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#1 Nov 30, 2014 10:32 PM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
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Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

((This will be the first part of a planned triology of rpg's, and therefore I welcome all people that seem interested. The plot will play around a horrible disease that is ravaging around the lands, a few years after the purple dragon had saved the world from Melafors wrath. Story is build around my Character Jaeger, wich, as his father Hunter gets infected, leaves his home to find a cure, with his first stop being the rebuild Dragon City. Don't wanna spoil too much of the plot, this will have to do for you folks.))

((Character wise, there is a small competition going on since obviously Spyro and Cynder are very popular roles to play. Instead of saying, wich comes first, grabs first, I will do a small competition, and decide wich player will get to play the main character roles. To participate, please send me PM with a small info about yourself, and why would you like to play this specific role. This rule goes for all people that are interested, no matter if they want to play a main char, or a fictional of their own. So please, don't start Spamming your char sheets all over here))

Current main char roles available:

-Cynder (Taken by thetruefan)

I also would like to have two so called "Villain-Storytellers" wich, (in constant consultation with me via PM) Will throw random encounters, enemies and other problems at Jaeger and Spyro along the quest, to allow you guys to bring your own ideas, also, I have no problem with multi role playing, if you feel up to it, don't hesitate to ask for two roles. Aside from that, there is nothing more to say. So, onward to da Rulez!

Gameplay rules:
- No Humans, duh!
- No godmodding, because this ain't Minecraft creative mode, son.
- No swearing. I am okay with 'minor language' if the situation fits it. But no excessive swearing, keep it clean.
- No Gore. Fights are a key structure to this rp (Spoiler: Epic boss battle) And so are scratching wounds or burned scales, but there is no need to dive into it.
- No 18+ content. Romance is okay, nothing to say against a "I love you, Spyro" But ehh, keep it to cuddling against each other next to the camp fire, nothing more.

Pretty straight foward, I guess. Also in cases of someone breaking the rules, I reserve the right to wipe concerned person from the Rp/ further inform an Admin without warning, since it's in the sites' terms to keep it PG13.

Last edited by Jaeger (Dec 01, 2014 6:14 PM)


#2 Dec 01, 2014 5:20 AM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

Hey hey hey, Can I rp Cynder? Looks good.


#3 Dec 01, 2014 12:29 PM

From: Straight Outta Poland
Registered: May 04, 2014
Posts: 1,038
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Birthday: 11 November
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#4 Dec 01, 2014 2:09 PM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

I guess because Original Spyro and LoS didn't had humans.


#5 Dec 01, 2014 4:05 PM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
Gems: 0
Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

Last edited by Jaeger (Dec 01, 2014 4:06 PM)


#6 Dec 01, 2014 6:03 PM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

Well, than by your command. I wait.


#7 Dec 01, 2014 6:09 PM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
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Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

((Mhm, I'd like to get at least 1 other person to join us, before I kick it off.))


#8 Dec 01, 2014 6:25 PM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

(( Good, Good. ))


#9 Dec 01, 2014 7:51 PM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
Gems: 0
Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

"Father... are you going to be alright?" He asked, and recieved a soft smile, along with an answer. "I'm going to be... are you ready?" The Cheetah, that was laying on the bed asked him, and Jaeger nodded, carressing over the leather-covered grip of his own bow, while he replied. "I am ready, more than ever before.... I'll be back soon." He stated, and pushed himself off of the bed, to leave the room... then the house. Outside, a female Cheetah waited for him, a small pouch in her paws, wich she quickly handed over to Jaeger, while she spoke to him. "I wanted you to have this for your journey, me and the other saved it for you."

Looking down at the small sack, he gently took it out of her paws, before attaching it to his belt, the sack was filled with a small amound of gems, he guessed by the feel and sound.
"Thank you Mai'sha... for this and... that you take care of father while I'm gone." He said, and came closer to hug in a friendly manner, before he moved on, to exit the village. At the entrance, Chief Prowlus was waiting for him, with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "So, you are really going to be that foolish, seeking out dragons to help us, like Hunter."

"Call me what you want, Prowlus. But I will do everything that is possible to save my father, and protect the village, instead of hiding behind our wooden walls..." Jaeger answered, in a cold tone, while walking past him, and laying the coat of his father over his body, covering his face with the hood as he stepped outside, into the unknown wilderness...

Jaeger sighted, as he was remembering that dialouge... Since the day he left, it haunted him like a nightmare, the constant pressure to safe his father, was not making his journey any easier... Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, to clear his mind, Jaeger folded the hand-drawn map from his father and stashe it away again, while he looked up glancing at the massive walls that were shielding the rebuild Dragon city. Nearly one month he traveled to come this far, and now, where he was standing in front of the main gate, another one of his fathers' stories came into his mind, no matter how often he was telling Jaeger of how big and mighty the dragon city looked, standing in front of it, he felt small, and looked over his shoulder, back the way he came, in the hope that would see his village, that was hidden behind mountains he climbed  on his way, and a dark forest he travelled trough...

Shaking his head, he then entered the main gate, that was opened, and he immeadiatly was greeted by two guards, moles to be precise.
"Good day, foreigner. What brings you into our town, would like to see our market?" One of the moles asked Jaeger, him still being covered in his cloak.
"No... I am looking for the dragons, it is urgent." He answered in a calm voice, and the moles both pointed up to the upper levels of the city.
"Thanks." Jaeger then said, while already making his way to one of the big staircases, wich would lead him further up, one way or another.
"This place is a maze..." Jaeger mumbled softly, as he was finding himself on a rather big plaza, looking around for a way to go.


#10 Dec 01, 2014 9:50 PM

From: Straight Outta Poland
Registered: May 04, 2014
Posts: 1,038
Gems: -27
Birthday: 11 November
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#11 Dec 02, 2014 2:35 AM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
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Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.


#12 Dec 02, 2014 5:23 AM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

(( So are why gonna go now? ))


#13 Dec 02, 2014 5:28 AM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
Gems: 0
Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

((Yes, other interested can join in on the run))


#14 Dec 02, 2014 5:33 AM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

(( Than you start. Tell me when I can add my characters. I need to go to school now, so see you later. ))


#15 Dec 02, 2014 5:37 AM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 30, 2014
Posts: 12
Gems: 0
Age: 31 years old
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

((I have already posted..... Scroll up to the point before Edge. And btw, I'd appreciate long, detailed posts, no one-liners))


#16 Dec 06, 2014 6:26 AM

From: Israel
Registered: May 10, 2014
Posts: 3,192
Gems: -15
Gender: Male

Re: ((TLoS)) Infestation: The Awakening.

((Okay, sorry for not being active, a lot of tests... Question: What kind of writing I need to do? Script? ))


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