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#176 Jun 24, 2011 2:55 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe then sees the Necron Warriors "Here they come!!" Marlowe says as he fires "Lukas tell the Basilasks to give us altillery fire." Marlowe says as Lukas gave the order and the Basilasks open fire causing explosions which destroyed some of the Necron warriors and the Necrons fire at the troops outside of the wall

"Fire control initiate strafing run." Lukas says as a Imperial guard dropship drops bombs on the Necron warriors and the troops outside open fire

"Ok." Zonoya says as she spins around and she did an eletric whirlwind and destroyed the dummy "Nice." Zonoya says


#177 Jun 24, 2011 4:02 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Dummies appeared around Zonoya. "Okay Zonoya let the lighting inside you loose use your Electric Fury!"

Argil used a water close combat attack called Water Spear where a water spear encased him and he bashed and killed several hoardes of Necron Warrios.

Zaph sent wind blades at them and spun around in a tornado killing them. Argil and Zaph flew back up to the others Spyro, Argil, Zaph, Marx, and Alex stood on their hind legs and started opening fire with sniper riffles given to them by Argil.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#178 Jun 24, 2011 11:19 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Ok." Zonoya says as she let the electricity let loose and she used Eletric fury and the dummies exploaded "Nice." Zonoya says

Marlowe was on the ground fighting the Necrons and one of the Necron Warriors hit one of the turret operators and he runs to the turret and he uses it agenst the Necrons and they are Mowed down and he sees Flayed ones charging with Pariahs to the forces and Marlowe open fires "Second wave!" Marlowe yells as they charged then one was about to attack Marlowe but was shot by blue lasers "What the!?" Marlowe says then sees Tau Empire dropships and they landed then they dropped off th Eathiel and Tau Fire warriors and they open fire on the Necrons


#179 Jun 25, 2011 1:36 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Spyro, Argil and co jumped down they were ready to help. They let loose with everything they had.

"Marlowe we got to find The Necron Lord" Said Spyro firing a water cyclone at a Necron killing him.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#180 Jun 25, 2011 4:35 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Then Nadia flies in breathing fire on the Necrons melting them into slag then 2 Necron Monoliths teleport in and one has the Necron lord on it and he sees Nadia "Nadia get the heck out of here!" Marlowe says as he swiss cheeses a Flayed one but on of the Monoliths fire there Gauss arc turrets hitting Nadia and she crashed on to the ground "Nadia no!!!!!" Marlowe screams as he runs to Nadia and kneels beside her "No you cant die on me you cant!" Marlowe says as the Necrons surrounded them then Nadia closes her eyes due to loss of conchiousness "No no NOOOOO!!!" Marlowe screams as light energy surrounds him

"What is happening!?" Lukas says to a techpriest

"The energy is off the charts i cannot believe the power he has." the techpreist says as he scans Marlowe and he dectected 2 souls in him then the energy gets brighter and stronger "Uh sir we should get into cover!" the techpreist says as he dives for cover

"Good idea." Lukas says as he dives for cover and the Black Templars so did the Imperial Guard then there was blast of light then the Eldar teleported in and they looked at the sight and the light dims down and sees a dragon and inside was Marlowe

"The Avatar of Ignitus has arrived lets fight the Necrons with the resistance!" Taldeer says as the Eldar open fire and the Avatar of Ignitus attacks the Necrons


#181 Jun 25, 2011 4:56 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Good job Zonoya, now you can releax with Nad huh?" Oh no...!" Cynder looked around unable to find Nadia.

"She is in so much trouble!"

Spyro, Alex, Argil, Zaph and Marx were surprised at the arrival of Nadia. They saw her go down. Spyro was about to charge The Necron Lord but Argil stopped him.

"I'll do it this time. This just got personal!" Spyro nodded. Argil made a wrench made of water appear in his left paw and a hooked electric cane appear in his right paw. Argil used the wrench to smack the Necron Lord's head open. Argil then used the electric cane and destroyed the Necron Lord's pieces so he could not reassemble. The wrench and cane dissapeared just as The Necron Lord exploded as Argil walked away.

Alex was on top of a chopper, with Zaph, and Marx they fired bullets wiping out the rest of The Necrons.

Everyone let out a victory cheer. Spyro ran up to Nadia and healed her with a healing spell. Another chopper flew by waving a victory flag.

OOC: Tribute from me to Rachet and Clank, and Sly Cooper with the wrench and hooked cane cool!

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#182 Jun 25, 2011 7:21 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

then the Avatar of Ignitus roars and went inside Marlowe's body and Marlowe collapses on to the ground and Nadia runs to Marlowe "Marlowe are you alright?" Nadia says consernly as Marlowe opens his eyes and he stands up

"What just happened?" Marlowe asks as Taldeer approaches him

"You have awoken the Avatar of Ignitus." Taldeer says as Marlowe gave a confusing look

"What do you mean?" Marlowe asks

"When you put in the Ark in your gauntlet a soul went in your body but it Ignitus's soul he chose you for this reason." Taldeer explains as Marlowe understands as Nadia nuzzles his cheek and Marlowe kissed her cheek and Nadia smiles

"So wait why me why not anybody else?" Marlowe asks

"I do not know you may want to ask Spyro for that." Taldeer says as she teleports with the Eldar back to her back to her base


#183 Jun 25, 2011 7:40 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"I know. I read that The Avatar of a dead spirit sometimes chooses those it deems worthy to summon them. So I guess Marlowe was worthy to summon The Avatar of Ignitus!" Said Spyro.

"Are The Necrons gone though?"

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#184 Jun 26, 2011 3:33 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Well that basicly explains it and yes without the Necron Lord with the ressurection orb the army cannot revive so we won." Marlowe says as Nadia kisses him on the lips then Marlowe then slips the wedding ring on Nadia's paw and she hugged him then looks behind Spyro and sees a Necron Flayed one "Spyro watch out!" Marlowe says as he pushes Spyro out of the way and shots it with a bolter swiss cheesing it and it falls to the ground "Ok now they are gone they are nothing but scrap metal." Marlowe says as he reloads and walks back to Nadia as Zonoya lands with Cynder

"There you are." Zonoya says as she walks up to Nadia "Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in! You could have got yourself killed!" Zonoya says


#185 Jun 26, 2011 12:55 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Thank you Marlowe you saved me now let's head back to The Base!" Said Spyro. The Ospray 2 and Volc Landed. Argil tickled Zonoya from behind then kissed her on the lips.

"Come on Marlowe you drive The Ospray 2 it is your ship after all!" Said Argil borading the Volc. The Resistance, Members, Spyro, Marx, Zaph, and Alex followed in.

"Good thing there were not to many Members, we would  not be able to fit everyone Okay Marlowe, see you back at the base!" Said Argi starting The Volc up. The Volc took of to the Resistance Base.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#186 Jun 27, 2011 4:20 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Alright lets get out of here." Marlowe says as he gets on the Ospray and Nadia does also and the Black Templars got on and he started it up and flew back to te base and hours later he landed back in the base and everybody got off and Zonoya walked up to Argil and kissed him on the lips "Alrght everybody lets get some shut eye we won the war but we got a lot of rebuilding to do." Marlowe says as he walks to his quarters and Nadia follows and Marlowe lays on the bed as Nadia lays on top of him

"Are you ready to mate my dear?" Nadia says as her eyes change to white and Marlowe was surprised by the question

"Yes i am." Marlowe says as he holds her paw for the night ahead


#187 Jun 27, 2011 5:08 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Spyro and Cynder had gone to sleep they were exhausted their tails were wrapped around each other but they seemed happy.

Argil smiled as he nuzzled Zonoya kissing her back. "Hey Zonoya do you want to go out somewhere sometime just you and me?"

Zaph, Marx, and Alex were in another part of the Base working on something They made sure The Volc and The Ospray were okay plus all their other weapons.

Once they did they went off to sleep.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#188 Jun 28, 2011 12:43 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

then moaning came from Marlowe's and Nadia's quarters and Zonoya nuzzled back

"Of course dear." Zonoya says as she puts her paw on top of Argil's paw


#189 Jun 28, 2011 1:05 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"That is great why don't you get some rest I will see you in the morning!" Argil gave Zonoya's paw a gentle squeeze. To show her he was happy she was here.

"Hey Argil, Zonoya you hear that?"  Said Spyro he and Cynder had been awoken by a sound outside.

A pirate ship floated on by a robotic pirate with black dreads and a robot pirate crew came off.

"You scurvy dogs ya me be Captain Blackbon Scurge of The Dragon Realms and I be hearing you have treasure with ya surrender it or prepare to be  turned into dragon and human stew. Ya rascals!"

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#190 Jun 28, 2011 2:01 AM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Then Marlowe puts on his personal XV24 battlesuit equipped with Necron weaponry after his mating session with Nadia "Are you kidding me!? Im not in the mood now!" Marlowe says as he teleports onto the ship and points his wrist gauss weapons at his crew then the hologram of Delta appeared

"Sir is this a good idea?" Delta says

"This is a good idea now shut up and let me kill everyone of these bots." Marlowe says as Necron wrist blades pop out and was ready to kill and Marlowe's eyes change to draconic eye's due to the dragon soul and Zonoya was afraid and held Argil's paw

"Argil im scared." Zonoya says


#191 Jun 28, 2011 11:37 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"You best be dead now boy!" Said Captain Blackbon

He whistled and his crew started chopping away with knives at Marlowe it was actually ripping the armor apart until the armor came of Marlowe completely. Blackbon grabbed Argil and threw him into his ship.

"Tie em up boys we be taking this one with crossing The Dragon Realms now!" Said The Captain he knocked Marlowe out cold with the brunt of his sword and the ship took off.

"Marlowe!" Argil screamed he kissed Zonoya and flew off after the boat. He was not going to let anything happen to his best friend.

OOC: I got plans for Captain Blackbon knight so I don't want Marlowe or anyone killing him or the crew yet.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#192 Jun 28, 2011 12:15 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

then Marlowe fell to the ground out cold and Nadia was resting and smiling due to the fact that she mated with Marlowe and then Black Templar assualt terminators appear and started attacking the crew

"For Anchorage!" one of the assualt terminators said as he swings his warhammer wounding one of his crew members "You are under arrest for piracy and assault." the assault terminator captian says as he points his warhammer at the pirate captian

"You not going to have all the fun to yourself." Zonoya says as she takes off with Argil also to rescue Marlowe


#193 Jun 28, 2011 3:36 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: Long post ahead here we go.

"You mangy human get off me SS. Blackwood. I be the Great Captain Blackbon and no intruders be welcome here!" His eyes started glowing pure red. He produced a cloud of pure darkness.

Argil saw this with Zonoya. "Zonoya look at that" Argil glowed a white color and suddenly a dragon came out of him. It was his, Marx, Zaph, and Alex's dad Crank. He was yellow, and had blue stripes on him. It was his Avatar he attacked half the pirates killing them roared and went back into Argil who went flying back but he flew back up to Zonoya.

"Oh yeah when I was fighting The Emperor I used the powers of The Ark. So I guess I was able to summon my dad's Avatar. Amazing. But we gotta stop these guys!"

Captain Blackbon opened a blackhole and it sucked in all the The Aaasault Terminators.

"Let's get them Zonoya!" Said Argil.

"Oh you be wishing you did not say those words dragon them be fighting words and none messes with a pirate ah here we be!"

The SS. Blackwood landed in a nearby ocean it sailed into a cavern and came up to a cave wall with a symbol on it.

"This be a cave where inside powers of great might lay only a super powerful being can open it and your friend Marlowe be what we looking for crew wake him up!" Captain Blackbon healed his injured crew member and his crew started to wake Marlowe. He had called more to replace the ones killed by The Avatar of Crank.

"Oh no you don't!" Argil flew at him with his water spear attack. The Captain blocked it with a dark barrier and it sent Argil sprawling onto the pirate ship deck.

"This might be a tough one!" Said Argil getting up as the crew surrounded him.

"Indeed it be. We heard of the The Emperor, The Necrons, are weapons, and gear be strong enough to take them on. We researched ways to battle against them and dragons and other threats and we be ready to stop any who get in our way of finding the treasure of Hork. He was a great Captain and he sailed everywhere across The Dragon Realms until he be killed. By some pesky dragons their Leader Gor. I be his son. And soon I will use your friends's energy to open the door and gain imortality and amazing powers. Until we be the greatest pirates around. We were built for it by me dad Hork and mom Kersi. Now Marlowe you will open the door!"

Captain Blackboon walked up to Marlowe with a machine that could absorb the energy out of anyone. He took Marlowe and put him in front of the cave with the symbol on it. It started to glow as if responding to Marlowe's energy.

Spyro, Cynder, Marx, Zaph, and Alex took off to help as well.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#194 Jun 28, 2011 5:58 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

Marlowe was woken up and was placed at the door "No i will not!!!!" Marlowe says as he cuts himself loose and his U.R.A (Ultimate Rune Armor) suit was online and covered him with armor and he was covered in fire and he melted the machine "You have made a grave mistake for knocking me out and now you will die." Marlowe says as he grabs Blackboon and throws him onto his ship and kills a great portion of the crew with a Fire meteor attack "None shall escape my wrath!" Marlowe says as his eye's change to draconic again

"Argil whats with Marlowe's eyes they are draconic?" Zonoya asks as she shorts out a bot with her electricity breath


#195 Jun 28, 2011 9:03 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: Why are you doing this?


#196 Jun 28, 2011 9:25 PM

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Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: well guess what i reported you to a moderator.


#197 Jun 28, 2011 10:23 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: You have the choice not to be here. If you don't want to be here go. This place will not be a problem anymore.

"Urgh you have some muscle boy but we be not done!" Captain Blackbon whistled and more pirates came but suddenly the door in the cave opened sucking them and the ship in. And then it closed.

Argil pulled a weapon that looked like a gun with dark energy contained within it.

He pressed a bottom and suddenly the dark energy within Marlowe was sucked inside and The demon soul as well. Marlowe was back to normal. Argil tossed the gun into the air and destroyed it with a lighting bolt.

Suddenly the door opened and Captain Blackbon and his crew came out they looked even more muscular and bigger.

"Immortality and amazing strength belong to us now!"

Spyro and everyone landed on a nearby ledge.

"Oh no were too late!" Said Spyro.

"No were not!" Argil pulled out another gun like weapon and it sucked the immortality out of The Captain and his crew.

"Argh we be steaming mad Three eyed Jeff come now!"

A robot with three eyes holding three swords because he had three swords walked up behind The Captain and his crew he had grown bigger and stronger to The Captain and his crew got ready as pirate music played in the background.

"I reckon we have ourselves a huge skirmish coming me hardy's mates give this dragon and human a what for!" Blackbon and Jeff got back on The SS. Blackwood which took off Argil had flown after it his wings spread he was wearing a new armor with super fast metal wings installed with thrusters inside that helped him catch up to the captain and his first mate.

"Take them down Argil, everyone let us take this pirate crew!" Said Cynder as the crew charged.

Blackbon smirked as he saw Argil. "Big mistake dragon!" He snickered.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#198 Jun 28, 2011 11:08 PM

Registered: Feb 02, 2011
Posts: 360
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

OOC: What is up with that guy

Then Marlowe was normal and used telekenisis and grabs the ship and pulls it back into the cave and separates the engines and throws them out then teleports on the ship and Jeff stood in his way but used telekinesis and throws him off the ship and then pulls out a shotgun and uses telekenesis took take all of his weapons away and throws them off the ship "Alright just you and me now you will die." Marlowe says as he puts away his shotgun and wrist blades pop out and he gave a angery look and brought his blades up to attack "Ignitus give me the powers of fire and give me your strangth." Marlowe says as a ray of light shines on him giving him the powers of fire and Ignitus's strangth and unaware to Marlowe that Ignitus's spirit goes into Marlowe "Prepare to feel the fire." Marlowe says as his fist is surrounded by fire and Zonoya saw this

"Hey Argil i saw a spirit go into Marlowe i do not know who's spirit is but a ray of light shined upon him." Zonoya says as she points at the ray of light


#199 Jun 29, 2011 12:39 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
Gems: -2,720

Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

"Who are you talking to Argil is not here!" Said Cynder.

Captain Blackbon had jumped off the boat and a small boat had come to him. Argil used the thrusters on his armor and flew up to Blackbon Blackbon's left hand turned into a cannon it fired a cannonball sending Argil hurtling to the boat. Blackbon punched Argil with a left dark fist sending him crashing through the boat.

Argil was falling through the sky he had taken heavy damage he flew up thanks to his thrusters. And used an electric whirlwind to capture Blackbon. Argil clinched his right paw into a fist fused with electric energy and he smashed it down on Blackbon. The Spirit of his father went inside him making it stronger. Blackbon exploded as did the boat and Blackbon's head. The explosion killed Blackbon as did The attack. Argil was sent hurling back to The Base he crashed through the roof into his room his left thruster was damaged. Argil picked himself up. His fist and then paw returned to normal.

Spyro assisted everyone else in taking out the rest of The crew.

"Go get Jeff Matlowe he is your's!" Said Spyro.

"So it be me and you eh you scurvy dog well I being The Captain's first mate except your challenge!" Three eyed Jeff turned into a bigger version of himsel and roared at Marlowe he picked Marlowe up and blasted him with triple energy beams from his three eyes.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#200 Jun 29, 2011 2:16 AM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: The Rise of the Black Templars

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