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#1 Jul 05, 2010 5:39 PM

Registered: Jul 05, 2010
Posts: 26
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Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

It was never problematical to be distracted during a lesson, the centre of population often said that the main tutor’s lessons seemed tedious, but I consider that each individual lesson is tiring than ever, no matter which tutor. The teacher blathered on, every word nothing particularly good enough for my liking. I could be doing something else right now, something worth doing. The only choice throughout the protracted, boring lectures was to entertain your self, and by that is being unreasonable. But I was certainly sure that I could make amusement reasonable and enjoyable through these harsh conditions. I glanced at Jacob, a rather sturdy dragon. My tongue flickered in a pool of saliva as my eyes fixed onto his perfect face. Every detail seemed attractive. I yearned for him to love me at the standards that I love him, but it would never be possible due to three reasons. Number one is that he is already taken by my arch enemy, Mia Huru. Then second reason is that even in my dreams he wouldn’t have a relationship with me; there’s a noticeable difference between one of the popular students compared with one of the geeks of the class (myself), which to be honest I find quite poignant. I desperately wanted to catch his attention, but the others would probably laugh and spread my secret around the entire world, even if I admitted it to him or not, they would clearly see I would be flirting with him. This month’s most recent topic frequently nattered on by Mia Huru and her gormless fan girls and boys (which if you ask me is nearly the entire class) was about Jacob soon to have glasses. This is the main reason why I hide my glasses up in my huge rabbit-like ears. You see, Mother bought me these horrible, rounded glasses for one of my previous birthdays. Thank-fully, that was the last time I saw Mother. She’s always busy with work and stuff, but I don’t really care about it, so I’ve stuffed the glasses up my ears and I’ve had to live the next five years of my life with prejudicial eyesight, but the humiliation would be more harmful than having to stick your snout up to the paper just to read a fair sized letter. Last but not least, and most important reason is that we are not the same species. Yes, we are both dragons, but my Mother told me when I was nine that I was another species of dragon. She told me I wasn’t rare in any form, and it is common for my species to abandon their young. She told me that I was Gemu dragon, a species of dragon that lived on the other side of the island. I saw this coming and I knew completely that I wasn’t one of them. I had looked in reflections of puddles of myself. I actually liked my appearance. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t call myself vain, even if I am, I wouldn’t care because that would be who I am, there’s nothing that can change that because not everyone is perfect. I just consider myself beautiful because I want to encourage myself that I might impress a male dragon. I do adore every male dragon in the entire class, but that doesn’t mean I love them. I’d actually say love comes in many conditions and forms such as the faultless love, where each single of the couple love each other the same amount. Another is the crush love, where one has taken a fancy to another dragon, but that one is confused whether the other loves him or her back, your way too scared to admit your own feelings and have doubts about admitting your feelings too. Yes, that’s right. That’s my type of love. I didn’t think of this all myself, I had a little peek at Mia’s new book a year ago. It actually made me think all night, and of course I learnt the lines off by heart. I blinked hard twice. I was very bewildered by how much I had forgotten that it was the middle of one of the main tutor’s boring lessons. It was as if I had leaped into a portal leading to another world. The teacher was still blabbering on about that same subject. I moved my eyes to the tawny old clock at the back of the room. It was ticking at a snail’s pace, somewhat it seemed irritating. From when I last looked at the clock, which was thirty minutes ago, means that I have been thinking for nearly half-an-hour

“It seems Jayne has found a new love desire.” The tutor said, smirking. I growled and turned over, but it was way too late because the others had seen me staring at the clock, quickly understanding the lousy joke. I don’t even want to consider it a joke. Yet again, I was the laughing stock. I like it when others laugh when I want to make them laugh, which I find quite annoying because I can only make others giggle when I do something humiliating, which makes my face go from murky ebony to as scarlet as a cherry. The class was still expressing their amusement, Mia being the most discouraging. I didn’t comprehend why they would laugh to humiliate me. The only dragon who wasn’t laughing was Marcus, my only friend but I saw he was attempting to congest herds of hysterical laughter from his cerise scaled jaw. I knew why we were both friends. We got along, we were both unpopular for our weird looks, Marcus being pink-scaled, me having a immense belly, huge ears and an endless list of other appearance flaws. Sometimes Marcus would hang around with Mia and cooperation, leaving me alone because I wouldn’t dare to even show my face to Mia and her friends, not after the other day I cried. I know crying isn’t an extremely unpleasant event, but when I snivel, I create almost a pool of water and I cannot seem to stop. I cannot stop the howling of a wolf. I cannot stop the pool-creating tears. I cannot stop the red face. I cannot stop anything for a long while. I yawned, making it last as it seemed more entertaining than the lesson itself. Suddenly, I heard the wonderful mantra inside my head. The sound of relief and happiness, no doubt it was the bell. Young dragons rushed out of the door, pushing and shoving anything out of the way to exit the building. I sniffed the cold, empty air. The room was empty already. Empty desks and chairs seem ghostly. Only Marcus, I and the teacher were in there, but I don’t care much for the tutor. I turned and saw Marcus glancing at me, waiting more me. I unhurriedly stood on my two hairy chest-nut coloured legs. The classroom seemed more airy and big than before, but I always have felt this way when the classroom was empty because Marcus and I were always last out, but it perhaps should count as only me, because Marcus was only being polite by being patient, waiting for me. Marcus, who sat at the back of the room instantly stood up and ran towards me. We glanced at each other and then left the room, side by side. It was a sunny day, and the sun was shooting inferno bullets of heat at both of us, immediately making sweat race down our scales. I wanted to wolf down a whippy ice-cream, tasting the soft, creamy taste. I wanted to feel it diving down my gullet, that calming sense that everyone could love. My stomach rumbled. Oh no, it can’t be. I hated being hungry, I desperately wanted to lose weight. The nurse had recently set me a diet on acorns and carrots, so everyone has been calling me a bunuirrel, which is (guess) a the words bunny and squirrel merged together to generate a new nick-name for me, only to be the nasty, dirty work of Mia Huru, but that is only one of the many illustrations to make my book complete. I was stood as still as sub-zero ice until as in an unexpecting manner I sprung back into fast movement as I noticed Marcus was holding my claw. His sweaty, yucky claw had grabbed mine. I did like him, but I don’t love him. How was I going to tell him without upsetting that he doesn’t need to hold my hand, because I don’t love him back? I don’t hate him; I just want him to keep a distance from me, and him to keep friends with me. That’s all I want, but if I tell the truth I may upset him. He then began to drag me further away from the entrance of the door where we stood. I struggled, attempting to run away, but then again that would be rude, so I pretended I was enjoying every second of it, forcing a fake smile and a series of counterfeit giggles. Marcus’s smile was real. I couldn’t break his heart. By now I was on the floor, staring at the azure sky. Marcus, who was exhausted, dropped down beside me. He had taken me a short distance away from the rest of the school’s population, to a peaceful shade. He yawned, moving into a more relaxing position. I thought about the future, and I thought about the present. If I act now and tell him the truth, I won’t have to tell him the truth. But the present seemed more important to me.

“I love you,” I lied, acting as serious as I could. He seemed very happy that I had ‘understood’ his feelings and at once he leapt on all four legs, faster than the fastest cheetah in the entire world. It was silent for a while, but laughing from a short distance away pranced around inside my ears. My eyes became bulging in half a second after I heard the noise. Mia Huru’s delicate, skimpy claws trotted on the concrete path, coming closer and closer towards me and Marcus. A large spider crawled behind me, each sharp point of its legs almost stabbing into my firm ebony scales. I persistently snapped my jaw at the ferocious beast, regularly missing where I aimed. My heart pounded faster than a cheetah’s pace. I whacked my hefty tail towards the scary spider, its force constructing pain in the spider’s atmosphere. A valiant feeling came to my soul, causing myself to strengthen my body up and transfer confidence to my heart. I glared at Mia as she snorted. She was stood a few centimetres away from me, which still felt quite threatening and dispiriting. Marcus had been alarmed of Mia’s attendance as well, and he scrambled up onto all four of his scraggy limbs. Mia chortled along with her allies with a wide smirk.

“Jayne loves Marcus? Is that so?” She said, breaking the laughter. They were all silent, gawking at me as if I had just destroyed the earth in a monster malevolence manner. I was soundless. The bird’s striking but to some extent exasperating mantra coiled and weaved around my enormous ear before inflowing the pale fuchsia inside. It was easy to be distracted at any point around Mia Huru, particularly moments like this. I plucked up the courage to growl, but Mia didn’t find it intimidating, she just glared at me. I could see the blistering fire in Marcus’s eyes. I saw his urge to attack the menacing foes. There was one last straw; if Marcus was provoked once more he would snap, causing a terrifying fusion of both flames and antagonism. I leapt up in front of Marcus and let out a roar at ear-spitting volume. Everyone froze as immobile as sub-zero ice. Everyone stared directly at me. Propitious, the teacher was too lazy to even to observe the rough behaviour out on the play-ground and stop it, so I wouldn’t get in trouble at this rate. I hurriedly clawed her face numerous times as the remainder of the dragons rushed away, including Marcus. But Mia wasn’t going to give up without a fight. I was apprehensive because I had seen Mia’s power before, and they seemed strong and athletic. A humongous amount of dazzling flame emerged from her cobalt scaled jaw, charging towards me. It was so delightful; I couldn’t take my eyes of the remarkable element. Out of the blue a sudden bothersome pain entered my atmosphere, the dire feel spreading every in a flash. Little did I know that the moment it even contacted my scales I would become dragon toast. I dropped down onto the floor panting heavily. Heat and pain combined is greatly worse than pain itself. Why can’t it stop? It was like a giant needle stabbing into my gut, the further down the needle goes, and the further the pain improves. I groaned and constantly howled until the pain finally stopped. I smiled, but I only smiled because I was relived of the pain’s pause. I leisurely struggled upwards, smirking. I felt ready to attack her back with sometime even more excruciating. We circled each other with narrow eyes like a wolf, until I whipped her with my plump tail. Mia rapidly dodged my determined to be successful attack. Disappointed, I attempted to gnaw her leg off. She dodged again. I grumbled underneath my breathe in frustration, but they was a rowdy riot going on inside my head.

Mia could attack any moment now so I had to think fast. I knew a big event was going to take place, and make that a painful event while I’m at it. Just as Mia was about to jump in mid-air and deliver that pain, Marcus unsurprisingly blocked her way towards me. This time Marcus was really angry. He roared at an extremely loud volume, showing each of his pointy teeth. The roar seemed to last forever and ever. I wished for it to stop. I cringed. I wish some magic could stop the annoying roar. I was now clenching my fists in rage. Finally, the lengthy roar stopped. Mia was stood still, shivering violently. The squat grass hissed and swayed. The stench of sweat slithered inside each of my nostrils. All of a sudden, Marcus leaped out into action and viciously pounced on her, including many attempts to claw and bite as Mia struggled to become absent of the situation. I began to see puddles of scarlet blood. I was worried. She was my mega enemy, and I still felt sorrow for when she was under pressure, I had to stop Marcus. I was starting to think that he could actually kill Mia. A dark shadow towered over me. I was in deep, deep trouble. I felt the awkward feeling where you wish to protest, the feeling where you know what will happen.

“Marcus!” Snapped an old female’s voice. The shadow revealed a stumpy old dragon, only to be our ancient Literacy tutor, Mrs.Sungle. She had narrow eyes to give us the idea she was pondering about whatever we were all doing. I hoped she hadn’t seen the blood, but there was no even a chance she would spot a huge ocean of deep red blood. Her tight, beady eyes blinked twice before transforming into bulging eyes as she saw Mia swimming the ocean of blood, along with Marcus paused in an aggressive position. She quivered her feeble, wrinkled claws, the remainder of her body still, staring at the three of us. She didn’t slap us. She didn’t grab our necks and toss us into the Headmaster’s quarters. She didn’t do anything but stand, breathe and shiver in fear. It wasn’t long before the general teacher stumbled upon us three. Pottery instantly smashed as she dropped her small mug, chestnut liquid then spilling. She too gasped, eyeing the gore. Soon later, many teachers exited the building and caught sight of the gore. They soon turned to Marcus, who had quietly stumbled away from Mia. Mia glared at him as a hint to the teachers. He was still, his lower jaw less than an inch away from being the case of a closed jaw. Mia weakly groaned.

“Who is responsible for this?” The general tutor asked, concerned about Mia. I frowned. I knew Mia well enough and she always seemed to enjoy discouraging her company. She was always at least one step ahead of me. I was certain she was going to tell us off to the teacher and our general tutor’s punishments were certainly not easy. This time, to avoid being a snitch she rolled her eyes over to Marcus. I’ve always thought the general teacher was slightly thick; it was obvious Marcus was the one who deserved the punishment. I personally think that the teachers pretend to be thick in times similar to this to add tension. Do you think so? I know he’s my friend, and I don’t want him to have a cruel penalty but I can’t deny the truth. I started it all, but I didn’t cause most of the stuff that shouldn’t have happened. The teachers were all keeping their eyes on Marcus now, understanding Mia’s hint.

“Marcus Huggleberry, I’m surprised!” Cried a shocked Maths teacher. Marcus was often treasured by his Maths talent during Maths class. I would actually consider Marcus a geek because of this, but it would only offend myself because I’m an even worse geek than Marcus. I knew exactly what Marcus’s punishment was. One of my classmates, Charlie, recently had a fight with his best friend, Jake because they have both fallen in love with Mia. As far as I know, they were only in combat because Mia was in a relationship with Jake, and Charlie became rather jealous of Jake. Eight boyfriends later (I suppose), Mia seems satisfied. The punishment? Exactly. Charlie got the blame, Jake and Mia didn’t get into trouble at all. Just Charlie. Charlie had to be suspended from the school for a year because of the gore in the fight. Mia has a new boyfriend every week. She’s always making her relationship with Jacob end often, one or two weeks later creating that relationship again. I’m always urging to admit my feelings for Jacob, but I never got the chance. What I mean is that I really want to admit my feelings, but my confidence fades every time I try, so Mia barges into my chance and the next minute Mia and Jacob are in a relationship once again. Anyway, back on subject, poor Charlie ended up writing paragraphs of division sums up to two-hundred and ninety-two, and when that seemed harsh there was much more to it. The sharp, burly sports teacher, Mr. Cassle, had planned poor Charlie for an everlasting run around the village. Charlie was certain he wouldn’t get out of the punishment without panting, blood, sweat and of course, pain. He had to run right from the entrance to school, past the resting room where all of the villagers sleep, past the humble groceries store, past the rich smelling bakers, past Chief Ezakoitum’s throne room and so on thirty times. Then he had to stay inside and revise science for the next fourteen play-times. I don’t think Marcus’s punishment will be precisely the same as Charlie’s, but I was sure it would be similar. Marcus began to struggle getting a few words out. I could hear his heart pounding inside his mustard coloured plated underbelly.

“Marcus, I would like you to follow me. Mia, I will contact the nurse as soon as possible, and as for you Jayne, you may stay on the playground.” She said. Before Marcus could even transfer a breathe over to Mrs.Chenleen, she instantly grabbed his rather slender but short tail, dragging him out of my sight. She speedily created a large bang by slamming the door, forgetting to contact the nurse but she soon remembered, indicating it by rushing inside the school. A few minutes later, she didn’t return. But the school nurse appeared. She was holding a fairly mammoth sized injection. I recoiled. I knew it wasn’t meant for me, but just looking at injections made me squeamis

The nurse came closer and closer until she wobbled, but gained strength and stood firm on the grass. The needle was coming closer and closer until it made contact inside Mia’s scales. There was a scream like no other. An never ending scream expressing the vile pain that danced and danced forever on a night where one has the ownership of infinity money, enjoying every moment while next door lose there last penny. The needle sunk further down into Mia’s scales. It was now inside the body. All the nurse had to do was pull out the needle now, which wasn’t going to be easy. The nurse heaved and heaved. She heaved once more. The needle budged – before sliding back into place. The nurse grumbled in frustration. It seemed there was another problem. I saw Mia feebly clench her slim, smooth claws into a hard fist, and her face expressed how impatient she was.  Her fists began to shudder, but she seemed good enough to hold in a herd of anger. I felt her anger, but I didn’t seem to actually express it, but I had experienced many times like what Mia was experiencing now before. The nurse didn’t seem to stop pulling. After a long sigh to catch back her energy, the nurse failed to do so and fell to the floor. She had pulled very hard, but the needle didn’t budge an inch. I wanted to help, but I knew I would probably be likely to ruin everything, so I kept my mouth shut. The nurse wiped the sweat on her forehead away. I was expecting her to pull the needle out, but she strolled away. I knew she would be back though, and I knew this problem would be solved sometimes. Somehow, when you feel as if a problem will never be solved out, it gets solved. This gets me wondering if you are confident about solving a problem, maybe the problem remains unsolved, or even forgotten. I heard a cry of happiness. I gasped. While I was thinking, it seemed that the nurse had rushed back and pulled the needle out. The lanky but razor ship needle was tipped with fine burgundy blood. Thank-fully, the teacher didn’t know that I was the key source to start the events, but Marcus gave far worse effect on Mia. We had recently been given an art project at school. There were many groans in the area, but I was actually excited about this homework piece. I wasn’t very good at art, but I knew I enjoyed it. We had to draw our own ancient life with information on each species. I had already planned to draw a cobalt scaled dinosaur like-creature with huge, black eyes. I wanted to also give the creature a brown mane. What about a creature more cumbersome than any beast on the planet? Perhaps I draw a very miniature beast, but with overwhelming powers and teeth like daggers. Anyway, I shouldn’t be going off topic… The bell rung once again; it was time to go inside again. We had only recently won the bell for the village’s school in a contest that one of the dragons in our small community entered six years ago. It had only just been delivered a few weeks back. I liked it more than the teachers scouting, that’s for sure. I stepped unhurriedly towards the entrance, watching other dragons quickening to get inside first. Finally, I came inside and sat on a chair. Another long and boring lesson was what I had to put up with. What I do not understand is why we have to contribute in these lessons; I hardly learn anything new. I just see it as some dragon blabbering on about something that’s too disinteresting to even bother take notice of. Maybe in the future younger dragons will rule, perhaps I could be leader? Actually, to be more honest, I don’t really like being a leader. It just doesn’t seem right for me. I had been chosen to be the leaders of the spots day previously as the teacher puts all of the class names in a hat when the time comes, despite some of us don’t want to be a leader of the annual sports day. Luckily enough for me, I caught a cold. Yes that’s right a cold. Happened to be on sports day, which was such a shame. Mia replaced my role. Hey? Do you get it? Yes, sarcasm. I’m sarcastic quite often, so often that people don’t think it as sarcasm. I hate it when other dragons do that. Like I said before, younger dragons might and should be able to lead in the future. The adult dragons show no respect to us young dragons and act as if we were born yesterday sometimes. Particularly those teachers who think they understand us. There’s more to it, and it’s simple to learn what’s to it, unless you have a guzzled brain anyway. They act as if we are another species, and not a dragon. They think we’re gullible, but we are clearly not. Finally I was close to the entrance. The class were all waiting for me, all noiseless as I entered and eventually I took the weight off my feet and sat down on my chair. My chair always seemed light weighted and meek, as if it was about to break anytime, but all the other chairs in the class seemed stable. I think this was because I was fat. The chair probably on its last legs. I was F-A-T. I hate having to drag a bag of flab around everywhere I go, I hate shoving seeds and carrots down my gullet at breakneck speeds – and I don’t care if carrots will improve my eyesight. But what I do care about is tossing the titanic amount of pudginess in the bin – and by that, I sadly have to spend a few months gobbling carrots and seeds. I wish I could just eat a cake and all my fat would be gone. The teacher was still nagging about some crap. It was a long whole before I even took interest into what she was saying – big fascination. Her constant blathering had formed into a language I could speak and understand. Every single word she said seemed golden.
“- So I would like to note that we be doing art for the rest of the day today, starting from now.” She said. Everyone groaned. My heart thumped. I was the only one who enjoyed art – and was rubbish at it. I was yearning for the class to be drawing animals. I loved drawing living things. I liked to draw them with something happening, and decorate them. “We are doing a large project...


#2 Jul 05, 2010 5:48 PM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
Posts: 3,874
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Age: 31 years old
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Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Wrong board foo'


#3 Jul 05, 2010 6:34 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#4 Jul 05, 2010 9:02 PM

From: Sigil
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Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]



#5 Jul 06, 2010 7:32 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Gender: Male

Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#6 Jul 07, 2010 2:35 AM

From: I don't know!
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 619
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Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

You guys are silly.


#7 Jul 07, 2010 7:05 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Gender: Male

Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#8 Jul 07, 2010 8:09 PM

Registered: Jul 05, 2010
Posts: 26
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Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Ok but I can't write the best stories as a remimder I'm only eleven.


#9 Jul 07, 2010 9:04 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
Gems: -92
Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#10 Jul 08, 2010 8:41 AM

Registered: Jul 05, 2010
Posts: 26
Gems: 0

Re: Dragon Revolution - The blue moon [Gore warning]

Ok then.

Edit: More added


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