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#76 Jan 04, 2010 10:52 PM

A Guy
From: New York City
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

At this time, Gravius, Serm, Jeren, Marka, and Bali were all waiting in their makeshift home (which was just some hardened mud near an oasis, shaped to give them shade and cover them). Two hours ago, they had managed to steal some supplies from a desert traveler, but the supplies were light, and hunger was already setting in. They had washed off the mud they wore for disguise and camouflage some time ago.

"Bah, when can we get more food?" asked Serm impatiently. "Can Marka go fly up to look for someone?"

Food was always an issue for the four pseudo-siblings. Though Gravius had a knowledge of where to acquire food, the lack of food was the only thing keeping them reliant on him. While he did have to perform many attacks on unwary travelers to sate their need and keep up the illusion, their loyalty also came in handy when the "crazed barbarians from the outer world" came to hunt him.

"Yeah, sure. Go on up, Marka, see if you can find something" he ordered.

Marka groaned and put down her book, one of the first new ones that they managed to steal in three months. Jeren, meanwhile, was busy trying to teach Bali pronunciation.

"Now, this is the letter 'K'. You say 'cuh'.", Jeren instructed.
"But you say it 'eh'!" Bali said, confused.

Jeren realized that trying to distinguish between letters from a book with small print (as all of the books they managed to acquire were) would be hard. He instead decided to engrave "K" in some of the sand near the water.

"This is 'K'. Now say 'cuh'."

"Why do I have to teach her, anyways?" Jeren asked Gravius. "The only thing reading is good for is understanding books, and only the barbarians make them..."

"That's precisely why you must learn it", answered Gravius, "as letters and words are one of the ways they will try to hide things from our eyes. Besides, if you, for whatever reason, ever need to visit their lands, it certainly would come in handy. It wasn't an easy deal teaching you how to read, and your brother Serm was too young to help, so I had to do it all by myself. Besides, we're taking turns."

Jeren sighed and went back to tutoring Bali, trying to teach her that a letter can have different pronunciations based on the situation (which proved to be quite formidable).


#77 Jan 05, 2010 1:36 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa sighed and rolled his eyes, glancing up at Nithran. "I kill to survive, like all dragons do. I don't do it because it's fun, or I like the gore. No. Survival. And you, my friend, clearly kill for more than that. Am I right?" Nithran suddenly collapsed on the floor. "Oh brilliant!" He looked at Lumistar after her comments. "Oh, a sadist is he? Get him out of my sight!" He growled, tossing the rabbit hide to one side. "I don't associate with murderers."

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#78 Jan 05, 2010 5:03 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Lumistar glanced at Busa, but saw he was resolute in his opinion. She then picked up Nithran and slung him over her shoulder, being careful of his wings. He looked malnourished, and his actual weight reflected that, despite being female and not particularly physically strong, Lu carried him easily.
She followed the cliff-face that the cave was made out of and came across an alcove that could barely be considered a cave. It was about 5-6 metres deep into the cliff and was surrounded by shrubs which almost concealed it completely, if Lu hadn't been looking for such a thing she wouldn't have seen it. It was a good 100 metres away from the cave and because of the trees she couldn't actually see the cave where Busa was still skinning the rabbit. The floor inside of the alcove was covered in dead leaves so it was there that she dumped the unconscious Nithran. She didn't drop him so hard as to hurt him, but she had no sympathy for him right now.
Making her way back to the cave she sat next to Busa and watched him finish preparing the rabbit.

"I've put him somewhere where he's sheltered from the rain and wind until he wakes up, he can do what he wants after that. He always has done his own thing, but I'm not cruel like he is, so I won't treat him that way." She went quiet for a few minutes. "So, how did you come to be here Busa?"


#79 Jan 05, 2010 5:49 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa looked up. "I have been travelling by myself for years. Moving from place to place, never staying in one place too long. Here is no exception. I'm... searching for someone." He said quietly. He sliced a leg off the rabbit with his blade and tossed it to Lumistar. "Eat up." He sliced another leg off for himself. "No luck." He muttered, chewing on the bone and saying no more.

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#80 Jan 05, 2010 5:58 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Lumistar chewed on the rabbit-leg slowly, thinking.

"Who are you looking for?" Then she remembered her manners, being nosey and jumping on new information and gossip was a bad habit of hers, though she had gotten better. "Sorry, I shouldn't pry..."


#81 Jan 05, 2010 6:06 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

"It's OK. I'm looking... for my daughter. About 20 years ago, we were... separated. Now I seek to find out whether she lived or died." He said solemnly.

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#82 Jan 05, 2010 6:18 PM

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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

"Oh... I'm sorry..." She ate a bit more of her rabbit-leg. "Maybe I could help you look? I tend to just wander when I'm not studying under a teacher. It's been a year or so since I was last tutored, and that was with Nithran. And you've fed me and let me rest somewhere so it's the least I can do."


#83 Jan 05, 2010 6:31 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa smiled sadly and shook his head. "I doubt I'll ever find her. It's been 20 years, and since then I've never stopped looking. If she's alive she's an adult now. All I want to do is to find out whether she's dead or alive. It'll put my mind at rest. It's the only reason I've been travelling from one place to the other in so long - so I have a chance of seeing her. " He finished his rabbit leg and tossed the bone outside. "If you want to tag along for a while and help me look, feel free. I'd appreciate the company actually." He smiled. "It's not often I meet someone nice."

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#84 Jan 05, 2010 6:33 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#85 Jan 05, 2010 6:41 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa stood up as quick as his old legs could carry him and faced the forest ahead. He had heard a loud noise that sounded like snapping tree branches and a loud *thud*.

"Is someone out there?" He called.

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#86 Jan 05, 2010 6:46 PM

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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Lumistar stood up and walked up behind Busa, peeking around him to see what it was that made all the racket. She really hoped it hadn't been Nithran.


#87 Jan 05, 2010 6:47 PM

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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Dayn shrank back, twould not do to be found skulking as a common cut-throat. He slid back and made for his tower. Time to spread his royal word...


#88 Jan 05, 2010 6:53 PM

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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#89 Jan 05, 2010 7:08 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa wandered outside and saw a silver dragon getting to his feet. He appeared a little embarrassed and was bleeding. "Are you OK? Come in." He said, guiding him towards the cave.

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#90 Jan 05, 2010 7:27 PM

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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#91 Jan 05, 2010 7:35 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

"I am Busa and this is Lumistar." He said. "We are travellers. Who are you?"

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#92 Jan 05, 2010 7:44 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

"Silverwind. I have been flying around for years. Nothing more. I shouldn't be here, but curiosity dragged me here."
He sighed deeply. "Let me explain... Look, there's this castle, not far from here. I know it pretty well, often fly around it, y'know. But today it was destroyed, changed to ruins. I was just curious about who would do such a horrible thing and then I examined it. Something seems not to be allright and then I hit this sharp branch and..." He stopped, felt his wound on the back of his head. "It won't stop bleeding, will it?"

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#93 Jan 05, 2010 8:24 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Lumistar tilted her head to one side as she saw that Silverwind was in pain, she walked around him and went outside. She was extremely happy to find the plant she was looking for almost right in front of her feet. The leaves were broad and had lots of little veins running through them, it was also in bloom; with little blue flowers.
Snapping off some of the leaves she went back into the cave and stood next to Silverwind.
"Don't be afraid of me." She showed him the leaves to show him she was helping. "This is comfrey, it accelerates healing and helps close up wounds. Because I travel a lot, I have to learn to take care of myself."
She walked behind him before rubbing the leaves together between her palms until her hands were coated in a green paste. Which she then quickly, but gently, ran along Silverwind's cut, she did so because it would likely sting a bit.


#94 Jan 05, 2010 8:41 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Silver was not quite sure if he would trust Lumistar with her "magical plants". It stinged and hurt his wound. For some reason, he didn't react angry, like he actually did trust her. Deep inside. The pain got less and the plant's effect felt refreshingly cool. "...Thanks" was the only thing that he could make up. "I didn't know plants could do such things..." he said calmly. "I've had problems with the healing of myself. You see, I can heal others, but it's not effective on myself. Logical, draining your own power to transfer it back to you again makes no sense..."

"I really do appreciate your care. Is there anything I can do?"

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#95 Jan 05, 2010 9:08 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )


#96 Jan 05, 2010 9:20 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Nithran didn't answer her, so it was assumable that he was still unconcious. His breathing was the only thing that indicated that he was still alive. Such as the price to pay for his weak body.


#97 Jan 05, 2010 9:24 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )


Lu sighed as she answered his question for him. There was nothing for it, she couldn't leave him here if this was one of his usual 'extended siestas' which happened when he over-exerted himself. She couldn't remember what to do, so she had no choice but to just leave him be to recover himself until he came round.
Picking him up again Lumistar made her way back to the cave with him slung over her shoulder.

"Silverwind, if you want to carry on investigating to see if you can find out anything about what destroyed the castle I don't mind coming with you. I'll bring Nithran with us too though, because I know Busa doesn't like him and I don't want him to be upset because he knows he's around."


#98 Jan 05, 2010 10:07 PM

A Guy
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Jeren was just about to give up in the frustration of teaching Bali when Marka landed. She looked a bit worried and was breathing hard. "I've seen two dragons... they both looked powerful, and they were armed with something. They're... they're coming our way."

"Armed with what?" asked Gravius.

"I couldn't tell, but it was small, and sharp."

Gravius sighed. This was the first time in a while that anyone was coming after him armed. According to what he knew, the weapon wasn't intimidating, but it did give a strong indication that the dragons in question had a reason to use them.

"Okay, everyone, put on the mud, and let's teach these barbarians that they can't just knock us around."

Everyone but Gravius grabbed some of the buckets of mud (which were really more sandy than muddy, but could still be referred to as "mud") and started covering all parts of them but their wings. Gravius insisted on this ritual "so they don't recognize the real you in case you ever need to visit them", though the others saw it as a real bother. Bali was incapable of applying mud to herself and was assisted by the others. When they were ready, they all met with Gravius for the plan.

"Okay, so here's what we're going to do... Jeren, you lie over there, and when they get near, I'm going to try to slow them down by binding sand to their feet. That's when you strike them with lightning. Serm, you try to heat up the grip of whatever weapon they possess. Once we do that, and after Jeren has surely weakened and dazed them with lightning, they will hopefully retreat. If not, we'll just have to finish them. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Gravius," was their reply.

"Rather funny, that they're traveling in the daytime," Marka added. "You'd think that you wouldn't want to be hot and tired if you're about to get into a fight."

"Yes, it is, now that you think about it," replied Serm, "let's just hope the desert heat gets to them."


#99 Jan 05, 2010 10:13 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )

Busa watched with interest as Lumistar treated Silverwind's wound. He nodded. "I'm impressed. You are talented there." He said smiling. The next minute she rushed off, and a few minutes later she came back with Nithran over her shoulder.

"Him again..." He growled, but then listened to Lumistar's conversation with Silver about the castle. "I was going there too. Something certainly isn't right. I arrived here last night and it was still standing, you could see the peak of the towers just over those hills." He pointed. "Then I woke up this morning and it was gone! Yes, I'm coming too. If that's OK?" He glared at the unconscious Nithran. "Ugh... alright he can come. I'll tolerate him for now. But if he takes one step out of line, he's out of here."

He quickly entered the cave and gathered a few belongings. Not much - just his blade, some fur to keep warm, and a necklace that belonged to his deceased wife. He put these items in a small pouch and joined the others.

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#100 Jan 05, 2010 11:45 PM

A Guy
From: New York City
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Re: Darkness of Blood (A Dark RP )


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