was frozen with horror till daylight next to the tools you killed her with her mon and dad saw me and called you 9 i ran and hid in that cursed forest for 10 years 10 ******* years as you put a bountey on my head for a crime that i din't commite" the purple dragon just said with sweat poring down his head "gilty as craged you will receve the same sentace as the dragon who was just before you" "thats it enoughe is enoughe" draco said as he spat alot of fire ate the 9 dragons and his chain melting it thhe purple dragon shouted for the gareds as draco was weakend from that outberst and he was taken away to his cell like dio fate had it he was right across from dio "so this is it huh oh wait a minint i still have this he pulls a gem out of the wound that dio cased "the cheates gave me this for saving there villege they told me to use it when i needed this" he ate it and a bit of light came out of him "now like you dio i'm immortal but only for 3 days"


#103 Jan 25, 2009 8:29 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Spirit walked throught the woods trying to scrape up any emotion but grief...-Wait! What was Draco doing!- she asked herself worried now. She ran back and saw that Draco was being put into prison to! -Oh GREAT!- she thought. She listened in the wall for where his cell was and began kicking it down, ignoring the guars that came to stop her.



#104 Jan 25, 2009 8:29 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

She's so like me. A pang of sypathy. Another emotion. Couldn't she bring up any nice ones? Perhaps he should... No, he would die here. Tomorrow.

OOC: Nighty night, I'll be on about 5pm tomorrow GMT.


#105 Jan 25, 2009 8:35 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

She kept drilling and finally got  into draco's cell. "Get outta here!" She whispered to him shoving him through the wall. She got a pair of keys and unlocked Dio's cage. "I know you want to die, but just in case." She whispered a tear rolling down her cheek, she didn't bother to wipe it off, he had seen her cry before.



#106 Jan 25, 2009 8:42 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

draco: "thanks but i'l.. on seconed thought becouse it might not work i'm outta here but i got to pay a qwick vist first" he said as he flue off to the court room bracking thouge the roof "hey judge chatch" he said has he sapt out a flameing ball of molten rock (only about the size of a tinnese ball) "now i leave" he saw the gareds as they tried to pull sprit back he sneceked up bihined them and burned there butts "i'll wait by the gate on the outside"


#107 Jan 25, 2009 8:46 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Spirit bit the guards legs and then ran for it! Dio I guess stayed behind.



#108 Jan 25, 2009 8:48 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: Don't speak so soon!

Dio was stunned. He could escape and live. Or stay and... Actually... They couldn't kill him could they. He understood. "Now I get it. I know how to die." He turned back to Spirit, "Thank you. You know you and me, we're pretty alike, don't you think. I think I see what I need now. And it's not here. Although I was looking forward to my last meal. Anyway."

Dio leapt through the door and charged into the street howling with bloodlust, this was living. Beingon the brink. These were some of Spirit's enemies, trying to kill her. Well your friend's my friend and all that. Dio leapt forwards and began a slaughter. This would get him closer to his goal.


#109 Jan 25, 2009 8:51 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Spirit watched as Dio killed most of the people that she ran from, and as usual she jst watced as everythig went on...what was he doing? When he had killed nearly everyone in sight she raced up to him. "Why?" SHe asked, it was all she needed to ask.



#110 Jan 25, 2009 9:00 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)


#111 Jan 25, 2009 9:09 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: Ok good night, sleep tight!

Spirit watched in horror as Dio fought Spyro, she didn't know him that well but he was supposed to be someone who did good things.
Dio went away wounded, for real, he tried to glide away aftera  big dark blast, Spirit took flight and rushed up towards him. She put her fathful leaf on his wounds to help them heal quicker. Her friend had ad a change in mind, but not one that she had expected. "You should rest, there's a river down there." Spirit pointed to the river. She picked out a song she felt was right for the occasion.
OOC: In real life I LOVE to sing!

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Can I trust what I can't see
To reach my destiny
I want to take control but I know better

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Forget the fear it's just a crutch
That tries to hold you back
And turn your dreams to dust
All you need to do is just trust

God, I want to dream again (I want to dream again)
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there (I want to go there)
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable (I am unbreakable)
No one can touch me (No one can touch me)
Nothing can stop me
(Song "Unbreakable" By:Firflight)



#112 Jan 26, 2009 2:53 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

draco: hears the descution and was wondering if dio had seen the scar on spyros face cased by him he saw them by a river and said "so you came after all how did you do in your escape?"


#113 Jan 26, 2009 4:45 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

"I'm alive ain't I? Spyro was just something that would have helped me, nothing more." Dio trembled and shivered. "Treacherous weakling! She'll pay."

Dio rose on shaky feet. This wasn't over. He would take his revenge. For the first time, Dio saw what he was. "I am the avenger. I can't be stopped, I see that now." Dio said, "All who have taken my life will die. Then, I think, I'll be able to die."

Meanwhile back in Warfang,
"You realise what this means?"
"Yes, that there is a rogue dragon who tried to kill me, out there, still alive."
"The fact that he is still alive entails so much more. You see, Malefor experimented for years with ressurection. One of his plans is embodied in Dio. A link. Dio was used as a magic battery. His power was given to Malefor. But there was a drawback, one that Malefor didn't foresee."
"You know there are two types of spiritual force. One causes life, your lifeforce, one death, your elemental powers. Malefor drained Dio of all his elemental powers, but unwillingly gave Dio his lifeforce as a result. Thus his immortality."
"My god..."
"Yes, but there's more. A bond such as this, would result in the two feeling each other's pain, on a minor level. But death would always occur to both at the exact same time."
"You mean he's... still alive?"


#114 Jan 26, 2009 5:37 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: I have nothing better to do, so I'll outline relationships between the characters. Tell me if you think I'm wrong.

Draco: Draco has suffered heartbreak, and it the eldest of the three dragons. He is curious about Dio's suicidal nature, believing "There's so much for you to live for". He is grateful to Spirit, as she's saved his life, twice is it?

Spirit: Spirit has always been treated like a devil. So when Dio and Draco treat her normally, she feels happy. Her need to help people come from her need to show people she's not who they think she is. She has given up on Dio as a suicidal, after he drove her to the point where she would kill anyone, simply because they exist, but she see's him as a sort of older brothe. Draco she sees as someone she can help, and hopes that he might properly accept her for who she is, even if he knows about her past.

Dio: Dio's suicidal nature isn't understood by any people around him, so it is hard for him to even start a friendship. However, recently, thanks to some of Spirit's actions, Dio has regained some of his lost emotions. Unfortunately, they're all bad ones. Sympathy and guilt so far. But all the same, for Dio, it is like being handed back his life. Thus, his protective outbursts. Dio hates Draco. No doubt about that. He percieves Draco as a fool who has barely scratched the surface of what Dio himself has been through.

Geez I have too much time on my hands.


#115 Jan 26, 2009 7:07 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OCC: yea thats about right for draco and yea i tink it's twice i'll check

draco:hmm mabey you are the avenger did anything happen to you while you were younger something mabey to do with HIM the dark master i'm just wondering becouse mabey that is the key behind the door to the mystery of your immortaity


#116 Jan 26, 2009 7:09 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Dio looked at Draco. "Yes it did. Don't think I'll tell you though." Dio had to think. He needed an idea.


#117 Jan 26, 2009 7:34 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

draco:"ok i understand hmm" he also needed an idea but of wha happend top dio when he was younger


#118 Jan 26, 2009 11:49 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: Just about, only Spirit never did give up on Dio, just at stopping him at what he wanted to do...she views him as an older brother kinda, so she tries to help him and when he was senteced to death the meaning for existense just vanished!

Spirit had seen the whole thing, the fight, the way Dio just walked off when they landed, but she was used to that. She went back to see what Spyro said. And when she heard that they were going to unt him down she got so mad that her eyes went red again and her mouth started foaming...again. She went in there and almost killed all of the council dragons, she restrained herself and only grabbed Spyro and basicly draggd him back to Dio, not so he could kill him, but so she could ask both of them questions. "Dio...if your done with what your doing then I'd like to ask you why you tried to kill this dude tight here." Spirit said, half expecting him to immediatly lunge at SPyro so she positioned herself in between them so he would basicly have to tear through her to get to him. "You are going to have to see the council for this!" Spyro threatened darkly, she had tied him to a tree and he couldn't get away because of how she had tied it. "Ok, whatever, I don't care there never going to see me again anyway." She retorted even more darkly. She waited for Dio's response.



#119 Jan 27, 2009 3:16 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

"first i have some qwestions why did you kill lucell" draco asked "becouse she was a thert to socitey" spyro anserd "she was a light dragon" draco said with red eyes "yes but she liked a dark dragon" he said darkly "i'm a fire dragon" "not you someone else" "LIER she only liked me" draco shoted whith a claw at he neck redey to pull it clean out "wrong angien draco her parents liked you but i had to frame you to help the drak dragon i owe him a faver and that was it to frame you" he said "what..... i need some time to think" he said as he ran to the outher side of the river to the forest


#120 Jan 27, 2009 4:40 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Dio waited, looking at Spyro. "It's your fault I'm like this, partially at least. You failed in your mission, and I am the consequence." Dio held a claw to Spyro's throat. "I would kill you here if I had no use for you, but it'll be a lot easier if you cooperate. I want Malefor dead. That's the only way... So first, we need to find him. Any ideas, big boy?"

OOC: Sooooo... I'm gonna leave Spyro alive if he cooperates, which means someone has to take him on as a character. By the way, WTH! Is it actually possible for Spirit to walk into a city, in which she assisted in the slaughter of dozens which happened, ooooh ten minutes ago, and then kidnap the most powerful dragon there, despite all the guards? I mean WTF!


#121 Jan 27, 2009 8:27 PM

From: location location location
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: i'll play spyro

IC: "he must be lieing" draco said chucking a tree at more trees "I'll force the turth out of him" he said darkly as he ran out of the forist and jumped to the outher side of the river "tell me the turth spyro" "i told you it" "LIES tell me the turth or i'll brake your arm "I... told .... you .... it" "lier" he said as he broke spyros arm *snap* "now tell me the turth" "no find out your self malefor knows it ask him as to answer your qwestion dio propley at the well of souls" "fine but if you do one trrators thing wiele you guied us i'll brake your outhe arm and if you do more it will get worse" "fine by me" spyro ansered


#122 Jan 27, 2009 10:17 PM

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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)


#123 Jan 27, 2009 11:19 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OOC: I didn't really want to get into detail about what exaclty happened, there would have been a ten paragraph long description...not to mention a bit bloody and this is  a STORY almost anything can happen! Hey i got SPyro didn't I?

Spirit didn't say anything when Dio threatend to kill Spyro, she had expected as much. "Ok if your going to wait for him to answer then I'm going to wash off!" Spirit said heading towards the river, she was covered form head to toe in blood, literally, a few of the council dragons now had lost a few eyes and wings! They should have known better than to mess with a dragon who's eyes turned NEON RED when she got mad! After she washed off Spirit came back, Spyro still had not said anything and Dio by now was about ready to rip his head off. "I didn't mean to fail the mission...what does it matter anyway?" spyro said looking up at Dio who was, ahem , much much taller than him. Spirit walked up there and she put a gem in Spyro's mouth. "Swallow it.." She said. Spyro shook his head. "Fine.." Spirit said, she stomped on his tail and dug her claws into it, he swallowed and yelped. "See, now why don't you just stay there..." Spirit said. -I have no idea what I'm going to say if Dio asks what that thing was..- She shuddered.



#124 Jan 27, 2009 11:23 PM

From: U.S.A Cu-m-m-ing Georgia
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

Oh oops didn't know you posted swaffy!

Spirit loked at the dragon and glared at him. "How am I supposed to know?" her eyes turned red again and she growled a bit. "Sorry, don't mess with me right now I'm a little mad.." Spirit trailed off, she walked up to the dragon. "I'm Spirit!" she said cheerfully calming down, her eyes were normal color again. "What's your name?" SHe asked. She whistled loudly to tell Dio and Draco that someone new was here.



#125 Jan 28, 2009 5:57 AM

Registered: Aug 24, 2008
Posts: 6,587
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Re: DRAGON RP 2! (here is where you actually rp the opther was just character making!)

OCD: LoL, that's okay. I'm just getting used to what's happening.

Rainhard: Hello. My name is Rainhard. At least, that's what people call me.
I'm from a far away land called Hawkville. Many friends and relatives lived
there ... until it was ambushed by an unknown enemy. Everyone was killed ... slaughtered ... but me and my friend. Unfortunately, he was lost in
a forest and was catured and killed by the same enemy. So ... I have
nobody to live with. Nobody to live for. All I can rely on is the Spirits and
Mother Nature to keep me going. I'm glad I found another group of
dragons who are still alive.


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