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#1 Mar 27, 2008 8:58 PM

From: USA
Registered: Apr 06, 2007
Posts: 1,816
Gems: 10
Birthday: 14 April
Age: 30 years old
Gender: Female

The Banner Shop

Hello all! I have opened a banner shop because of a stupid move I made. When I left, I gave all of my gems away. hmm I am very poor at the moment and would appreciate it if you could request a banner. If you request a banner, please supply me with the pictures you would like on it. Thanks.


#2 Mar 27, 2008 9:09 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
Posts: 2,126
Gems: 0

Re: The Banner Shop

ok i dont really have any pictures because i just dont but if you would get me one with good cynder and spyro on it that says,
darkchances but still in
i will pay 500 gems. but only if i can see it first.


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